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丹东生态环境监测业务系统是用于生态环境监测日常业务观测,编制各类观测报文及数据上网传输的实用型业务系统。系统采取多窗157结构框架,合理布局功能窗口界面,兼容了地面气象观测数据文件格式,统一数据检查标准,观测数据处理更为准确有效。并以VB6.0可视化语言为开发工具适应不用版本Windows操作系统。基于生态环境监测数据统计、数据分析和数据发布为一体的多功能业务应用软件。  相似文献   

This study explored the national hydrogen refueling infrastructure requirement along major United States (US) interstate highway corridors to support the deployment of fuel cell electric trucks (FCETs) for the national long-haul trucking fleet. Given the long-haul trucking shipment demand in 2025 projected by the Freight Analysis Framework, locations and capacities of hydrogen stations were identified for inter-zone freight flows, and the total daily refueling demand was estimated for intra-zone flows for each FAF zone. Based on the infrastructure deployment results, we conducted an economic feasibility analysis of FCETs by evaluating the total ownership cost. We found that when the FCET penetration is relatively high (e.g., 10% penetration), FCETs become more competitive in terms of fuel cost and idling cost and could be economic viable if the incremental vehicle cost is reduced to meet the near-term FCET technology cost targets and the liquefaction cost is reduced to an optimal case. We also observed that the station cost depends on regional factors, particularly regional demand, which is used to determine station capacity. Thus, one possible strategy for station roll-out is to have early investment in target regions where station costs are expected to be relatively low such as the Pacific and West South Central regions.

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - Low-carbon pilot (LCP) policy aims to not only achieve economic development but also address climate change problems in China. With a...  相似文献   
降解含酚工业废水微生物的筛选及生态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究从含酚工业废水处理厂的活性污泥中分离出62株细菌和2株酵母菌,经过不同酚浓度的筛选,得到了9株抗高浓度酚的优良菌株.在人工模拟控制的条件下,对曝气法处理含酚废水的微生物动力学进行了研究,试验结果表明,在温度为35℃、pH 为5—6的条件下,这些微生物降解酚的效率最高.  相似文献   
从环境水文地质学的角度出发,对济南市地下水污染的主要途径和方式,以及局部地下水重污染区进行了较为详细的分析,济南市地下水污染以浅层地下水污染为主,局部地区深层地下水也已受到污染,并有进一步加重的趋势,地下水严重超采,造成多处地表塌陷和降落漏斗,并成为济南市地下水的重污染区。  相似文献   
在区域微细粒浸染型(卡林型)金矿床物源、成矿作用和构造控矿等方面研究的基础上,重点讨论了桂西北隆或金矿的地质地球化学特征。研究结果表明,该金矿店的穹隆构造、深断裂控矿、多层位赋矿和围岩蚀变等矿床地质特征,在滇黔桂三省区交界地区微细粒浸染型金矿中既具有普遍性,又表现出特殊性,其原生成矿硅质流体可能主要直接来自深部岩浆源分异作用,但由于是在地壳中成矿.不可避免地受到部分地层的物质和流体的混杂,因而属于地慢上隆-构造岩浆活化分异-深大断裂导矿-次级断裂、背科控矿-交代充填成矿的中偏低温热液金矿床。  相似文献   
本文提出一种以废治无污染的处理煤系硫铁矿的工艺。该工艺利用硫酸生产过程中所产生的废渣中的氧化铁,经处理后在硫酸介质中与硫铁矿反应,使硫铁矿中的硫和铁及烧渣中的铁资源得到充分的回收利用,既有利于环境保护,又具有良好的经济效益。  相似文献   
根据近两年高邮市试点工作经验,介绍基本农田分等定级的环境监测与评价方法,认为积极开展农田环境监测并进行科学评价是基本农田保护的重要工作内容。  相似文献   
炼油装置运行周期评估技术通过统计、分析装置故障数据,计算特定时间段装置的可靠性,进而获得装置可靠性随时间的变化规律和装置可靠性最差设备排序。介绍了该技术在某常减压装置的应用,应用结果表明,该评估技术为科学确定炼油装置运行周期提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
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