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六氯苯和重金属复合污染沉积物的电动力学修复研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
以某化工厂排污沟渠中受六氯苯(hexachlorobenzene,HCB)、锌和镍复合污染的实际沉积物为对象,研究非离子表面活性剂OP-10对沉积物中污染物的增溶解吸效果和电动力学修复污染物的强化迁移效果。解吸实验结果表明:OP-10对HCB增溶解吸效果较好,对重金属离子的解吸有一定的促进作用。电动力学修复发现,随电渗析流进入沉积物中的OP-10很快的吸附在靠近阳极沉积物上,从而阻碍了助剂的输送并影响HCB的迁移,而靠近阴极区域沉积物中的有机质迁移会促进HCB的去除。沉积物pH变化引起的重金属沉淀是制约锌迁移的主要因素。镍的整体迁移效果不明显。 相似文献
Sulfur-containing amino acid methionine as the precursor of volatile organic sulfur compounds in algea-induced black bloom 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
After the application of methionine, a progressive and significant increase occurred in five volatile organic sulfur compounds (VOSCs): methanethiol (MeSH), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), dimethyl disulfide (DMDS), dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) and dimethyl tetrasulfide (DMTeS). Even in the untreated control without a methionine addition, methionine and its catabolites (VOSCs, mainly DMDS) were found in considerable amounts that were high enough to account for the water’s offensive odor. However, blackening only occurred in two methionine-amended treatments. The VOSCs production was observed to precede black color development, and the reaching of a peak value for total VOSCs was often followed by water blackening. The presence of glucose stimulated the degradation of methionine while postponing the occurrence of the black color and inhibiting the production of VOSCs. In addition, DMDS was found to be the most abundant species produced after the addition of methionine alone, and DMTeS appeared to be the most important compound produced after the addition of methionine+glucose. These results suggest that methionine acted as an important precursor of the VOSCs in lakes suffering from algea-induced black bloom. The existence of glucose may change the transformation pathway of methionine into VOSCs to form larger molecular weight compounds, such as DMTS and DMTeS. 相似文献
Jian Zhou Zegang Wang Zhiwei Huang Chao Lu Zhuo Han Jianfeng Zhang Huimin Jiang Cailin Ge Juncheng Yang 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2014,26(3):650-661
The responses of sulfur (S) uptake assimilation-related genes' expression in roots of two rice cultivars to cadmium (Cd), bensulfuron-methyl (BSM) and their co-contamination (Cd+BSM) were investigated by gene-chip microarray analysis and quantitative real-time PCR (QRT-PCR) technology. Treatments of Cd and Cd+BSM induced expression of sulfate transporter and permease genes, and promoted sulfate uptake in rice roots. Cd+BSM could alleviate Cd toxicity to cv. Fengmeizhan seedlings, probably due to Cd+BSM promoting greater S absorption by seedlings. Cd and Cd+BSM induced expression of sulfate assimilation-related genes, and thus activated the sulfur assimilation pathway. Cd and Cd+BSM induced expression of phytochelatin synthase and metallothionein genes, and induced expression of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), glutathione synthase (GS) and S- containing antioxidation enzyme genes, which detoxified Cd2+. It is suggested that (to cope with the toxicity of Cd, BSM and their co-contamination) the S uptake and assimilation pathway was activated in rice roots by increased expression of related genes, thus enhancing the supply of organic S for synthesis of Cd or BSM resistance-related substances. 相似文献
基于老化对纳米零价铁(NZVI)去除水中Cr(VI)的不利影响,本研究考察了接种嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)强化老化NZVI对水中Cr(VI)的去除,并分析了溶解氧、温度、pH、Cr(VI)初始浓度对其去除Cr(VI)的影响,同时利用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)等分析了反应前后材料的形貌特征及Cr的价态变化.结果表明,接种嗜水气单胞菌能显著提高无氧条件下老化NZVI对Cr(VI)的去除效果,且在酸性条件和30~40 ℃条件下去除效果较好,可能是因为该条件下更有利于老化NZVI的腐蚀和微生物的生长,此外,Cr(VI)去除效率随Cr(VI)初始浓度升高而降低.在pH=6,温度为30 ℃,老化nZVI投加量为0.1 g·L-1,Cr(VI)初始浓度为50 mg·L-1的条件下反应24 h后,Cr(VI)的去除率可达到100%.XPS分析表明,反应后NZVI表面沉积的Cr主要以Cr(III)的形式存在,可能为Cr(OH)3沉淀或FexCr1-x(OH)3共沉淀物.动力学研究发现,Cr(VI)去除过程符合准二级动力学,去除机制为Cr(VI)的吸附、还原与共沉淀,其中以还原作用为主. 相似文献
选取太湖富营养化相对较严重的梅梁湾北部(ML)与西五里湖(WL)为研究对象,对沉积物及其间隙水中的无机硫形态进行了分析.结果表明,WL 和ML 间隙水中Fe2+的平均含量分别为72.1~162.7µmol/L 和63.0~182.7µmol/L,是∑S2-的18 倍和6 倍,分析认为,太湖沉积物中的还原环境是以Fe3+为主导而并非SO42-.沉积物中酸性可挥发性硫化物(AVS)的含量为1.0~11.7µmol/g,在未受污染湖泊范围之内.黄铁矿态硫(Pyrite-S)/AVS>3,表明AVS 能够高效地转化为黄铁矿,也说明黄铁矿是SO42-还原的主要产物.沉积物中黄铁矿化程度(DOP)<10%、硫化程度(DOS)<14%,说明黄铁矿的形成主要受SO42-的控制. 相似文献
采用连续流搅拌槽式反应器(CSTR)为实验装置,探讨了利用新型发酵产氢菌R3的生物制氢反应器的启动与运行情况.实验表明,维持反应器内pH在4.5左右、COD启动值为6000 mg·L-1、水力停留时间为8 h等条件,可在30 d内完成反应器内菌种对环境的适应并进入稳定运行阶段,此时系统氧化还原电位(HRT)稳定在-400mV左右.系统内的液相末端发酵产物中乙醇含量最大,占发酵产物总含量的65%,乙醇和乙酸所占比例为95%,系统呈现明显的乙醇型发酵特性.启动和运行阶段的积累产氢量为399.33 L,最大产氢量达15768.8 mL·d-1,最大氢气产率为49.94%.有机氮源可被微生物利用而无机氮源对产氢并无太大影响.使用有机氮源和磷源时积累产气量、积累产氢量和发酵液相末端产物与空白对照相比有所增大. 相似文献