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ABSTRACT: Floodwater-retarding impoundments, controlling 68 percent of the drainage area of Tonkawa Creek, a Washita River tributary in southwestern Oklahoma, have reduced the total flow volume about 36 percent over a 5-year period. Analyses showed the reduction occurred primarily in the less-than-2.5-cfs flow range, indicating the base flow regime has been altered. However, channelizing the downstream, mild-sloped, 3.6 miles of Tonkawa Creek that flows across a Washita River terrace increased the flow volume fourfold at the outlet. A double-masscurve analysis of water yield from a 1,127-square-mile Washita basin segment versus an untreated tributary showed the yield has not changed after 25 percent of the tributary area had been treated. Therefore, the flow reduction caused by structures is being offset by increased yields from channelization.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Iron, added as (Fe-EDTA)-, was found stimulatory to V. spiralis at a concentration of 0.05 ppm. (Fe-EDTA)- had no effect upon growth of V. neotropicalis as measured by changes in dissolved oxygen and dry weight. Results are compared with those derived from similar studies with Hydrilla verticillata and Egeria densa. The implications of lake drawdown and aeration are discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A monthly model and two daily models (I and II) are presented for the purpose of generating monthly and daily rainfall sequences in the Quae Yai river basin in Thailand. Performance of the models are evaluated by comparing the statistical parameters of the generated sequences with those from historical data. For monthly generation, Thomas-Fiering model worked satisfactorily in spite of the monthly correlations being weak, if any. Daily Model I, which assumes no persistence between daily rainfall amounts within the wet spells, could not preserve some important parameters regardless of the simplicity in model construction. Application of multi-state transition probability matrix model gave good results, although the user has to modify some parameters looking at the performance of the model for each historical record.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. .Eighteen rural lakes in Lubbock County were sampled on a routine basis following runoff-producing rainfall for a period of approximately eighteen months to determine whether or not runoff from intensively farmed agricultural areas contained significant concentrations of nitrates, phosphates, herbicides, or insecticides. An additional fifteen lakes lying within a triangle bounded by the cities of Plainview, Canyon, and Hereford, Texas, were sampled one time during the summer of 1969 to provide additional data regarding the nature and extent of the potential problem in an area with a different soil type and a slightly different cropping pattern. Based on results of detailed analyses of approximately two hundred samples of water collected from the lakes and an equal number of sediment samples collected from the same lakes at the same time, it appears that the concentrations of all chemical pollutants in runoff from agricultural lands in the High Plains are well below the allowable concentrations for drinking water.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT .A study was conducted in two arid zones to determine the effect of saline water applied to various crops growing in coarse-textured soil, using trickle irrigation. The test crops responded most favorably to this new method of water application in terms of plant development and yield. The method provides us with the possibility of raising the permissible salinity level of irrigation water, and thus to increase the water reserves suitable for agricultural use in the world.  相似文献   
Only very recently has a limited amount of attention been focused directly on electrophoresis as a method for improving water quality. This approach has been proposed primarily as a method for removal of suspended colloidal material, although solutes can also be removed by this method. Very simply electrophoresis is defined as the movement of charged suspended particles in a dc electric field. Several electrophoretic clarification systems and techniques have been developed and evaluated primarily for removing colloidal clay from suspension. The methods should apply equally well to any negatively charged particulate matter. Design for optimal clay removal efficiency and operating cost efficiency has been based upon previous theoretical results and upon modification of the combination filter-el ectrophores is model of Bier. These systems and techniques along with the theoretical developments leading to their design are discussed. Results and conclusions are given for tests that have been concluded concerning the feasibility or practicality of these electrophoretic clarification systems for commercial use. These are viewed in light of various limiting factors such as electrical conductivity of the medium, quality of water desired, colloid concentrations and electrophoretic mobility of the suspended materials.  相似文献   
Hypsographs are graphic depictions of the vertical distributions of volumes or masses of water in lakes, ponds, or reservoirs. Quantitative limnological science or engineering must use a hypsograph, or a more complex equivalent system, to undertake calculations of water constituent concentration data by mathematical weighting. Construction of the graph is simple and described. Exemplary uses of the hypsograph are presented.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A large-scale simulation/optimization model provides schedules for operation of water and power for the California State Water Project (SWP). The SWP consists of a series of reservoirs linked by rivers, pumping plants, canals, tunnels, and generating plants and is operated by the California Department of Water Resources. The Department provides water to municipal and agricultural users, and manages its electrical loads and resources. The model, therefore, performs hydraulic and electrical computations leading to optimal operation of the entire system. It consists of hydraulic network programming components to meet the storage objectives at all the reservoirs, a linear programming component to determine the schedules at pumping and generating plants, an electrical network programming component to balance electrical loads and resources, and a number of other simulation components. It operates on yearly, weekly, and daily bases. It is primarily used for real-time operation of the SWP and can provide hourly detail schedules which are implemented by the SWP staff via a computerized system.  相似文献   
Long-term depletion of calcium and other nutrients in eastern US forests   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Both harvest removal and leaching losses can deplete nutrient capital in forests, but their combined long-term effects have not been assessed previously. We estimated changes in total soil and biomass N, Ca, K, Mg, and P over 120 years from published data for a spruce-fir site in Maine, two northern hardwood sites in New Hampshire, central hardwood sites in Connecticut and Tennessee, and a loblolly pine site in Tennessee. For N, atmospheric inputs counterbalance the outputs, and there is little long-term change on most sites. For K, Mg, and P, the total pool may decrease by 2%–10% in 120 years depending on site and harvest intensity. For Ca, net leaching loss is 4–16 kg/ha/yr in mature forests, and whole-tree harvest removes 200–1100 kg/ha. Such leaching loss and harvest removal could reduce total soil and biomass Ca by 20%–60% in only 120 years. We estimated unmeasured Ca inputs from rock breakdown, root-zone deepening, and dry deposition; these should not be expected to make up the Ca deficit. Acid precipitation may be the cause of current high leaching of Ca. Although Ca deficiency does not generally occur now in acid forest soils, it seems likely if anthropogenic leaching and intensive harvest removal continue.  相似文献   
The provision of sheltered housing for sale in Scotland has experienced rapid growth since the opening of the first scheme in 1982. Development has been geographically concentrated in a small number of inner city and rural (coastal) areas. The expectation of continued rapid expansion is unlikely if recent trends of slower growth continue. This paper uses evidence from interviews with developers and owners of sheltered and mainstream housing, to examine the possible future contribution of the private market. On the basis of such evidence it raises questions about the relevance of some existing planning policies.  相似文献   
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