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This paper describes a participatory multi-stakeholder impact assessment approach based on the concept of a value tree (VT), generated using the value focused thinking method (VFT) developed by Keeney (1992 Keeney, R. 1992. Value-focused thinking, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.  [Google Scholar]). This approach allows stakeholders to specify impact parameters to be evaluated, which in the context of the VT, are organized as goals, objectives and alternatives. The approach is implemented in two phases: Phase I is designed to formulate stakeholders' collective VT following VFT concepts and the cognitive mapping method, and Phase II is a participatory valuation approach based on the VT formed in Phase I. The VT and the VFT concepts are adopted as tools to capture different stakeholders' values, goals and perceptions. The resulting VT is structured as a hierarchy between goals and objectives, and a network consisting of relationships, linkages and cross-impacts of the different alternatives and objectives. The hierarchy and network structure enables stakeholders to decompose complex assessment problem into ‘smaller’ units, which makes for easier and clearer assessment context, without ignoring linkages of the units or assessment elements. The second phase allows stakeholders to express their preferences with respect to each assessment element, through a voting system that ultimately leads to measures of importance or relative weights associated with each element. A modified Analytic Hierarchy Process (called Analytic Network Process) was used to distill relative weights from the voting results. Results obtained from a case study in a Zimbabwean community forest show that the proposed approach is easy to implement and can address questions about whether a project can lead to a positive change in attitudes, and whether the changes actually lead to a propensity to adopt alternatives that the project supports (e.g. conservation-oriented alternatives).  相似文献   
In this study, a tailor-made biocatalyst consisting of a co-immobilized lignolytic enzyme cascade on multi-functionalized magnetic silica microspheres (MSMS) was developed. Physical adsorption was the most promising strategy for the synthesis of individual immobilized laccase (IL), immobilized versatile peroxidase (IP), as well as co-immobilized laccase (Lac) and versatile peroxidase (VP) with an enzyme activity recovery of about 79, 93, 27, and 27.5%, respectively. Similarly, the biocatalytic load of 116, 183, 23.6, and 31 U/g was obtained for IL, IP, and co-immobilized Lac and VP, respectively. The co-immobilized enzyme system exhibited better pH stability than the free and individual immobilized system by retaining more than 100% residual activity at pH 7.0 after a 150-h incubation; whereas, the thermal stability and kinetics of the co-immobilized biocatalyst were not much improved. IL and IP could be recycled for 10 cycles after which they retained 31 and 44% of their initial activities. Co-immobilized Lac and VP were reused for ten consecutive cycles at the end of which Lac activity was depleted, and 37% of VP activity was left. Free enzymes, IL, IP, co-immobilized Lac, and VP were applied to biorefinery wastewater (BRW) in a batch study to investigate the transformation of phenolic contaminants over a period of 5 days. The major classes of phenolic constituents in terms of their order of removal in a Lac-VP system was phenol >2-chlorophenol > trichlorophenol > dichlorophenol > cresols > dimethylphenol >2 methyl- 4, 6-dinitrophenol > 4-nitrophenol > tetrachlorophenols > pentachlorophenol. The free enzymes and individually immobilized enzymes resulted in 80% dephenolization in 5 days. By contrast, the co-immobilized biocatalyst provided rapid dephenolization yielding the same 80% removal within 24 h and 96% removal of phenols in 60 h after which the system stabilized, which is the major advantage of the co-immobilized biocatalyst.
? Graphical abstract
The objective of this present study is to examine the effect of nanobubbles on the physical properties improvement in the chosen water sample. So far, the research outcomes stated that the physical properties could be enhanced by addition of nanoparticles, but very few studies were performed with nanobubbles. The unique properties of nanobubbles (70–120 nanometers) explain their use in a wide range of engineering fields. Simple method for producing nanobubbles in a variety of aqueous solutions along with examples of their use is outlined in this work. Global environmental issues, including the deterioration and depletion of water supply are driving today's need for water treatment technology. As a solution, the use of micro- and nano-bubble (MNB) technologies in wastewater treatment has evolved. This page discuss the fundamentals of water treatment research, including their stability of bubbles, manufacturing processes, and chemical and physical features.  相似文献   
A mercury resistant bacterial strain SE2 was isolated from contaminated soil.The 16 s rRNA gene sequencing confirms the strain as Sphingopyxis belongs to the Sphingomonadaceae family of the α-Proteobacteria group.The isolate showed high resistance to mercury with estimated concentrations of Hg that caused 50%reduction in growth(EC_(50)) of 5.97 and 6.22 mg/L and minimum inhibitory concentrations(MICs) of 32.19 and 34.95 mg/L in minimal and rich media,respectively.The qualitative detection of volatilized mercury and the presence of mercuric reductase enzyme proved that the strain SE2 can potentially remediate mercury.ICP-QQQ-MS analysis of the remaining mercury in experimental broths indicated that a maximum of 44%mercury was volatilized within 6 hr by live SE2 culture.Furthermore a small quantity(23%) of mercury was accumulated in live cell pellets.While no volatilization was caused by dead cells,sorption of mercury was confirmed.The mercuric reductase gene merA was amplified and sequenced.Homology was observed among the amino acid sequences of mercuric reductase enzyme of different organisms from a-Proteobacteria and ascomycota groups,  相似文献   
An application of a newly developed optimal monitoring network for the delineation of contaminants in groundwater is demonstrated in this study. Designing a monitoring network in an optimal manner helps to delineate the contaminant plume with a minimum number of monitoring wells at optimal locations at a contaminated site. The basic principle used in this study is that the wells are installed where the measurement uncertainties are minimum at the potential monitoring locations. The development of the optimal monitoring network is based on the utilization of contaminant concentration data from an existing initial arbitrary monitoring network. The concentrations at the locations that were not sampled in the study area are estimated using geostatistical tools. The uncertainty in estimating the contaminant concentrations at such locations is used as design criteria for the optimal monitoring network. The uncertainty in the study area was quantified by using the concentration estimation variances at all the potential monitoring locations. The objective function for the monitoring network design minimizes the spatial concentration estimation variances at all potential monitoring well locations where a monitoring well is not to be installed as per the design criteria. In the proposed methodology, the optimal monitoring network is designed for the current management period and the contaminant concentration data estimated at the potential observation locations are then used as the input to the network design model. The optimal monitoring network is designed for the consideration of two different cases by assuming different initial arbitrary existing data. Three different scenarios depending on the limit of the maximum number of monitoring wells that can be allowed at any period are considered for each case. In order to estimate the efficiency of the developed optimal monitoring networks, mass estimation errors are compared for all the three different scenarios of the two different cases. The developed methodology is useful in coming up with an optimal number of monitoring wells within the budgetary limitations. The methodology also addresses the issue of redundancy, as it refines the existing monitoring network without losing much information of the network. The concept of uncertainty-based network design model is useful in various stages of a potentially contaminated site management such as delineation of contaminant plume and long-term monitoring of the remediation process.  相似文献   
Ship-based observations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) between 17 July 2009 and 17 Aug 2009 offered an excellent opportunity to evaluate the land–ocean contrast of surface CO2 and facilitated its comparison with model simulated CO2 concentrations. Elevated values of CO2 with large variability near the coastal region and relatively low values with correspondingly lower variability over the open ocean suggest that this observed CO2 variability over the ocean essentially captures the differences in terrestrial and oceanic CO2 fluxes. Although the region under investigation is well known for its atmospheric intraseasonal oscillations of Indian summer monsoon during July and August, the limited duration of observations performed from a moving ship in a research cruise, is not able to capture any high-frequency variability of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. But band-passed sea surface temperature and wind anomalies do indicate strong intraseasonal variability over the study region during the observational period. The synoptic data, albeit quite short in duration, thus offer a clear benchmark for abrupt variability of CO2 concentration between land and ocean.  相似文献   
Biodiversity conservation work can be challenging but rewarding, and both aspects have potential consequences for conservationists’ mental health. Yet, little is known about patterns of mental health among conservationists and its associated workplace protective and risk factors. A better understanding might help improve working conditions, supporting conservationists’ job satisfaction, productivity, and engagement, while reducing costs from staff turnover, absenteeism, and presenteeism. We surveyed 2311 conservation professionals working in 122 countries through an internet survey shared via mailing lists, social media, and other channels. We asked them about experiences of psychological distress, working conditions, and personal characteristics. Over half were from and worked in Europe and North America, and most had a university-level education, were in desk-based academic and practitioner roles, and responded in English. Heavy workload, job demands, and organizational instability were linked to higher distress, but job stability and satisfaction with one's contributions to conservation were associated with lower distress. Respondents with low dispositional and conservation-specific optimism, poor physical health, and limited social support, women, and early-career professionals were most at risk of distress in our sample. Our results flag important risk factors that employers could consider, although further research is needed among groups underrepresented in our sample. Drawing on evidence-based occupational health interventions, we suggest measures that could promote better working conditions and thus may improve conservationists’ mental health and abilities to protect nature.  相似文献   
Background Monitoring biological responses that are mediated via the aryl-hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in animals exposed to environmental contaminants can indicate both the presence to chemicals that act through this biochemical pathway and whether these chemicals are bioavailable. Objectives The use of an ex-situ method that incorporated biological responsiveness monitoring in mice for determining the presence of ‘biologically active’ hydrocarbons in contaminated soils was investigated. Methods The use of C57BL/6 as a test organism was validated by determining hepatic and immune responsiveness to two polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): 3,4 benz[a]pyrene (B[a]P) and 1,2 benz (a)anthracene (BA) administered via intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection. The responsiveness of mice exposed to soils spiked with hydrocarbons or ex situ exposures to soil removed from two contaminated sites was also investigated. Results and Discussion Mice that were exposed to B[a]P via i.p. injections showed a 14-fold increase in liver microsomal ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity compared to the control group. In contrast EROD activity following BA exposure at the same level was not significantly enhanced. Mouse immune response was significantly inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by i.p. injections of B[a]P. No significant inhibition occurred with the same doses of BA. Following i.p. exposure, the retention of B[a]P in mouse carcasses was greater than BA. Mice exposed to clean soils spiked with environmentally relevant concentrations of B[a]P and BA failed to show any significantly different hepatic or immune responses. Carcass residue data indicated a limited uptake of PAH from the soil. In contrast, EROD activity in mice exposed (ex situ) to hydrocarbon-contaminated soils removed from a fuel-loading depot and decommissioned gas works was significantly enhanced (4- and 2-fold respectively). However, this increase in EROD activity did not appear to correlate with either soil or carcass PAH concentrations. Conclusions and Outlook These results support the assumption that B[a]P has a higher affinity for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) compared to BA. Soil parameters such as organic carbon content, structure and particle size distribution can modulate the bioavailability of contaminants to biological receptors. These factors are implicated in the lack of responsiveness demonstrated in the spiked soil experiments. However the responsiveness of EROD activity in mice exposed (ex situ) to soil contaminated with complex mixtures of hydrocarbon compounds confirms the potential usefulness of this model to determine the presence of ‘biologically active’ compounds in aged soils removed from contaminated sites.  相似文献   
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