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Removal of selenium (Se) from agricultural drainage water is important in protecting wetland wildlife. Three flow-through bioreactor channel systems (BCSs), each with three channels filled with rice (Oryza sativa L.) straw, were set in the laboratory to determine removal of selenate [Se(VI)] (1020 microg L(-1)) from drainage water with a salinity of 10.4 dS m(-1), a pH of 8.1, and a nitrate (NO3-) range of 0 to 100 mg L(-1). Results showed that the rice straw effectively reduced Se(VI) during 122 to 165 d of the experiments. Calculation of Se mass in the three BCSs showed that 89.5 to 91.9% of the input Se(VI) was reduced to red elemental Se [Se(0)], where 96.6 to 98.2% was trapped in the BCSs. Losses of each gram of rice straw were almost equal to the removal of 1.66 mg of Se from the drainage water as a form of red Se(0), indicating that rice straw is a very effective organic source for removing Se(VI) from drainage water.  相似文献   
Extensive use of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] in various industrial applications has caused substantial environmental contamination. Chromium-resistant bacteria isolated from soils can be used to remove toxic Cr(VI) from contaminated environments. This study was conducted to isolate chromium-resistant bacteria from soils contaminated with dichromate and describes the effects of some environmental factors such as pH, temperature, and time on Cr(VI) reduction and resistance. We found that chromium-resistant bacteria can tolerate 2500 mg L(-1) Cr(VI), but most of the isolates tolerated and reduced Cr(VI) at concentrations lower than 1500 mg L(-1). Chromate reduction activity of whole cells was detected in five isolates. Most of these isolates belong to the genus Bacillus as identified by the 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Maximal Cr(VI) reduction was observed at the optimum pH (7.0-9.0) and temperature (30 degrees C) of growth. One bacterial isolate (Bacillus sp. ES 29) was able to aerobically reduce 90% of Cr(VI) in six hours. The Cr(VI) reduction activity of the whole cells of five isolates had a K(M) of 0.271 (2.61 mM) to 1.51 mg L(-1) (14.50 mM) and a V(max) of 88.4 (14.17 nmol min(-1)) to 489 mg L9-1) h(-1) (78.36 nmol min(-1)). Our consortia and monocultures of these isolates can be useful for Cr(VI) detoxification at low and high concentrations in Cr(VI)-contaminated environments and under a wide range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Intensive livestock operations can release odorous gases from stored or land-applied manure. We measured concentrations of dust and 14 odor-causing gases at increasing distances from four feedlots near Lethbridge, southern Alberta, Canada. Concentration was determined from the amount of total dust or gas accumulated in the sampIers, and the volume of air sampled. Adjacent the feedlots, the maximum concentration of many volatile fatty acids exceeded reported odor detection thresholds; the maximum ammonia concentration was close to the threshold. Ammonia and butyric acid approached or exceeded their individual odor thresholds as far as 200 m downwind of the feedlots. Highest concentrations were measured adjacent to land where manure was being applied. None of the odorant concentrations exceeded their irritation threshold. There was a positive relationship between ammonia concentration and odor intensity as well as dry deposition. Much of the emitted ammonia was deposited to soil immediately downwind, enough to supply all the nitrogen needed for crop growth. Odorant concentrations declined sharply with distance, though measurable odor occasionally persisted to 1 km from the feedlot, beyond the minimum separation guidelines (Alberta) for a single residential dwelling. The weekly averaged total suspended particulates (> 5 microm) were below the Alberta guideline criterion except for one period. Differences among feedlots in odorant plume concentrations were partly related to the stocking density of feedlots, which presumably affects manure moisture and amount of volatiles within the pens.  相似文献   
Soil ingestion by children is an important pathway in assessing public health risks associated with exposure to arsenic-contaminated soils. Soil chemical methods are available to extract various pools of soil arsenic, but their ability to measure bioavailable arsenic from soil ingestion is unknown. Arsenic extracted by five commonly used soil extractants was compared with bioavailable arsenic measured in vivo by immature swine (Sus scrofa) dosing trials. Fifteen contaminated soils that contained 233 to 17 500 mg kg(-1) arsenic were studied. Soil extractants were selected to dissolve surficially adsorbed and/or readily soluble arsenic (water, 1 M sodium acetate, 0.1 M Na2HPO4/0.1 M NaH2PO4) and arsenic in Fe and Mn oxide minerals (hydroxylamine hydrochloride, ammonium oxalate). The mean percent of total arsenic extracted was: ammonium oxalate (53.6%) > or = hydroxylamine hydrochloride (51.7%) > phosphate (10.5%), acetate (7.16%) > water (0.15%). The strongest relationship between arsenic determined by soil chemical extraction and in vivo bioavailable arsenic was found for hydroxylamine hydrochloride extractant (r = 0.88, significant at the 0.01 probability level). Comparison of the amount of arsenic extracted by soil methods with bioavailable arsenic showed the following trend: ammonium oxalate, hydroxylamine hydrochloride > in vivo > phosphate, acetate > water. The amount of arsenic dissolved in the stomach (potentially bioavailable) is between surficially adsorbed (extracted by phosphate or acetate) and surficially adsorbed + nonsurficial forms in Fe and Mn oxides (extracted by hydroxylamine hydrochloride or ammonium oxalate). Soil extraction methods that dissolve some of the amorphous Fe, such as hydroxylamine hydrochloride, can be designed to provide closer estimates of bioavailable arsenic.  相似文献   
Fly ash samples from five power stations in Western Australia and Queensland, and two soils used for horticulture in Western Australia, were evaluated for a series of physical and chemical properties. Soils were comprised primarily of coarse sand-sized particles, whereas most of the fly ashes were primarily fine sand- and silt-sized particles. Hydraulic conductivities in the fly ashes were 105- to 248-fold slower than in the soils. The water-holding capacities of fly ashes at "field capacity" were three times higher than those of the soils. Extractable P in the fly ashes (except Tarong and Callide) were 20- to 88-fold higher than in the soils. The pH showed considerable variation among the different sources of fly ash, with samples from Muja being the most acidic (pH = 3.8; 1:5 in CaCl2 extract) and from Gladstone the most alkaline (pH = 9.9). The toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) values indicate that the potential for release of trace elements from the fly ashes was well below regulatory levels. When applied at sufficient rates (e.g., to achieve 10% w/w in surface layers) to sandy soils, fly ash altered texture and increased water-holding capacity. Depending on the source of fly ash used, such amendments could also provide P and aid nutrient retention by increasing the phosphorus retention index (PRI) and/or cation exchange capacity (CEC). The considerable variability in physical and chemical properties among the fly ash samples evaluated in the present study supports the notion that field trials are essential to the future development of soil amendment strategies making use of any particular source of fly ash.  相似文献   
Many soils of the Mediterranean region with a semiarid climate are subjected to progressive degradation as a result of water erosion. Biosolids and municipal solid wastes (MSW) were surface-applied once at three rates (40, 80, and 120 Mg ha(-1)) to different plots in a degraded semiarid ecosystem. The study was conducted to determine the effects of such applications on soil chemical properties and native vegetation over a three-year period. Soil N, P, and K initially increased with increasing biowaste application rates, but then decreased over time. Levels of Zn and Cu were higher in MSW than biosolid-treated plots, and increased in both years after application. Concentrations of soil Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cr did not change as a result of biowaste amendment in the study period. The growth of native plants was enhanced by the addition of biowastes. Total plant canopy and plant biomass increased significantly and remained higher in all treatments than in the control plot over the three-year period. The species richness of native plants decreased with increasing biowaste rates. Differences in the development of native plant communities between treatments were observed, and were more remarkable three years after biowaste application. Tissue N, P, K, Zn, and Cu levels increased with the biowaste application rate, but concentrations of tissue Pb, Cd, Ni, and Cr did not increase significantly. Biowastes applied at the rate of 80 Mg ha(-1) gave rise to the most favorable soil and native vegetation results while avoiding environmental risks.  相似文献   
Enrichment and isolation of endosulfan-degrading microorganisms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Endosulfan (6,7,8,9,10,10-hexachloro-1,5,5a,6,9,9a-hexahydro-6,9-methano-2,3,4-benzo-dioxathiepin-3-oxide) is a cyclodiene organochlorine currently used as an insecticide all over the world and its residues are posing a serious environmental threat. This study reports the isolation and identification of enriched microorganisms, capable of degrading endosulfan. Enrichment was achieved by using the insecticide as either the sole source of carbon or sulfur in parallel studies. Two strains each of fungi (F1 and F4) and bacteria (BF2 and B4) were selected using endosulfan as a sole carbon source. A Pandoraea species (Lin-3) previously isolated in our laboratory using lindane (gamma-HCH) as a carbon source was also screened for endosulfan degradation. F1 and F4 (Fusarium ventricosum) degraded alpha-endosulfan by as much as 82.2 and 91.1% and beta-endosulfan by 78.5 and 89.9%, respectively, within 15 d of incubation. Bacterial strains B4 and Lin-3 degraded alpha-endosulfan up to 79.6 and 81.8% and beta-endosulfan up to 83.9 and 86.8%, respectively, in 15 d. Among the bacterial strains isolated by providing endosulfan as a sulfur source, B4s and F4t degraded alpha-endosulfan by as much as 70.4 and 68.5% and beta-endosulfan by 70.4 and 70.8%, respectively, after 15 d. Degradation of the insecticide occurred concomitant with bacterial growth reaching an optical density (OD600) of 0.366 and 0.322 for B4 and Lin-3, respectively. High OD600 was also noted with the other bacterial strains utilizing endosulfan as a sulfur source. Fungal and bacterial strains significantly decreased the pH of the nutrient culture media while growing on endosulfan. The results of this study suggest that these novel strains are a valuable source of potent endosulfan-degrading enzymes for use in enzymatic bioremediation.  相似文献   
The UK National Air Quality Strategy has required local authorities to review and assess air quality in their area of jurisdiction and determine locations in their areas where concentrations of specific air quality pollutants are predicted to exceed national air quality objectives in the future. Statutory air quality management areas (AQMAs) are designated where air quality is predicted to be above specified objective concentrations by specific target dates, and statutory air quality action plans will be necessary to improve the local air quality within these areas. Over 124 local authorities in England (including London), Wales and Scotland anticipate declaring AQMAs following the conclusion of the statutory air quality review and assessment process. However, other influences are being exerted on the local air quality management process and AQMA decision-making processes. Such influences include regional and sub- regional collaborative working between local authorities and government agencies and wider political decision-making processes. Some regions of Great Britain (encompassing England (including London), Scotland and Wales) anticipate many AQMA designations, whilst other regions are not anticipating any such designations despite apparently similar air quality circumstances. Evidence for regional or sub-regional variations in the locations of anticipated AQMAs are examined through an evaluation of the outcomes of the scientific review and assessment process undertaken by local authorities declaring AQMAs, and through a local authority survey to identify influences on decision-making processes at a level above that of the local authority. Regional variation is reported in the type of pollutant causing AQMAs to be declared, in the numbers of AQMAs in regions and in the spatial distribution of AQMAs across Great Britain.  相似文献   
/ Trials were conducted using an airborne video system operating in the visible, near-infrared, and thermal wavelengths to detect two known oil spill releases during darkness at a distance of 10 nautical miles from the shore in St. Vincent's Gulf, South Australia. The oil spills consisted of two 20-liter samples released at 2-h intervals, one sample consisted of paraffinic neutral material and the other of automotive diesel oil. A tracking buoy was sent overboard in conjunction with the release of sample 1, and its movement monitored by satellite relay. Both oil residues were overflown by a light aircraft equipped with thermal, visible, and infrared imagers at a period of approximately 1 h after the release of the second oil residue. Trajectories of the oil residue releases were also modeled and the results compared to those obtained by the airborne video and the tracking buoy. Airborne imagery in the thermal wavelengths successfully located and mapped both oil residue samples during nighttime conditions. Results from the trial suggest that the most advantageous technique would be the combined use of the tracking beacon to obtain an approximate location of the oil spill and the airborne imagery to ascertain its extent and characteristics.KEY WORDS: Airborne video; Thermal imagery; Global positioning; Oil-spill monitoring; Tracking beacon  相似文献   
Plastic lumber manufactured using post consumer waste plastic has been proposed as an acceptable material for use in the construction of docks, piers and bulkheads and is touted to outlast conventional wood products due to its strength, durability and resistance to rot. This study examines the long-term engineering properties of plastic lumber manufactured using post consumer waste plastic (TRIMAX, Ronkonkoma, NY). Plastic lumber profiles were used in the decking of a pier built in West Meadow Creek, Old Field, NY during December 1995. Samples of plastic lumber were removed from the deck of the pier periodically over a two-year period and returned to the laboratory for testing. Results of engineering tests showed the in-plane compression modulus (260±30 MPa), dimensional stability and the Shore D surface hardness (60±2) of plastic lumber removed from the pier remained similar to or greater than their pre-placement values. In contrast, significant changes in the modulus of elasticity of plastic lumber were measured with prolonged weathering. The modulus of elasticity of plastic lumber initially decreased from 1370 Pa to 750 Pa following 12 months weathering, a decrease equal to 45% of its pre-placement value and then increased during the second year to close to its initial value. The high variability in the modulus of elasticity should restrict the use of plastic lumber profiles to non-load bearing structural applications.  相似文献   
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