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西安市人为源挥发性有机物排放清单及研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
对西安市各类VOCs人为源进行系统分类,收集活动水平数据,应用国内外排放因子研究的最新成果,采用排放因子法建立了西安市2014年人为源VOCs排放清单.结果表明:2014年西安市人为源大气VOCs排放量为11.51×104t,其中,固定燃烧源、生物质燃烧源、工艺过程源、有机溶剂使用源、移动源、油品存储与销售源和废弃物处理源的排放量分别占VOCs排放总量的2.53%、3.32%、13.30%、51.50%、23.64%、4.82%和1.02%.油墨印刷、建筑涂料和汽车喷涂为有机溶剂使用源重点排放行业,VOCs排放量占到排放总量的48.89%;工艺过程源中化学药品、医药制造、原油加工和化学纤维为重点排放行业,VOCs排放量占到排放总量的10.19%.各区县中,长安区、雁塔区、未央区、碑林区VOCs排放量明显较高,其分担率分别为16.53%、14.88%、14.47%和12.99%.  相似文献   
白洁  陈琳  黄潇  胡春辉  赵阳国  李岿然 《环境科学》2018,39(10):4793-4801
从胶州湾沉积物中分离出1株异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌株B307,采用16S rRNA基因序列分析对该菌株进行鉴定,采用单因素实验对其进行条件优化和耐盐特性研究,并在最优条件下考察其在单一和混合氮源中的脱氮效果.结果表明,该菌为Zobellella sp.,其最佳碳源为丁二酸钠,最适C/N为5,最适初始p H为9,最适温度为35~40℃.该菌株在混合氮源体系中12 h对NH_4~+-N和NO_3~--N的去除率分别为98.35%和99.75%;在盐度为75 g·L~(-1)(以NaCl计)条件下24 h对NH_4~+-N和NO_3~--N去除率仍分别保持在97.67%和94.39%.表明该菌株具有高效的异养硝化-好氧反硝化能力和较强的耐盐特性,在高盐废水脱氮等领域具有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   
李祥  马航  黄勇  朱亮  杨朋兵  朱强 《环境科学》2016,37(7):2646-2651
在异养反硝化反应器中添加单质硫,实现硫自养与异养反硝化联合处理NO_3~-废水,探讨异养和硫自养反硝化协同过程中的p H恒定及污泥减量化的特性.结果表明,硫自养反硝化菌在异养反硝化反应器内能够实现快速生长.经过65d的运行,控制进水TOC/N为0.65~0.75时,协同反硝化在无额外碱添加的情况下,厌氧反硝化产生的碱度满足自养反硝化的需求;运行至116d时,协同反硝化的总氮去除率为85%以上,脱氮效能稳定在2.5 kg·(m~3·d)~(-1).通过与完全异养反硝化相比,协同反硝化的污泥产量仅为完全异养反硝化的60%,极大地降低了污泥产量.但是利用协同自养反硝化处理高浓度NO_3~--N废水时,存在NO_2~--N累积的现象,即使是最终稳定期也有20 mg·L~(-1),需进行深度处理.  相似文献   
2016—2017年武汉市城区大气PM2.5污染特征及来源解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2016年1月至2017年9月湖北省环境监测中心站大气复合污染自动监测站的在线监测数据,对武汉市城区PM2.5的污染特征及主要来源进行解析。结果表明,武汉市城区PM2.5质量浓度呈现出明显的季节差异,季节变化规律为冬季>春季>秋季>夏季。水溶性离子的主要成分SO42-、NO3-和NH4+占总离子质量浓度的82.0%。PM2.5中阴离子相对阳离子较为亏损,颗粒整体呈碱性。夏季气态污染物的氧化程度较高且SO2较NO2氧化程度高。后向轨迹分析结果表明,区域传输是武汉市PM2.5的一个重要来源,在4个典型重污染阶段,武汉市分别受到局地、东北、西北及西南方向气团传输的影响。PMF模型解析出武汉市PM2.5五大主要来源及平均贡献率:扬尘22.0%、机动车排放27.7%、二次气溶胶21.6%、重油燃烧14.9%和生物质燃烧13.8%。  相似文献   
研究了以丝瓜络作为生物膜载体的曝气浸没固定生物膜反应器在处理化粪池出水时的可行性以及运行性能。结果表明,丝瓜络生物膜反应器可以在2周内成功启动;水力停留时间(HRT)对COD和氨氮的去除效果有显著影响,在水力停留时间为4 h的条件下,系统对COD和氨氮的去除率分别达到了78.5%和96.4%。另外,系统有较强抗有机污染物冲击负荷的能力,当COD和氨氮的进水浓度分别为59.3 mg/L和15.9 mg/L时,系统对有机污染物的去除效果较佳,去除率分别达到了80.0%和98.9%。  相似文献   
SBBR同步硝化反硝化处理生活污水的影响因素   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
序批式生物膜反应器SBBR采用塑料鲍尔环填料,在有氧情况下用于处理实际生活污水.该反应器能很好地创造缺氧微环境,载体生物膜具有吸附储碳能力,出现了良好的同步硝化和反硝化现象.反应器中溶解氧浓度在较大的范围内(0.8~4.0 mg·L-1)能有效地实现同步硝化和反硝化.当溶解氧浓度大于4.0 mg·L-1后,TN容积去除率大幅下降,出水TN大幅上升.增加载体生物膜厚度有利于同步硝化和反硝化.进水浓度基本不影响脱氮的效率,但出水TN随进水浓度增加而升高,建议原水浓度高时可增加后续脱氮处理或减少进水量来满足出水要求.优化运行方法和参数后,SBBR连续运行的TN去除率可稳定在74%~82%.  相似文献   
采用全二维气相色谱-飞行时间质谱法(GC×GC TOF-MS)分析了混标样品Aroclor 1260、Aroclor 1254、Aroclor 1242中的多氯联苯(PCBs)单体,考察了在复杂体系下对7种PCBs指示剂的分离能力。结果表明,与优化柱系统的分离效果相比,136种单体的混标样品中共分离出121种单体,7种指示剂经一维和二维的保留时间及质谱定性,在121种单体的2D斑点图中清晰可辨。全二维对于复杂体系的PCBs和指示剂的分离表明其强大的分离能力和对于检测复杂体系中指示剂的分辨能力,对该类物质的定性和定量检测具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Aquatic fungi are common in various aqueous environments and play potentially crucial roles in nutrient and carbon cycling as well as interacting with other organisms. Species of Aspergillus are the most common fungi that occur in water. The present study was undertaken to elucidate the efficacy of two coagulants, aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride, used at different concentrations to treat drinking water, in removing Aspergillusflavus, as well as testing three different filtration media: sand, activated carbon, and ceramic granules, for their removal of fungi from water. The results revealed that both coagulants were effective in removing fungi and decreasing the turbidity of drinking water, and turbidity decreased with increasing coagulant concentration. Also, at the highest concentration of the coagulants, A. flavus was decreased by 99.6% in the treated water. Among ceramic granules, activated carbon, and sand used as media for water filtration, the sand and activated carbon filters were more effective in removing A.flavus than ceramic granules while simultaneously decreasing the turbidity levels in the test water samples. Post-treatment total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) concentrations in the experimental water did not decrease; on the contrary, TN concentrations increased with the increasing dosage of coagulants. The filtration process had no effect in reducing TOC and TN in tested water.  相似文献   
Acidobacteria is one of the most dominant and abundant phyla in soil,and was believed to have a wide range of metabolic and genetic functions. Relatively little is known about its community structure and elevational diversity patterns. We selected four elevation gradients from 1000 to 2800 m with typical vegetation types of the northern slope of Shennongjia Mountain in central China. The vegetation types were evergreen broadleaved forest,deciduous broadleaved forest,coniferous forest and sub-alpine shrubs. We analyzed the soil acidobacterial community composition,elevational patterns and the relationship between Acidobacteria subdivisions and soil enzyme activities by using the 16 S rRNA meta-sequencing technique and multivariate statistical analysis. The result found that 19 known subdivisions as well as an unclassified phylotype were presented in these forest sites,and Subdivision 6 has the highest number of detectable operational taxonomic units(OTUs). A significant single peak distribution pattern(P 0.05) between the OTU number and the elevation was observed. The Jaccard and Bray–Curtis index analysis showed that the soil Acidobacteria compositional similarity significantly decreased(P 0.01) with the increase in elevation distance. Mantel test analysis showed the most of the soil Acidobacteria subdivisions had the significant relationship(P 0.01) with different soil enzymes. Therefore,soil Acidobacteria may be involved in different ecosystem functions in global elemental cycles. Partial Mantel tests and CCA analysis showed that soil pH,soil temperature and plant diversity may be the key factors in shaping the soil Acidobacterial community structure.  相似文献   
O3/H2O2去除水中硝基苯效果与机理   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
以硝基苯为目标反应物,对O3/H2O2体系氧化去除水中硝基苯的效果和机理进行了研究,考察了pH值、H2O2剂量、自由基抑制剂或促进剂对硝基苯的去除效果的影响.研究发现,在pH≤7时,H2O2促进臭氧化去除硝基苯的效果较为明显,当H2O2投加量从1.0 mg/L增加到4.0 mg/L时,在氧化5 min内,硝基苯  相似文献   
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