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Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) emerged as a popular concept in the water sector in the 20th century. From a highly techno-centric approach in the past, it has taken a new turn embracing Habermasian communicative rationality as a place-based nexus for multiple actors to consensually and communicatively integrate decisions in a hydrological unit. The 'how to integrate' approach had remarkable appeal worldwide in promoting authentic participation of all stakeholders. However, critics argue that the domain of water resource management is a political process of contestation and negotiation; the emphasis is on complexities, contextuality, power dynamics and the importance of analysing real world situations. They demonstrate 'how integration cannot be achieved' given the power dynamics in social interactions. These apparently contradictory discourses draw on different theoretical paradigms and polarise the discourse on IWRM, without offering constructive alternatives. To this end, this paper offers an option to complement this polarised discourse by examining 'how integration actually does take place' in a strategic context thereby facilitating consensual decisions to integrate water management for a sustainable future.  相似文献   
The concentrations of biocides leached from antifouling coatings are monitored in most of the developed countries. However, in India and many other developing countries, there is very little data available on the concentrations of biocides in ports and harbours. The first step was to obtain the order of magnitude levels of concentrations of biocides in the marine environment of the Visakhapatnam Harbour, and the MAM-PEC (Marine Antifoulant Model to Predict Environmental Concentrations) model was used to predict these values. The Visakhapatnam Port lies on the eastern coast of India, roughly halfway between Chennai and Kolkata, and is the largest port in India. This port is a natural harbour; the long and narrow outlet to the open sea makes it a 'poorly flushed' harbour. Predicted concentrations of tributyltin (TBT), copper, dichlofluanid, seanine, irgarol, diuron, tolylfluanid, and zinc pyrithione were computed. The results of the computations indicate that the levels of these biocides are comparable to those in many western countries. This gives credence to the fact that persistence of TBT and some other biocides is a global problem that cannot be ignored.  相似文献   
This paper provides a preliminary assessment of the suitability of Tertiary sedimentary basins in Northern, Western and Eastern Greece in order to identify geological structures close to major CO2 emission sources with the potential for long-term storage of CO2. The term “emissions” refers to point source emissions as defined by the International Energy Agency, including power generation, the cement sector and other industrial processes. The Prinos oil field and saline aquifer, along with the saline formations of the Thessaloniki Basin and the Mesohellenic Trough have been identified as prospective CO2 geological storage sites. In addition, a carbonate deep saline aquifer occurring at appropriate depths beneath the Neogene-Quaternary sediments of Ptolemais-Kozani graben (NW Greece) is considered. The proximity of this geological formation to Greece's largest lignite-fired power plants suggests that it would be worthwhile undertaking further site-specific studies to quantify its storage capacity and assess its structural integrity.  相似文献   
Difficulties in making accurate, ecosystem-level predictions of environmental effects of chemicals, mixtures, and effluents based solely on the results of tests on single species have necessitated the development of more environmentally realistic, predictive testing methods. This paper describes a multispecies, community-level toxicity test based on the colonization of artificial substrates by microbial species. Tests examined the colonization of initially barren polyurethane foam artificial substrates by Protozoa from a species source colonized in a natural system. Differences in colonization were examined in microecosystems amended with low levels of cadmium, a very toxic heavy metal, and TFM, an organic biocide used against larval sea lamprey. Tests examined differences in colonization over 28 days. For cadmium, effect levels were estimated to be near 1 g 1–1, in the low range of effect levels determined from chronic single species tests. For TFM, effect levels were estimated to be between 1 and 10 ppm, overlapping the concentrations used in environmental applications. The colonization response, which depends on naked microbial cells reproducing and migrating through toxicant amended water to new substrates, is very sensitive. Tests based on colonization can be adapted to use species from a target receiving system or can use species from a designated natural source. Field validation of these tests can employ nearly identical methods to those used in laboratory studies to assess the accuracy of predictions based on test system data.  相似文献   
新型结构ABR的设计与水力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对ABR自身的缺点,设计出一种新型结构的ABR.该反应器为双层结构,共有5部分组成,各部分容积各不相同.该反应器的设计思想是将ABR与生物滤池以及活性炭吸附等工艺相联合.这种设计能够最大程度地发挥各工艺的优势,进而达到更好的处理效果.通过脉冲响应实验对该反应器的水力特性进行研究,得出不同水力停留时间(HRT)下的停留...  相似文献   
A two-stage UASB reactor was employed to remove sulfate from acrylic fiber manufacturing wastewater. Mesophilic operation (35±0.5℃) was performed with hydraulic retention time (HRT) varied between 28 and 40 hr. Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) in the reactor was maintained about 8000 mg/L. The results indicated that sulfate removal was enhanced with increasing the ratio of COD/SO42-. At low COD/SO42-, the growth of the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) was carbon-limited. The optimal sulfate removal efficiencies were 75% when the HRT was no less than 38 hr. Sulfidogenesis mainly happened in the sulfate-reducing stage, while methanogenesis in the methane-producing stage. Microbes in sulfate-reducing stage performed granulation better than that in methane-producing stage. Higher extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) content in sulfate-reducing stage helped to adhere and connect the flocculent sludge particles together. SRB accounted for about 31% both in sulfate-reducing stage and methane-producing stage at COD/SO42- ratio of 0.5, while it dropped dramatically from 34% in sulfate-reducing stage to 10% in methane-producing stage corresponding to the COD/SO42- ratio of 4.7. SRB and MPA were predominant in sulfate-reducing stage and methane-producing stage respectively.  相似文献   
污染农田土壤修复产业发展面临的问题及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雍正  杨浩  冉宇 《环境与发展》2020,(1):228-228,230
随着经济的发展,我国的农业建设也迎来了新的发展机遇,但是目前我国的农业发展过程中存在着严重的土壤污染问题,污染农田土壤修复的问题有待解决。本文围绕污染农田土壤修复这一问题展开研究,望有所助益。  相似文献   
Animal-sediment relations and community analysis of a Florida estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Five species assemblages of the intertidal infauna of Old Tampa Bay, Florida, USA are identified. Two assemblages are judged to constitute distinct communities, while a third is shown to be an interdigitation of the two communities. Dominance by on species is the prevalent pattern within the assemblages. Numbers of deposit feeders are found to be inversely correlated to that of filter feeders, and both trophic types are found to be correlated to the sediment parameters of median grain size, sorting and skewness. Three transects with three stations each were established along the south side of Courtney Campbell Causeway in Tampa Bay, Florida. A faunal sample (0.4 m2), a sediment sample, and a water sample were taken at each station in September, December, and March of 1968/1969. Sediment samples were wet-seived. Animal samples were reduced to numbers of organisms and biomass per species. Trellis diagrams and correlation tests were generated. Support is shown for the trophic group-amensalims hypothesis, however, the silt-clay fraction is apparently of lesser importance to deposit feeders in Florida sediments than in Buzzards Bay sediments. An attempt is made to relate an analysis of the optimal grain size for filter feeders to the trophic group-amensalism hypothesis. A view of communities as abstractions from continua is more realistic than communities as discrete units.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The Upper Colorado River Basin contains appreciable amounts of undeveloped fuel resources. Large quantities of oil shale, coal, and uranium have attracted recent economic and commercial interests. Development of these resources and subsequent conversion to alternative energy forms require an adequate supply of water. Water use for large scale energy development will place increasing demands on an already overstressed allocation of Colorado River water. Present water quality is at a concentration where increased salinity will result in economic detriments to holders of downstream water rights. The salt and water exchange in mining, processing, and spent fuel disposal processes has been incorporated as part of a two-level minimum cost linear programming algorithm. Mathematical simulation results provide an optimal use of Upper Colorado River water for levels of energy output such that salinity concentrations are maintained below predetermined levels.  相似文献   
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