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Coupling a land use model and an ecosystem model for a crop-pasture zone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes the development of a land use model coupling ecosystem processes. For a given land use pattern in a region, a built-in regional ecosystem model (TESim) simulates leaf physiology of plants, carbon and nitrogen dynamics, and hydrological processes including runoff generation and run-on re-absorption, as well as runoff-induced soil erosion and carbon and nitrogen loss from ecosystems. The simulation results for a certain period from 1976 to 1999 were then used to support land use decisions and to assess the impacts of land use changes on environment. In the coupling model, the land use type for a land unit was determined by optimization of a weighted suitability derived from expert knowledge about the ecosystem state and site conditions. The model was applied to the temperate crop-pasture band in northern China (CCPB) to analyze the interactions between land use and major ecosystem processes and functions and to indicate the added value of the feedbacks by comparing simulations with and without the coupling and feedbacks between land use module and ecosystem processes. The results indicated that the current land use in CCPB is neither economical nor ecologically judicious. The scenario with feedbacks increased NPP by 46.78 g C m−2 a−1, or 32.23% of the scenario without feedbacks, also decreased soil erosion by 0.65 kg m−2 a−1, or 23.13%. Without altering the regional land use structure (proportions of each land use type). The system developed in this study potentially benefits both land managers and researchers.  相似文献   
The Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis is an indigenous and economically important species in China, but can also be found as invasive species in Europe and America. Mitten crabs have been exploited extensively as a food resource since the 1990s. Despite its ecological and economic importance, the genetic structure of native mitten crab populations is not well understood. In this paper, we investigated the genetic structure of mitten crab populations in China by screening samples from ten locations covering six river systems at six microsatellite loci. Our results provide further evidence that mitten crabs from the River Nanliujiang in Southern China are a genetically differentiated population within the native range of Eriocheir, and should be recognized as a separate taxonomic unit. In contrast, extremely low levels of genetic differentiation and no significant geographic population structure were found among the samples located north of the River Nanliujiang. Based on the reproductive biology of mitten crabs and the geography of their habitat we argue that both natural and human-mediated gene flow are unlikely to fully account for the similar allele frequency distributions at microsatellite loci. Large population sizes of mitten crabs suggest instead that a virtual absence of genetic drift and significant homoplasy of microsatellite alleles have contributed to the observed pattern. Furthermore, a coalescent-based maximum likelihood method indicated a more than two-fold lower effective population size of the Southern population compared to the Northern Group and low but significant levels of gene flow between both areas.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to present a library of analytical solutions for the three-dimensional contaminant transport in uniform flow field in porous media with the first-order decay, linear sorption, and zero-order production. The library is constructed using Green’s function method (GFM) in combination with available solutions. The library covers a wide range of solutions for various conditions. The aquifer can be vertically finite, semi-infinitive or infinitive, and laterally semi-infinitive or infinitive. The geometry of the sources can be of point, line, plane or volumetric body; and the source release can be continuous, instantaneous, or by following a given function over time. Dimensionless forms of the solutions are also proposed. A computer code FlowCAS is developed to calculate the solutions. Calculated results demonstrate the correctness of the presented solutions. The library is widely applicable to solve contaminant transport problems of one- or multiple- dimensions in uniform flow fields.  相似文献   
Four typical coastal sites (rocky shore, sandy shore, mud flat shore, and artificial harbor) at the Yellow Sea were chosen to investigate the spatial and seasonal variations in bacterial communities. This was accomplished by using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of PCR amplified 16S rDNA fragments. Two kinds of tetrameric restriction enzymes, HhaI and MspI, were used in the experiment to depict the bacterial community diversity in different marine environments. It was found that the community compositions digested by the two enzymes separately were different. However, the results of bacterial community diversity derived from them were similar. The MDA analysis results of T-RFLP profiles coming from HhaI and MspI both exhibited a significant seasonal community shift for bacteria and a relatively low spatial variation among the four locations. With HhaI as the sample, the pair wise T-tests also revealed that variations were minor between each pair of marine environments, with R ranging from 0.198 to 0.349. However, the bacterial community structure in the mud flat site depicted a larger difference than each of the other three sites (R ranging from 0.282 to 0.349).  相似文献   
The Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, is an anadromous protected species. Its migration pattern has been blocked since the construction of Gezhouba dam and the length of the natural spawning site reduced to less than 7 km. However, the fish eventually established an alternative spawning ground in the narrow downstream reach of Gezhouba dam. In this article, we applied Delft3D-Flow model to simulate the hydraulic suitability of the spawning ground downstream Gezhouba dam. Horizontal mean vorticity was used to assess the hydraulic environment of spawning ground. The flow field state was determined through model simulation and field-measured data used to validate the model. The computational method was improved by calculating absolute horizontal mean vorticity from estimates the literature. The final vorticity was determined from the simulation output and its distribution pattern retrieved. The horizontal mean vorticity range was 0.71–4.61 10−3 s−1 for the entire spawning grounds, with egg mass field upper limit of 1.0 × 10−3 s−1. Vorticity strength selection of Chinese sturgeon spawning can enhance our understanding of egg fertilization rate, hence the protection of fertilized eggs. Furthermore, the results of the study would add to existing scientific database for spawning ground hydraulic environment protection, especially in the ecological regulation drive of the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   
论焦化行业环境风险防范措施及应急预案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对焦化行业的原辅材料及产品的理化性质、生产过程中潜在的环境风险进行了识别,并在此基础上有针对性的提出了焦化行业环境风险防范措施及应急预案。  相似文献   
自然资源利用权从产生的途径上看应属于特许物权,从内容和功能上看应属于准用益物权,两种物权属性并不相互排斥。自然资源利用权的双重物权属性符合环境保护的价值取向和价值选择。  相似文献   
本文以旅游景区的经营模式为研究核心,从现有国内外旅游景区组织结构分析入手,构建了适合我国国情和旅游景区可持续发展要求的两种经营模式:一种是国有国营的次国家公园模式,另一种是完全企业化经营,并且提出了两种模式运作的保障条件。  相似文献   
MBR处理工艺的发展与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MBR处理技术目前发展的新工艺有:改良式序列间歇反应器(MSBR)、MBR与氧化沟结合工艺、MBR与高效生物反应器相结合(MHCR)等。MBR技术推广应用的关键是解决膜污染问题和降低膜成本。MBR技术已经在水处理领域应用,和常规水处理工艺相比,MBR工艺具有处理效果好、出水水质稳定,设备简单、占地空间省等优势,对于发展城市污水回用具有重要意义。  相似文献   
农药的大量使用污染了大气、水体及生态系统。有机农药以直接施用、拌种、喷撒、随降水落入等方式进入土壤。农药在土壤中会以吸附、扩散稀释和降解等几种方式发生转化,并改变土壤结构、对土壤中生物的生存及酶的活性产生影响。生物修复技术可以通过动植物、微生物及根际环境对农药污染的降解来治理土壤中的农药,是治理农药污染的一种推荐方法。  相似文献   
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