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本文简要地介绍了QSDWZHYC—1智能辅助决策系统结构、功能以及所采用的技术途径。应用QSDWZHYC—1系统可预测企事业单位现有房屋的震害,评估经济损失和人员伤亡,优化抗震加固方案,识别高危害房屋类别,找出单位建(构)筑物地震危害的薄弱环节。为企事业单位抗震减灾对策进行辅助决策。  相似文献   
将上流式颗粒污泥床(USB)用于反硝化和生物膜法用于自养硝化处理蔗糖配水和小区生活污水,反硝化污泥床去除有机物和硝态氮具有节省需好氧去除有机物的能耗的优势,同时好氧生物膜法硝化效率高。试验结果表明,当工艺进水的有机负荷小于2kgCOD/m3·d时,出水COD均小于60mg/L,好氧单元进水有机负荷和氨氮负荷分别小于13kgCOD/m3·d和09kgNH3N/m3·d时,出水氨氮小于5mg/L;COD/NO-3N是影响反硝化的关键因素,处理蔗糖配水时,COD/NO-3N大于5时反硝化脱氮完全,而COD/NO-3N为10时,生活污水作为电子供体仍然脱氮不完全;有机物含量过高导致好氧单元硝化效果降低,HRT是影响好氧单元硝化效率的主要因素,HRT缩短为15h时,氨氮去除率降低了85%左右;同时处理蔗糖配水和生活污水的反硝化菌活性相当。  相似文献   
介绍了非定态SO2制酸工艺的特点、流程及其在铅精矿烧结烟气治理中的应用效果.该工艺具有良好的社会效益、环境效益和较好的经济效益,具有较高的推广应用价值.  相似文献   
This study examined the toxicological interaction between glyphosate (or its formulation, Roundup) and several heavy metals to a freshwater cladoceran, Ceriodaphnia dubia. We demonstrated that all binary combinations of Roundup and metals (Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Se and Zn) exhibited "less than additive" mixture toxicity, with 48-h LC50 toxic unit > 1. Addition of glyphosate alone could significantly reduce the acute toxicity of Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn (but not Hg and Se). The ratio between glyphosate and metal ions was important in determining the mitigation of metal toxicity by glyphosate. A bioaccumulation study showed that in the presence of glyphosate the uptake of some metals (e.g. Ag) was halted but that of others (e.g. Hg) was increased significantly. Therefore, our study strongly suggests that glyphosate and its commercial formulations can control the toxicity as well as the bioavailability of heavy metals in aquatic ecosystems where both groups of chemicals can co-occur.  相似文献   
Improving urban air quality in China: Beijing case study   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
China is undergoing rapid urbanization because of unprecedented economic growth. As a result, many cities suffer from air pollution. Two-thirds of China's cities have not attained the ambient air quality standards applicable to urban residential areas (Grade II). Particulate matter (PM), rather than sulfur dioxide (SO2), is the major pollutant reflecting the shift from coal burning to mixed source pollution. In 2002, 63.2 and 22.4% of the monitored cities have PM and SO2 concentrations exceeding the Grade II standard, respectively. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) concentration kept a relatively stable level near the Grade II standard in the last decade and had an increasing potential in recent years because of the rapid motorization. In general, the air pollutants emission did not increase as quickly as the economic growth and energy consumption, and air quality in Chinese cities has improved to some extent. Beijing, a typical representative of rapidly developing cities, is an example to illustrate the possible options for urban air pollution control. Beijing's case provides hope that the challenges associated with improving air quality can be met during a period of explosive development and motorization.  相似文献   
采用颗粒动态分析仪(PDA)对倒伞形表面曝气机曝气的Carrousel小试氧化沟进行测试,得出了氧化沟内较系统的流动特性参数.比较了固液两相在氧化沟内流动的差别,发现固液两相流动速度差别较小,由于惯性的影响,固相的沉降速度略大于液相.考察了表曝机的转速、表曝机相对于液面的位置、氧化沟的深度等因素对氧化沟内流动的影响,随着表曝机转速的增大和表曝机浸入液面深度的增加,流动速度和沉降速度均会增大,而氧化沟深度增加时,距离液面同一深度处的速度则会减小.实验结果与污水处理厂的实际情形进行比较发现,二者变化趋势一致,说明本实验结果可用于指导工程实际,为氧化沟的优化设计提供依据.  相似文献   
为了提高改良型Carrousel氧化沟工艺污水处理厂的脱氮除磷效果,结合某污水处理厂3年的运行实践,讨论了该工艺的处理效果,生物脱氮除磷原理及影响出水效果的因素.分析表明将DO控制在0.3~0.7 mg/L范围内,能够使出水中的TN浓度低于20 mg/L;在氧化沟中发生的同步硝化反硝化反应(SND)对总氮的去除的贡献占总系统脱氮的66%;该系统剩余污泥的含磷率为3.0%,生物细胞中平均含磷量可达细胞干重的4.2%;总磷去除率与污泥龄具有很好的线性关系,加大污泥排放量可以提高除磷效果.  相似文献   
针对不同喷枪在循环流化床锅炉(CFB)选择性非催化还原(SNCR)脱硝系统中的工程应用展开研究。利用CFD模拟,分析不同雾化粒径对还原剂穿透距离及覆盖面积的影响。计算表明,较大的雾化粒径有利于还原剂的混合。75 t/h CFB锅炉工程实验结果显示,雾化粒径D50=102 μm的喷枪比雾化粒径D50=59 μm的喷枪可提高脱硝效率8%~10%,同时可降低氨氮比(NSR)13%,与计算结果一致。  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The oil-water separation is a popular issue and the removal of oil from bulk water is also meaningful especially in oil spill incident, which not only...  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Caffeine is considered the most representative pharmaceutical emerging contaminant (PEC) because of its ubiquity, high environmental abundance,...  相似文献   
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