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宋云龙  张金松  郭小雅  朱佳  王丽  陶益  张丽 《环境科学》2017,38(8):3302-3311
2013年4月至2014年6月对典型调水供水型水库石岩水库蓝藻、绿藻和硅藻叶绿素a浓度[ρ(Chla)]及相环境因子进行监测,分析了ρ(Chla)时空分布特征,探讨了藻类与环境因子的相关关系.结果表明石岩水库ρ(TChla)为9.59~123.29μg·L~(-1),平均52.03μg·L~(-1),其中蓝藻ρ(Chla)为4.54~76.30μg·L~(-1),平均为28.39μg·L~(-1);硅藻ρ(Chla)为3.16~46.09μg·L~(-1),平均为15.02μg·L~(-1);绿藻ρ(Chla)为0.77~26.21μg·L~(-1),平均为8.62μg·L~(-1).2013年4~12月上旬以及2014年5~6月优势藻为蓝藻,其他时期硅藻占优势,绿藻全年处于较低水平.石岩水库ρ(Chla)空间异质性低,整体呈现由南向北逐渐降低的空间分布特征,汛期整个库区和高温无雨期南半库区存在蓝藻水华风险.径流污染是石岩水库藻类叶绿素a空间异质性的主要原因.相关分析和CCA分析显示:水温是3种藻类的首要影响因子,汛期径流量与蓝藻相关性极大.氮磷比与3种藻类负相关,磷是石岩水库藻类生长的限制性因子.蓝藻主要相关因子还包括TOC、TN、pH、透明度和硝酸盐氮,硅藻主要相关因子还包括硅酸盐、TOC、硝酸盐氮和COD,绿藻主要相关因子还包括TOC、COD、pH、透明度和硝酸盐氮.  相似文献   
ABTS显色分光光度法测定水中微量高锰酸钾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于KMnO4与2,2'-联氮-双-(3-乙基苯并噻唑啉-6磺酸)(ABTS)反应产生的绿色自由基在415 nm处有最大吸收值,建立了一种利用分光光度计测定水中低浓度KMnO4(0~4.66 μmol·L-1)的方法.在pH=2.1、ABTS过量(28.4 μmol·L-1)的条件下,KMnO4与ABTS反应的化学计量关系为1:5,产生的绿色自由基能够稳定存在,其在波长415 nm处的摩尔吸收系数为ε=(3.34±0.04)×104L·mol-1·cm-1.该方法对高锰酸钾的检测限(置信区间90%)为0.01 μmol·L-1(1.6μg·L-1,以KMnO4计).  相似文献   
Reconstruction of trace metal pollution histories and sources may help us to regulate current pollutant discharge. This is especially important for the highland lakes in southwestern China, which are facing trace metals pollution. We present sedimentary records of 11 metals accumulated in Yangzong Lake since the 1870's, a highland lake in southwestern China. Pollution of lead and zinc (Pb and Zn) was differentiated based on principal component analysis, geochemical normalization, and lead isotope ratios. Nearly all the metals as well as grain size composition show generally constant values before the mid-1980's, denoting stable detrital input in the catchment. Fluctuations in the concentrations of the metals as well as grain size composition since the mid-1980's indicate an increase in soil erosion with strengthened human disturbance in the catchment. After geochemical normalization, Pb and Zn showed constant values before 1990 AD and then a gradual increase in parallel with the variations in 208Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios, indicating that Pb and Zn pollution occurred. Combining the data of 208Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios in the sediments of Yangzong Lake, leaded gasoline, Pb-Zn ore and coal, and consumption or production historical trends, we deduced that the enhanced Pb and Zn pollution in Yangzong Lake is caused primarily by ore mining and refining.  相似文献   
人类活动是塔里木盆地南缘近几十年导致地下水及生态环境变化的主要因素,通过天然河道人工渠系化、平原水库建设以及枢纽工程上移,加速了地表水资源的时空再分配,从而引起了地下水空间补给变化。山前倾斜平原的补给量不断减少,而人工绿洲区地下水补给量则随地表引水量的提高不断增加。同时以天然河道渗漏补给为主转向以渠系、田间入渗为主。山前平原区地下水补给46年减少26.2%,泉水削减37.6%,溢出带下移0.5~1.2km,进入平原荒漠区的水量减少33%;并导致土地沙漠化及盐渍化面积不断扩大,小气候环境日趋恶劣。  相似文献   
五龙口污水处理厂工程设计规模10万m3/d,污水二级生化处理采用改良氧化沟工艺。依据水质的特点,确定污水处理工艺及构筑物设计。运行结果表明,污水处理厂运行稳定,污染物去除率高,达排放标准。  相似文献   
西南地区酸雨形成大气化学过程   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
沈济  汪安璞 《环境科学》1991,12(4):24-28,9
通过野外观测、实验室实验和数值模拟研究了西南地区酸雨形成大气化学过程.新认识如下:①人为排放引起的酸雨及空气污染,目前尚未明显波及到西藏高原;②在重污染区SO_2污染严重,不管降水云是否酸性或污染,降水总是酸性、受污染的,云下洗脱痕量气体及颗粒物起重要作用,氧化剂是降水酸化的控制剂;③在典型农村地区,降水化学组成依赖于降水云的化学组成,即依赖于云化学,酸化过程中SO_2是控制剂;④该地区主要氧化剂是H_2O_2,高度越高,云水中H_2O_2含量越高;⑤该地区是硫酸型酸雨,硝酸含量有上升趋势,在考虑降水酸度时有机酸贡献不可忽视;⑥降水中很多元素来自颗粒物,颗粒物缓冲参数化并耦合到云下洗脱模型中,大大缩小了观测与数值模拟的降水酸度之差.  相似文献   
聚乙烯聚丙烯树脂及废料的热解   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了聚乙烯聚丙烯树脂及废料的热解过程中,裂解温度对气相产物的收率及组成,液相产物的收率及汽油馏分、柴油馏分、重油馏分的分布,热解残碳收率的影响,将树脂与废料的热解产物及收率进行对比,结果显示:同一热解温度下,树脂与废料热解的液相产物组成及收率基本相同;树脂在400℃~500℃热解,液相产物的收率在90%~94%之间,无显著区别。  相似文献   
"零点行动"前后太湖水质比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙卫红 《环境科技》2003,16(1):35-36
通过“零点行动”前后的1998年、1999年太湖湖体总氮,总磷,叶绿素浓度分布与比较,说明太湖仍然处于富营养状态,“零点行动”并没有从根据上改善太湖水质。  相似文献   
Beijing is one of the most polluted cities in the world. In this study, the long-term and continuous measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the urban area of Beijing, specifically at Beijing 325 m Meteorological Tower, were conducted from 2000 to 2007. The annual record of VOC trends exhibited in two different phases was separated in 2003. Records show that VOC concentrations increased from 2000 to 2003 due to the abrupt increase in vehicle number. Contrarily, since 2003, there had been a decrease in VOCs concentrations as the policy on gasoline and air pollution was implemented. Toluene, benzene, and i-pentane are the chemicals that abound in and are directly related to vehicle activity, such as in vehicle exhaust and gasoline evaporation. Furthermore, records indicate that there had been seasonal variation in VOCs levels in that VOCs level in summer is higher than that in winter. As such, temperature is considered to significantly contribute to VOCs in Beijing. Records also show that VOCs level was high in the morning and during rush hours in the evening. In contrast, VOCs level was low during midday due to photochemical destruction with OH radical and dilution effect. In this study, a particular benzene to toluene ratio range (0.4-1.0) was used as the indicator of air propelled by vehicular exhaust. We also applied the correlation coefficients between BTEX and i-pentane to evaluate evaporation influence to ambient BTEX in the Beijing urban area.  相似文献   
深圳地区全氟辛烷磺酸的环境多介质迁移和归趋行为研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
崔晓宇  张鸿  罗骥  张若冰 《环境科学》2016,37(8):3001-3006
为探究全氟辛烷磺酸(perfluorooctane sulfonate,PFOS)在深圳地区的环境多介质迁移和归趋行为,本研究利用LevelⅢ逸度模型,通过输入PFOS的物理化学性质参数和深圳地区环境参数,首先模拟计算了深圳地区大气、水体、土壤和沉积物中PFOS的含量并用实测数据进行验证,其次基于PFOS在各相间的迁移通量分析确定了其主要的迁移途径及归趋行为,最后对模型的输入参数和输出结果分别进行了灵敏度和不确定度分析.结果表明,大气、水体、土壤和沉积物中的PFOS模拟含量分别为1.4 pg·m~(-3)、7.0 ng·L~(-1)、0.39μg·kg~(-1)和0.11μg·kg~(-1),和实测结果较吻合.气相到土相、土相到水相和气相到水相的迁移量分别占PFOS相间总迁移量的32%、32%和5.8%,是PFOS相间的主要迁移途径,而PFOS随水体迁出是其从区域环境迁出的主要途径.大气和水体的平流输入速率、温度、PFOS的水溶性和降雨,以及土壤和沉积物的密度是影响模型输出结果的关键参数.不确定度分析结果则表明PFOS含量在水体中的变异系数最小而在土壤中的最大,这可能是由土壤易于变化的有机碳含量造成的.  相似文献   
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