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浙江省梅汛期洪涝灾情分析和预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过所构设的雨涝强度、雨涝影响面积等统计量来估计浙江省梅汛期的灾情,有较高的准确率,能估计出极端情况,为灾害评估工作提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
A serious forest decline of Betula ermanii Cham. has been observed at Mt. Mae-Shirane, Oku-Nikko, Japan, where high ozone (O3) concentration and severe water deficiency have been measured. In order to consider the possibility whether O3 and/or water stresses could have been the causes of the forest decline of B. ermanii, plant growth experiments were conducted in environment-controlled growth cabinets. Two-year-old seedlings of B. ermanii were exposed to either charcoal-filtered air (O3 concentration <5 ppb) or 50 ppb O3 (daily average, ranging between 20–100 ppb) for 123 days at 20.0/12.5 ± 1.0°C (day/night) and 70/80 ± 7% relative humidity (day/night). Simultaneously, seedlings were treated with three watering regime: 1.0 < pF < 1.8 (no water stress), 1.8 < pF < 2.5 (mild water stress) or 2.5 < pF < 3.0 (severe water stress). O3 exposure significantly reduced the dry weights of leaf, root and the whole plant, while water stress significantly reduced the dry weights of each organ and the whole plant. Significant reductions of net photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance were also observed under O3 and/or water deficiency treatments, while contents of RuBP carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), chlorophyll a+b and some essential nutrient elements (N, P, K, Mg and Ca) were not markedly changed. It was suggested that the decrease in net photosynthetic rate induced mainly by stomatal closure was the major cause of the growth reduction under O3 and/or water stresses. No significant interactions between O3 and water stresses were observed in terms of the depression of dry matter production, which suggested that simultaneous stress treatments of O3 exposure and water deficiency could affect the tree growth of B. ermanii additively.  相似文献   
Atmospheric aerosol particles and metallic concentrations, ionic species were monitored at the Experimental harbor of Taichung sampling site in this study. This work attempted to characterize metallic elements and ionic species associated with meteorological conditions variation on atmospheric particulate matter in TSP, PM2.5, PM2.5–10. The concentration distribution trend between TSP, PM2.5, PM2.5–10 particle concentration at the TH (Taichung harbor) sampling site were also displayed in this study. Besides, the meteorological conditions variation of metallic elements (Fe, Mg, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn and Pb) and ions species (Cl, NO3 , SO4 2−, NH4 +, Mg2+, Ca2+ and Na+) concentrations attached with those particulate were also analyzed in this study. On non-parametric (Spearman) correlation analysis, the results indicated that the meteorological conditions have high correlation at largest particulate concentrations for TSP at TH sampling site in this study. In addition, the temperature and relative humidity of meteorological conditions that played a key role to affect particulate matter (PM) and have higher correlations then other meteorological conditions such as wind speed and atmospheric pressure. The parameter temperature and relative humidity also have high correlations with atmospheric pollutants compared with those of the other meteorological variables (wind speed, atmospheric pressure and prevalent wind direction). In addition, relative statistical equations between pollutants and meteorological variables were also characterized in this study.  相似文献   
Phorate (O,O-diethyl S-ethylthiomethyl phosphorodithioate) dissolved in aqueous solution was almost completely decomposed by ozonation to form various species within 10 minutes of reaction time for the experimental conditions examined in this research. The generation rate of sulfate was found to be fairly independent of solution pH value. However, the formation of phosphate and carbonate was more favorable for alkaline solutions where hydroxyl free radical is the primary oxidative species. The reaction rates increased with initial gaseous ozone concentrations, indicating the reaction was mass transfer-controlled within the experimental range of this research. Combining the analytical results by various instruments, including gas chromatograph equipped with an electron ionization detector (GC-EID), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), ion chromatography (IC), and total organic carbon (TOC), the temporal sequence of phorate ozonation was proposed in this study. The oxidation of sulfur atoms on the phosphorus-sulfur double bond or carbon-sulfur-carbon bond by ozonation was found to occur at first to form sulfate and various intermediates.  相似文献   
Previously recommended rhizosphere-based method (RHIZO) applied to moist rhizosphere soils was integrated with moist bulk soils, and termed adjusted-RHIZO method (A-RHIZO). The A-RHIZO and RHIZO methods were systematically compared with EDTA, DTPA, CaCl2 and the first step of the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR1) methods for assessing metal phytoavailability under field conditions. Results suggested that moist bulk soils are equally suited or even better than rhizosphere soils to estimate metal phytoavailability. The A-RHIZO method was preferred to other methods for predicting the phytoavailability of Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Mn to wheat roots with correlation coefficients of 0.730 (P<0.001), 0.854 (P<0.001), 0.887 (P<0.001), 0.739 (P<0.001), 0.725 (P<0.001) and 0.469 (P<0.05), respectively. When including soil properties, other extraction methods were also able to predict phytoavailability reasonably well for some metals. Soil pH, organic matter and Fe-Mn oxide contents, and cation-exchange capacity mostly influenced the extraction and phytoavailability of metals.  相似文献   
弱势群体物质生活贫困,在市场中缺乏竞争能力,在社会和政治层面也处于弱势地位,这些特点决定了他们是公民环境权的贫困者。为此,需要设计合理的制度保护弱势群体公民环境权,需要用法律手段保护弱势群体公民环境权,还需要提高弱势群体保护公民环境权的自觉性。  相似文献   
SBR系统中活性污泥内源呼吸速率的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在SBR污水处理系统中应用呼吸速率测定仪对活性污泥的呼吸速率进行测定,探讨了污泥浓度和温度对内源呼吸速率的影响.对大量的比内源呼吸速率数据进行处理后发现,在混合液温度基本不变的基础上,内源呼吸速率与污泥浓度变化趋势一致,即比内源呼吸速率与污泥浓度无关;而温度对比内源呼吸速率的影响十分显著.这些结论为呼吸速率成为SBR工艺的控制参数提供了基础.  相似文献   
文章利用模拟实验开展了平原地区缓流河道中的水质变化对河道水流速度与来水水质的响应规律研究。结果显示,当流速<0.5m/h时,河道中的各种污染物主要以沉积过程为主。当流速在0.5~1.5m/h时,水体最易受外界有机物输入的影响,容易引起局部水质的恶化。当流速>1.5m/h时,水动力条件有利于河道中的有机物的降解,但促进了底泥磷的释放,并会导致下游河道营养盐的升高。所以在河道改造、城市生态河网建设与管理中,应从区域河网整体着手,也应注意缓流河道中来水水质的管理。  相似文献   
汉江流域是南水北调中线工程重要的水源涵养区和生态屏障区,研究其生态系统产水服务功能的时空变化及影响因素对实现汉江流域高质量持续调水和生态环境保护具有重要意义。基于Google Earth Engine云平台多源异构数据以及气象、土壤等资料作为输入,采用InVEST模型产水模块和情景分析法估算和阐明了2001~2019年汉江流域产水量及其时空变化特征,并探讨了降水和土地利用变化对汉江流域产水量的影响。结果表明:(1)2001~2019年,汉江流域产水量先增加后减少,不同时期流域产水深度空间格局基本一致,呈中北部低、西南部及东南部高的空间分异特征;全流域产水深度以增加为主,增加区域集中于丹江口以上流域,减少区域主要在唐白河流域。(2)子流域尺度上,丹江口以上流域对全流域产水量的贡献最高,是汉江流域主要产水区,唐白河流域的贡献最低。(3)城镇与建成区、裸地和草地平均产水深度最大;稀疏森林、农田和郁闭森林是流域产水的主要贡献地类,三者提供了汉江流域产水总量的90%;平原区产水深度最高,较低中山区产水深度最低。(4)2001~2019年,降水变化和土地利用变化对产水量变化的贡献率分别为94%和6...  相似文献   
我国是一个以山地为主的国家,耕地有限且以山丘坡耕地为主,协调人地关系非常重要。以四川省宜宾市为例,通过土地资源生产潜力和人口数量预测模型的建立,采用环境容量等级系数计算和等级划分方法,对基于水土流失和生态工程建设作用下的长江上游流域山丘区土地利用类型与格局的变化及其它人类活动对土地承载力的影响进行了研究与评价。研究结果表明,宜宾市土地资源的生产潜力在2010、2015、2020年时总体上都能承载3种生活类型条件下的人口数量,3种生活类型下的容量等级基本都在“3”以上,即达到“满足”水平,并呈现出向“富余”水平提高的趋势,这表明尚具有较大潜力和空间的土地承载力是宜宾区域经济发展的有利驱动因素,人类活动对土地承载力产生的影响在可承受的生态阈值之内,为长江上游流域及我国广大山丘地区的生态环境建设和区域发展提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   
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