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Li Ning Li Guangming Yao Zhenya Zhao Jianfu 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China》2007,1(2):190-195
Catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) is one of the most promising technologies for pollution abatement. Developing catalysts
with high activity and stability is crucial for the application of the CWAO process. The Mn/Ce complex oxide catalysts for
CWAO of high concentration phenol-containing wastewater were prepared by coprecipitation. The catalyst preparation conditions
were optimized by using an orthogonal layout method and single-factor experimental analysis. The Mn/Ce serial catalysts were
characterized by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis and the metal cation leaching was measured by inductively coupled plasma
torch-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The results show that the catalysts have high catalytic activities even at a
low temperature (80°C) and low oxygen partial pressure (0.5 MPa) in a batch reactor. The metallic ion leaching is comparatively
low (Mn<6.577 mg/L and Ce<0.6910 mg/L, respectively) in the CWAO process. The phenol, CODCr, and TOC removal efficiencies in the solution exceed 98.5% using the optimal catalyst (named CSP). The new catalyst would
have a promising application in CWAO treatment of high concentration organic wastewater.
Translated from Techniques and Equipment for Environmental Pollution Control, 2005, 6(2): 40–44 [译自: 环境污染治理技术与设备] 相似文献
地聚合物是一类新型的高性能无机聚合物材料,是碱激活胶凝材料中最具前途的一类。由于其特殊的无机缩聚三维氧化物网络结构,使得地聚合物材料在众多方面具有比高分子材料、水泥、陶瓷和金属更高的高温性能和机械性能;另一方面,地聚合物材料制造过程中的能耗和三废排放量都非常低,材料对环境友好并且可以很好地被回收再年利用,是一种可持续发展的“绿色环保材料”。在比较全面地论述地聚合物材料的发展历史、生产工艺的基础上分析目前存在的问题,提出开发地聚合物材料是兼顾社会发展和减轻环境污染问题的一个较理想的对策。 相似文献
河南省黄河湿地生态旅游资源的开发与保护研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
河南黄河湿地旅游资源丰富,有各具特色的湿地景观、复杂多样的生物景观、丰富的地文景观、悠久的历史人文景观和工程园林景观等多种景观类型;但目前存在着开发利用程度较低,市场营销不够、景点开发质量不高,旅游设备简陋、基础设施落后,景点少、点热面冷,人才缺乏、经营管理水平低等众多问题;最后从旅游功能分区、旅游开发、旅游管理、旅游线路设计、旅游环境监测、区域旅游联合、加大宣传力度等方面提出了河南黄河湿地生态旅游资源开发的对策. 相似文献
二级出水中磷的混凝处理研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以北京市某污水处理厂的二级出水中总磷为去除对象,通过混凝的静态烧杯实验[1],确定了二级出水除磷效果较好的絮凝剂聚合氯化铁(PFC)[2]和Al2(SO4)3[3]混合使用的最佳投药量,使出水中磷(TP)符合再生水水质标准的要求.絮凝剂组合时静态混凝烧杯实验表明:PFC-Al2(SO4)3体积比1∶1时,最佳投药量离子浓度比为:Fe3 /Al3 ∶9.9/7(mg·L-1),此时TP去除率为93%,浊度去除率为33%.PFC-Al2(SO4)3体积比1:2时,最佳投药量离子浓度比为:Fe3 /Al3 ∶4.95/7(mg·L-1),此时TP去除率为88%,浊度去除率为71%. 相似文献