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采用热重分析方法对不干胶废弃物(PSAs)进行了热解和燃烧失重分析,并采用Doyle法拟合计算了PSAs热解和燃烧动力学参数。结果表明:当温度低于200℃或高于600℃,PSAs的热解和燃烧失重过程具有性;300~600℃时,PSAs热解过程具有3个失重峰,而其燃烧过程具有2个失重峰。动力学分析结果表明:PSAs的热解是由多阶段复杂的热裂解反应组成,其热解过程可用4个一级反应来描述,随着升温速率的提高热解阶段第1峰区表观活化能降低;而第2、3峰区以及半焦深度裂解阶段的第4峰区活化能逐渐升高;PSAs燃烧过程可用3个一级反应来描述,随着升温速率的提高,PSAs燃烧过程的表观活化能均逐渐降低,并且燃烧表观活化能均低于热解表观活化能。  相似文献   
为提高对亚甲基蓝的去除效果,采用热解+NaOH浸泡方法制备了改性木屑,用SEM研究了改性对木屑表面结构的影响,并以该改性木屑为吸附剂,进行了从水溶液中吸附亚甲基蓝的性能研究。研究结果显示,改性木屑表面光滑,并出现多发熔孔。常温下,改性木屑对亚甲基蓝的吸附等温线符合Langmuir方程,最大吸附量322.58 mg/g,是原始木屑的10倍,是活性炭的3倍,改性效果显著;对浓度为200 mg/L、pH值为7的亚甲基蓝溶液,改性木屑投加量为0.8 g/L时,去除率达到了99.01%,去除效果理想。吸附动力学符合伪二级速率方程。  相似文献   

Surface sediments were collected from 122 sites in the upstream of the Yellow River, China. The concentration of Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr, Pb, and Cd in sediments was investigated to explore the spatial distribution based on statistics and interpolation method. The results suggested that the concentrations of heavy metals were lower than potential effect levels (PEL). The samples above threshold effect level (TEL) for Pb and Zn were less than 10%, while almost 50% of samples for Ni exceeded PEL. Pb and Zn in sediments performed little or no adverse effects on the aquatic ecosystems. Higher concentrations of all heavy metals occurred in Qinghai and Gansu sections; the concentrations of Cu, Ni, and Zn were significantly higher than the Inner Mongolia section. Lower concentration of Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, and Zn appeared in Qinghai section; the concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cr, and Pb manifested relatively steady and similar distributions and approximately decreasing tendency along the upstream of Yellow River.

Assessment of soil lead exposure in children in Shenyang, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil lead pollution is serious in Shenyang, China. The paper brings together the soil work, the bioaccessibility, and the blood lead data to assess the soil lead exposure in children in Shenyang, China. Approximately 15.25% of the samples were above China Environment Protection Agency guideline concentration for soil Pb to protect human from health risk (350 mgkg(-1)). Pb concentrations varied among use scenarios. The main lead contamination sources are industry emission and automobile exhaust. Bioaccessibility also varied among use scenarios. Children, who ingested soil from industrial area, public parks, kindergarten playground, and commercial area, are more susceptible to soil lead toxicity. The industrial area soil samples presented higher bioaccessibility compared to the other use scenario soil samples contaminated by automobile exhaust. The result also suggested a most significant linear relationship between the level of Pb contamination and the amount of Pb mobilized from soil into ingestion juice. Soil pH seemed to have insignificant influence on bioaccessibility in the present study. Bioaccessibility was mainly controlled by other factors that are not investigated in this study. A linear relationship between children blood lead and soil intestinal bioaccessibility was present in the study. Children who are 4-5 years old are more likely to demonstrate the significant relationship between soil lead bioaccessibility and blood lead as their behaviors place them at greatest risk of soil lead toxicity, and their blood lead levels are more likely to represent recent exposure.  相似文献   
厌氧+跌水曝气+人工湿地组合工艺处理农村生活污水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研发适用于我国农村的分散式污水处理装置,采用厌氧+跌水曝气+人工湿地组合工艺对农村生活污水进行处理,考察组合工艺对COD、TN、TP、NH4+-N、SS 5个常规指标的去除效果及对各指标的沿程去除情况。结果表明,组合工艺对COD、TN、TP、NH4+-N和SS的平均去除率分别为74.5%、57.2%、59.5%、59.00%和91.6%。人工湿地对COD、TN、TP和NH4+-N的去除率最大,分别为31.0%、36.7%、43.9%和30.0%;而厌氧反应池对SS去除贡献率最大,为40.3%。该组合工艺处理农村生活污水具有良好的处理效果,且装置运行能耗低,利于推广应用。  相似文献   
湿热法处理实现厨余垃圾饲料化的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
探索了湿热法工艺处理厨余垃圾并将其饲料化的可行性.实验表明,湿热法处理可以在满足消毒杀菌的同时,降低厨余原料中的高油脂含量和高含盐量,调节营养成分,实现物化性状的均一.经湿热法处理后的厨余垃圾的饲用价值得到明显改善,可作为良好的饲料原料,同时可回收利用油脂.总之,湿热法工艺可实现厨余垃圾的无害化、减量化和资源化处理,对于消除环境污染、缓解我国饲料原料紧张及资源回收利用等方面有着显著的环境效益、社会效益和经济效益,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
磁性生物膜载体的规模化制备、表征和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用机械力化学表面改性原理设计了卧式双旋搅拌混合反应设备,通过磁铁矿粉和适量浓硫酸的球磨混合反应制备得到磁性生物膜载体,其XRD、IR、SEM和BET表征分析结果表明,磁性生物膜载体表层生成了多羟基硫酸铁为主的活性组分.进而在膜生物反应器实验装置中投加磁性生物膜载体进行了中试实验,结果表明,磁性生物膜载体能与活性污泥中的微生物聚合形成稳定的菌胶团,活性污泥SV30从实验初期89%降到了稳定期的39%,此外,磁性生物膜载体还具有稳定膜生物反应池出水COD,强化脱氮除磷的能力.  相似文献   
模糊综合评价在天然水体水质评价中的应用研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
采用模糊数学方法,对河网地区面源污染影响较大的代表性河流的水质状况进行综合评价研究。根据监测断面水质污染特点,确定了8个指标作为评价因子,建立了评价因素矩阵,计算出影响因子的权重。在此基础上,提出了模糊综合评价的水质级别,证明该河网地区的污染物主要是氮、磷和有机物。  相似文献   
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