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一株球形红假单胞菌(Rhodobacter sphaeroides YB)缺氧情况下对数种偶氮染料的24 h脱色率达到90%以上。结构相对简单的偶氮染料较容易脱色。研究了外加碳源、温度和pH值等环境因素对该菌生长以及脱色活性的影响,得出最优脱色条件为:光照缺氧、蛋白胨作碳源、温度35~40℃、pH=7-8。  相似文献   
•Harbin showed relatively high threshold RH (80%) for apparent increase of SOR. •The observed SOR were at the lower end of the ratios from Beijing’s winter. •Temperature-dependent increase of NOR was sharper than that of SOR. • NOR increased with stronger biomass burning impact but SOR was largely unchanged. Formation of secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA) was investigated during a six-month long heating season in Harbin, China. Enhanced sulfate formation was observed at high relative humidity (RH), with the same threshold RH (80%) for both colder and warmer measurement periods. Compared to wintertime results from Beijing, the threshold RH was considerably higher in Harbin, whereas the RH-dependent enhancement of sulfur oxidation ratio (SOR) was less significant. In addition, the high RH events were rarely encountered, and for other periods, the SOR were typically as low as ~0.1. Therefore, the sulfate formation was considered inefficient in this study. After excluding the several cases with high RH, both SOR and the nitrogen oxidation ratio (NOR) exhibited increasing trends as the temperature increased, with the increase of NOR being sharper. The nitrate to sulfate ratio tended to increase with increasing temperature as well. Based on a semi-quantitative approach, this trend was attributed primarily to the temperature-dependent variations of precursors including SO2 and NO2. The influence of biomass burning emissions on SIA formation was also evident. With stronger impact of biomass burning, an enhancement in NOR was observed whereas SOR was largely unchanged. The different patterns were identified as the dominant driver of the larger nitrate to sulfate ratios measured at higher concentrations of fine particulate matter.  相似文献   
新乡市城市污水对泥鳅的生理毒性与遗传毒性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用鱼体外周血细胞微核技术研究新乡市城市污水对泥鳅的遗传毒性,实验各组(A组、B组、C组、D组)中微核率明显高于对照组(P<0.01).以黄嘌呤氧化酶法检测泥鳅肝组织中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)酶活力变化,以赖氏法检测肝组织和血清中的谷草转氨酶(GOT)和谷丙转氨酶(GPT)酶活力变化,研究该污水对泥鳅的生理毒性.结果表明,实验各组肝组织中SOD、GOT和GPT酶活力均低于对照组.且随城市污水浓度升高而减小;血清中的SOD、GOT和GPT酶活力均高于对照组,且随城市污水浓度升高而增强.由此可知,直接排放的城市污水对泥鳅有显著的遗传毒性与生理毒性,水样中有致突变酶活力物质存在.  相似文献   
超声破解是污泥溶胞-隐性生长处理的一种重要前处理手段,破解效果受到超声条件及污泥性质的影响。以厌氧污泥破解后溶解性化学需氧量的增加值和污泥溶出破解率为评价指标,通过不同性质的厌氧污泥超声破解实验,探讨不同的污泥性质对厌氧污泥破解效果的影响,为厌氧污泥的下一步隐性生长处理提供良好条件。控制在超声频率为20kHz,超声声能密度1.2 W/mL,超声辐照时间20 min的条件下进行破解实验,实验结果表明,污泥的初始温度、pH值和污泥浓度等参数对厌氧污泥破解效率影响较大。  相似文献   
电子垃圾拆解引起的环境污染和生态风险已成为全球关注的热点问题,不适当的电子垃圾拆解过程造成处理区水体沉积物受到多类有机化合物和重金属污染,直接威胁生活在沉积物中的底栖动物。在典型电子垃圾处理地广东清远采集沉积物,测定样品中以烃类为主的色谱难分离混合物(unresolved complex mixture,UCM)的含量,开展伸展摇蚊全生命周期慢性毒性测试。结果表明,清远沉积物中的UCM浓度(0.08±0.01)%接近于这类污染物对伸展摇蚊的慢性半致死性效应浓度(0.073±0.022)%。同时发现清远沉积物对以摇蚊为代表的底栖无脊椎动物具有显著慢性毒性效应,且可通过测定UCM含量初步估算。这为开展以电子垃圾处理地沉积物为代表的,受到以麻醉作用为主要致毒机制的混合物污染的沉积物的毒性评价提供了一种有效方法。  相似文献   
Micronutrient content and availability in composts may be affected by the addition of wood chips or tree bark as a bulking agent in the compost feedstock. In the first part of this study, micronutrient levels were assessed in bark and wood of poplar and willow clones in a short-rotation coppice. Large differences between species were observed in bark concentrations for Cd, Zn and Mn. In the second part of the study, we aimed to determine the effect of feedstock composition and composting on Cd, Zn and Mn concentrations and availability. By means of three composting experiments we examined the effect of (a) bark of different tree species, (b) the amount of bark, and (c) the use of bark versus wood chips. In general, compost characteristics such as pH, organic matter and nutrient content varied due to differences in feedstock mixture and composting process. During the composting process, the availability of Cd, Zn and Mn decreased, although the use of willow and poplar bark or wood chips resulted in elevated total Cd, Zn or Mn concentrations in the compost. Cd concentrations in some composts even exceeded legal criteria. Cd and Zn were mainly bound in the reducible fraction extracted with 0.5 M NH2OH?HCl. A higher acid-extractable fraction for Mn than for Cd and Zn was found. Higher Cd concentrations in the compost due to the use of bark or wood chips did not result in higher risk of Cd leaching. The results of the pH-stat experiment with gradual acidification of composts illustrated that only a strong pH decline in the compost results in higher availability of Cd, Zn and Mn.  相似文献   
以AP1000核电屏蔽厂房结构为研究对象,进行考虑土-结构相互作用的地震响应分析,探讨不同厚度和不同地表倾斜角度软岩场地对屏蔽厂房结构地震响应的影响。利用ABAQUS有限元软件建立了软岩层厚度分别为25、30、35、40m以及地表倾斜角度分别为0°、3°和6°的土-结构相互作用模型,实现了地震动输入。对计算所得楼层响应谱进行对比分析可知,软岩层较硬岩层对地震传播有一定的放大效应,软岩层厚度的增加会使峰值频率往低频方向移动;倾斜场地对楼层响应谱高频部分有一定的放大效应。该研究结果对软岩场地下核电厂抗震安全评价具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
为了研究植物根系对不同基质结构潜流人工湿地水力特性的影响,根据填料渗透系数,分别设置单层及多层基质结构潜流人工湿地小试实验系统,以美人蕉作为湿地植物,在植物栽种前与成熟后对两系统分别开展示踪试验研究.实验结果表明,美人蕉根系对于单层结构人工湿地水力特性有较明显的改善作用,有效体积从0.49提高到了0.53,短路值由0.60降低到0.41,水力效率提高最大由43%提高到59%.比较而言,植物根系对多层结构湿地有效体积和短路值有轻微负面影响,而对水力效率则有明显的改善作用(由64%提高到83%).此外,植物成熟后,两人工湿地系统中示踪剂回收率均有所下降,其中,单层结构湿地降低较显著,回收率由72%降到62%.可见,植物根系对系统水力特性有较大影响,应在人工湿地设计过程中给予考虑.  相似文献   
United membrane biological reactor in the treatment of wastewater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The united membrane biological reactor(UMBR) was studied for the treatment of some simulate and municipal wastewater. The removal efficiency for COD and turbidity are greater than 80% and 99% respectively. Effluent COD is less than 100 mg/L while turbidity less than 5. The removal of LAS in bath wastewater is greater than 70%. In treatment of dinning-hall wastewater, removal of fatty oil is greater than 90%, and its concentration in effluent is less than 5 mg/L. The match of biological reactor and the membrane separation component were calculated. The stable performance of wastewater treatment can be maintained by the optimization of operation conditions and the eleanout of membranes.  相似文献   
河西走廊水资源供需平衡及其对农业发展的承载潜力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
河西走廊是甘肃省主要经济地区之一,河西走廊未来的经济发展规模在很大程度上取决于本地区水资源的承载能力。本文在水量平衡原理的基础上,对河西走廊水资源的供需平衡和水土资源平衡状况以及水资源对农业发展的承载潜力进行了分析计算,并建立了相应的数学模型,指出了河西走廊水资源的潜力巨大,只有在发展节水型农业和水资源合理、高效利用的条件下才能提高农业用水的承载潜力。  相似文献   
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