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The need for developing environmentally superior and sustainable solutions for managing the animal waste at commercial swine farms in eastern North Carolina has been recognized in recent years. Program OPEN (Odor, Pathogens, and Emissions of Nitrogen), funded by the North Carolina State University Animal and Poultry Waste Management Center (APWMC), was initiated and charged with the evaluation of potential environmentally superior technologies (ESTs) that have been developed and implemented at selected swine farms or facilities. The OPEN program has demonstrated the effectiveness of a new paradigm for policy-relevant environmental research related to North Carolina's animal waste management programs. This new paradigm is based on a commitment to improve scientific understanding associated with a wide array of environmental issues (i.e., issues related to the movement of N from animal waste into air, water, and soil media; the transmission of odor and odorants; disease-transmitting vectors; and airborne pathogens). The primary focus of this paper is on emissions of ammonia (NH3) from some potential ESTs that were being evaluated at full-scale swine facilities. During 2-week-long periods in two different seasons (warm and cold), NH3 fluxes from water-holding structures and NH3 emissions from animal houses or barns were measured at six potential EST sites: (1) Barham farm--in-ground ambient temperature anaerobic digester/energy recovery/greenhouse vegetable production system; (2) BOC #93 farm--upflow biofiltration system--EKOKAN; (3) Carrolls farm--aerobic blanket system--ISSUES-ABS; (4) Corbett #1 farm--solids separation/ gasification for energy and ash recovery centralized system--BEST; (5) Corbett #2 farm--solid separation/ reciprocating water technology--ReCip; and (6) Vestal farm--Recycling of Nutrient, Energy and Water System--ISSUES-RENEW. The ESTs were compared with similar measurements made at two conventional lagoon and spray technology (LST) farms (Moore farm and Stokes farm). A flow-through dynamic chamber system and two sets of open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectrometers measured NH3 fluxes continuously from water-holding structures and emissions from housing units at the EST and conventional LST sites. A statistical-observational model for lagoon NH3 flux was developed using a multiple linear regression analysis of 15-min averaged NH3 flux data against the relevant environmental parameters measured at the two conventional farms during two different seasons of the year. This was used to compare the water-holding structures at ESTs with those from lagoons at conventional sites under similar environmental conditions. Percentage reductions in NH3 emissions from different components of each potential EST, as well as the whole farm on which the EST was located were evaluated from the estimated emissions from water-holding structures, barns, etc., all normalized by the appropriate nitrogen excretion rate at the potential EST farm, as well as from the appropriate conventional farm. This study showed that ammonia emissions were reduced by all but one potential EST for both experimental periods. However, on the basis of our evaluation results and analysis and available information in the scientific literature, the evaluated alternative technologies may require additional technical modifications to be qualified as unconditional ESTs relative to NH3 emissions reductions.  相似文献   
Linking GIS-based models to value ecosystem services in an Alpine region   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
Planning frequently fails to include the valuation of public goods and services. This can have long-term negative economic consequences for a region. This is especially the case in mountainous regions such as the Alps, which depend on tourism and where land-use changes can negatively impact key ecosystem services and hence the economy. In this study, we develop a semi-automatic procedure to value ecosystem goods and services. Several existing process-based models linked to economic valuation methods are integrated into a geographic information system (GIS) platform. The model requires the input of a digital elevation model, a land-cover map, and a spatially explicit temperature dataset. These datasets are available for most regions in Europe. We illustrate the approach by valuing four ecosystem services: avalanche protection, timber production, scenic beauty, and habitat, which are supplied by the “Landschaft Davos”, an administrative district in the Swiss Alps. We compare the impacts of a human development scenario and a climate scenario on the value of these ecosystem services. Urban expansion and tourist infrastructure developments have a negative impact on scenic beauty and habitats. These impacts outweigh the benefits of the developments in the long-term. Forest expansion, predictable under a climate change scenario, favours natural avalanche protection and habitats. In general, such non-marketed benefits provided by the case-study region more than compensate for the costs of forest maintenance. Finally, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the approach. Despite its limitations, we show how this approach could well help decision-makers balance the impacts of different planning options on the economic accounting of a region, and guide them in selecting sustainable and economically feasible development strategies.  相似文献   
张庚军  卢立新  蒋玲梅  蒋磊  Ian Baker 《环境科学》2013,34(10):4000-4008
以苏州东山观测站农田为对象,通过使用简单生物圈模式(SiB3),在苏州东山站选取不同植被类型作为模式输入参数进行CO2通量的模拟,并利用苏州东山站2010-04-16~2011-06-30日的观测数据进行对比,讨论不同植被对苏州东山站CO2通量的影响.结果发现,选择玉米作为站点植被类型输入模式模拟的各月CO2通量日变化趋势与观测数据比较一致;而选择普通作物类型输入模式模拟获得的CO2通量,在4月和5月,白天低估CO2通量,6月高估CO2通量;选择茶树类型作为模式植被类型输入的模拟结果,高估5月和6月白天的CO2通量.另外,本研究还使用SiB3模式对每日CO2通量进行模拟,与观测对比后发现,选择的3种植被类型模拟获得的结果能较准确模拟出每日CO2通量的收支,但存在一定偏差.这说明,选择正确的植被类型能够使SiB3模式有效地模拟出CO2通量的日变化,但对时间从小时上升到每日尺度的CO2通量进行模拟时还存在一定困难,需要进一步验证.  相似文献   
Summary. Coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analysis of the Porapak Q-captured volatiles from the bark of trembling aspen, Populus tremuloides Michx., revealed four compounds that consistently elicited antennal responses by mountain pine beetles (MPBs), Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins. One of these, 1-hexanol, disrupted the capture of MPBs in multiple-funnel traps baited with the aggregation pheromones trans-verbenol and exo-brevicomin and the host kairomone myrcene, a blend of semiochemicals that mediates the secondary attraction response in which beetles mass attack and kill living pines. The other three EAD-active aspen bark volatiles, benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde and nonanal, were inactive alone, but in binary and ternary combinations contributed to a disruptive effect in an additive and redundant manner when all four aspen bark volatiles were tested in all possible binary and ternary blends. The best ternary blend and the quarternary blend achieved ≥ 80% disruption. The quarternary blend enhanced the disruptive effect of the antiaggregation pheromone verbenone in traps, raising the disruptive effect to 98%, and also enhanced the inhibition of attack on attractant-baited lodgepole pines. This is the first demonstration of specific compounds from the bark of angiosperm trees that disrupt the secondary attraction response of sympatric coniferophagous bark beetles. The results support the hypothesis that such bark beetles are adapted to recognize and avoid non-host angiosperm trees by responding to a broad spectrum of volatiles that can act in various blends with equal effect. Received 27 October 1997; accepted 20 February 1998.  相似文献   
Multimedia environmental fate models are commonly-applied tools for assessing the fate and distribution of contaminants in the environment. Owing to the large number of chemicals in use and the paucity of monitoring data, such models are often adopted as part of decision-support systems for chemical risk assessment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of three multimedia environmental fate models (spatially- and non-spatially-explicit) at a European scale. The assessment was conducted for four polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and compared predicted and median observed concentrations using monitoring data collected for air, water, sediments and soils. Model performance in the air compartment was reasonable for all models included in the evaluation exercise as predicted concentrations were typically within a factor of 3 of the median observed concentrations. Furthermore, there was good correspondence between predictions and observations in regions that had elevated median observed concentrations for both spatially-explicit models. On the other hand, all three models consistently underestimated median observed concentrations in sediment and soil by 1-3 orders of magnitude. Although regions with elevated median observed concentrations in these environmental media were broadly identified by the spatially-explicit models, the magnitude of the discrepancy between predicted and median observed concentrations is of concern in the context of chemical risk assessment. These results were discussed in terms of factors influencing model performance such as the steady-state assumption, inaccuracies in emission estimates and the representativeness of monitoring data.  相似文献   
A subjective visual assessment of foliage density is the mostwidely used rapid method of determining forest health. Forthese assessments to be ecologically meaningful they must bereliable (have low inter- and intra-observer variability) andreadily relate to a measure of physiological or physicalstress. A simple rapid method for assessing percent foliagedensity in lower stature trees is described. This method haslow inter-observer variability (standard deviation betweenobservers=8.6%) and therefore, minimizes the risk ofconfounding the effects of different observers with genuinechanges in density. The percentage changes in this measure offoliage density correlate well with percentage changes inbiomass, allowing a ready interpretation of observed changes.The technique does not specifically identify the cause of themeasured changes, however, with appropriate additionalmeasures this problem may be overcome.  相似文献   
Central place foragers are constrained in their foraging distribution by the necessity to return to their nest site at regular intervals. In many petrels that feed on patchily distributed prey from the sea surface over large foraging areas, alternating long and short foraging trips are used to balance the demands of the chick with the requirements of maintaining adult body condition. When the local conditions are favourable for prey density and quality, adults should be able to reduce the number of long foraging trips. We studied the flexibility in foraging trip lengths of a small pelagic petrel, the thin-billed prion Pachyptila belcheri, over three breeding seasons with increasingly favourable, cold-water conditions. During a warm-water influx in February 2006, chicks were fed less frequently and adults carried out foraging trips of up to 8 days. When conditions became more favourable with colder water temperatures in 2007 and 2008, thin-billed prions decreased trip lengths, more often attended their chick every day, and long foraging trips of six to eight days were not registered during 2008. Chick growth rates mirrored this, as chicks grew poorly during 2006, intermediate during 2007 and best during 2008. Thin-billed prions preyed mainly on squid during incubation and mainly on amphipods and euphausiids during chick-rearing. In the poorest season only, the diet was substantially supplemented with very small copepods. Together, the present results indicate that during warm-water conditions, thin-billed prions had difficulties in finding sufficient squid, amphipods or euphausiids and were forced to switch to lower trophic level prey, which they had to search for over large ocean areas.  相似文献   
Functional traits and the growth-mortality trade-off in tropical trees   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A trade-off between growth and mortality rates characterizes tree species in closed canopy forests. This trade-off is maintained by inherent differences among species and spatial variation in light availability caused by canopy-opening disturbances. We evaluated conditions under which the trade-off is expressed and relationships with four key functional traits for 103 tree species from Barro Colorado Island, Panama. The trade-off is strongest for saplings for growth rates of the fastest growing individuals and mortality rates of the slowest growing individuals (r2 = 0.69), intermediate for saplings for average growth rates and overall mortality rates (r2 = 0.46), and much weaker for large trees (r2 < or = 0.10). This parallels likely levels of spatial variation in light availability, which is greatest for fast- vs. slow-growing saplings and least for large trees with foliage in the forest canopy. Inherent attributes of species contributing to the trade-off include abilities to disperse, acquire resources, grow rapidly, and tolerate shade and other stresses. There is growing interest in the possibility that functional traits might provide insight into such ecological differences and a growing consensus that seed mass (SM), leaf mass per area (LMA), wood density (WD), and maximum height (H(max)) are key traits among forest trees. Seed mass, LMA, WD, and H(max) are predicted to be small for light-demanding species with rapid growth and mortality and large for shade-tolerant species with slow growth and mortality. Six of these trait-demographic rate predictions were realized for saplings; however, with the exception of WD, the relationships were weak (r2 < 0.1 for three and r2 < 0.2 for five of the six remaining relationships). The four traits together explained 43-44% of interspecific variation in species positions on the growth-mortality trade-off; however, WD alone accounted for > 80% of the explained variation and, after WD was included, LMA and H(max) made insignificant contributions. Virtually the full range of values of SM, LMA, and H(max) occurred at all positions on the growth-mortality trade-off. Although WD provides a promising start, a successful trait-based ecology of tropical forest trees will require consideration of additional traits.  相似文献   
Most investigations of organizational commitment have been conducted using self‐report measures, however, the veracity of self‐reports is often questioned. In a sample of 79 public‐sector administrative staff, we assessed two types of organizational commitment (affective and continuance) from the perspective of three different sources of raters (self, peer, and supervisor) to test three explanations of the factors influencing self‐report measures (observational opportunities, simple defensiveness, and moderated defensiveness). The pattern of correlations among the measures, analysed using the composite direct product multitrait–multirater approach, suggested that self‐report commitment measures are affected mainly by observations or experiences of the self‐reporter rather than by systematic bias related to defensive responding. This increases our confidence that scores from self‐report measures of affective and continuance commitment are veridical. Further, self‐ and peer‐based measures of commitment were largely redundant in the prediction of a job‐performance criterion whereas supervisory measures added unique predictive variance. Implications are discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present four reconstruction estimates of Arkansas River baseflow and streamflow using a total of 78 tree-ring chronologies for three streamflow gages, geographically spanning the headwaters in Colorado to near the confluence of the Arkansas-Mississippi rivers. The estimates represent different seasonal windows, which are dictated by the shared limiting forcing of precipitation on seasonal tree growth and soil moisture—and subsequently on the variability of Arkansas River discharge. Flow extremes that were higher and lower than what has been observed in the instrumental era are recorded in each of the four reconstructions. Years of concurrent, cross-basin (all sites) low flow appear more frequently during the 20th and 21st Centuries compared to any period since 1600 A.D., however, no significant trend in cross-basin low flow is observed. As the most downstream major tributary of the Mississippi River, the Arkansas River directly influences flood risk in the Lower Mississippi River Valley. Estimates of extreme high flow in downstream reconstructions coincide with specific years of historic flooding documented in New Orleans, Louisiana, just upstream of the Mississippi River Delta. By deduction, Mississippi River flooding in years of low Arkansas River flow imply exceptional flooding contributions from the Upper Mississippi River catchments.  相似文献   
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