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研究零价铁(Fe^0)的除砷效果,试验考察了Fe^0投加量、接触时间、pH值、DO浓度、温度、腐殖质、竞争性阴离子(SO4^2-,NO^3-,SiO2^3-,H2PO3^-,HCO3^-)对Fe^0除砷效率的影响。结果表明,Fe^0(80目)投加量为2g/L,接触时间180min,pH值为6.5,DO值6.5mg/L的条件下,对质量浓度为1mg/L的含砷水样,Fe^0对As(Ⅴ)的去除率高达96.5%,而对As(Ⅲ)的去除率只有75.8%。降低水样pH值或提高DO可显著提高Fe^0的除砷效率,温度对Fe^0除砷影响不大,水体中的腐殖质、磷酸盐、硅酸盐的存在会由于竞争性吸附而导致Fe^0除砷效率下降。采用Fe^0颗粒去除饮用水中的砷高效、经济,具有良好的应用前景。实际应用中,对于DO值较低的地下含As水,可通过充氧提高Fe^0除As效率。当水体中腐殖质、磷酸盐或硅酸盐浓度较高时,应考虑采取相应的预处理措施。  相似文献   
Yan  Mi  He  Lei  Prabowo  Bayu  Fang  Zhumin  Lin  Jie  Xu  Zhang  Hu  Yanjun 《Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management》2018,20(3):1594-1604
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Efforts to improve the performance of hydrothermal treatment (HT) in producing high-quality solid fuel from sewage sludge were carried out by...  相似文献   
After extinction, the reappearance of a conditioned response induced by an unconditioned stimulus which is weaker than that used during the conditioning training indicates that the extinction procedure does not eliminate the original conditioned memory. Recent studies on fear conditioning have shown that rats exhibited little or no recovery of conditioned responding if the time interval between fear acquisition and extinction was short, suggesting that the extinction process may erase the original conditioning trace in this situation. In the present study, a saving experiment was conducted in rats to investigate whether an aversive response could be recovered following extinction training with different time intervals after acquisition of conditioned taste aversion (CTA). Male Long–Evans rats developed CTA by associating a 0.2% sucrose solution with malaise induced by intraperitoneal injection of 4 ml/kg 0.15 M LiCl and were subjected to extinction training with an interval of 5 h (5H group) or 24 h (24H group) after acquisition of CTA. Rats in the 5H group, but not in the 24H group, exhibited no aversive responding to the sucrose solution followed by the injection of a lower dose of LiCl (1 ml/kg). These findings indicate that the extinction procedure administered at different time points following the acquisition of CTA affects recovery of extinguished aversive memory and suggest that an unlearning process may be involved in the mechanisms of CTA extinction with short intervals between acquisition and extinction.  相似文献   
一种新型烟气脱硫技术在燃煤锅炉上的扩大试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了用硫化碱加TFS添加剂进行燃煤锅炉煤气脱硫并副产硫代硫酸钠的中试成果。  相似文献   
本文介绍了球团竖炉的烟尘排放特性 ,分析了烟尘回收效益及脱硫、除尘、除雾一体化技术设备 ,该技术设备是一种紧凑合理、高效耐用、性价比高、管理方便、适合国情的大气环境净化技术设备  相似文献   
介绍了冲击水浴喷雾式除尘器在柳钢焦化厂的应用试验情况,制作安装,调试运行后检测鉴定表明,冲击水浴喷雾式除尘器应用在冶金焦末粉尘上,不但操作简单,维护方便,除尘效率高,效果好,而且成本低廉,只有电除尘器或布袋除尘器的20%左右。  相似文献   
林坚  张优珍  邝萍 《环境工程》2002,20(3):62-63
采用双环已酮草酰二腙 (简称BCO)光度法 ,对含铜三氯化铁蚀刻废液综合利用过程中铜的快速测定进行了研究。重点对铁基体对于铜测定的干扰情况进行了研究。在选择的最佳分析条件下 ,测定三氯化铁蚀刻废液综合利用过程含铜浓度为 0 4 6g L的还原液时 ,其相对标准偏差和加标回收率分别为 1 0 5 %、99 2 1%、10 0 2 %。本方法简单快速 ,测定 1~ 2个样品仅需 30min。  相似文献   
固体废弃物轮胎的热解技术   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
综述了国内外对废轮胎的处理状况,并详细地讨论了废轮胎热解技术的发展、分类以及典型工艺流程。热解技术主要包括油化技术、气化技术和炭化技术三种,并可制得衍生油、燃料气、碳黑等产品。分析了废轮胎热解工艺存在的问题,指出了如何开发环境友好的集成工艺是废轮胎热解工艺的发展方向。  相似文献   
生态农业园区废弃物资源化处理利用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了蟹岛生态园区农业废气物及生活污水的资源化处理工艺方案 ,通过对沼气池和生活污水厌氧 -好氧 -生态塘处理系统进行综合设计 ,实现了节能环保和废弃物无害化综合处理利用。形成了种植业、养殖业、肥料加工、能源利用和休闲度假有机结合的生态农业经济 ,为实现农村经济可持续发展提供了一种新模式  相似文献   
以高压汞灯为光源 ,采用浸涂 -烧结法制备的负载型纳米TiO2 作为光催化剂 ,通过对水中微量溶解性间二甲苯的光催化氧化过程的研究表明 ,初始浓度在 6 .6 8— 17.36mg/L的范围内 ,间二甲苯的光催化反应遵循表观一级反应动力学规律 ,反应的表观速率常数随溶液初始浓度的增大而减小 ,半衰期则随初始浓度的增大而增加 ,经 1.5h反应后 ,溶液中间二甲苯的去除率从 17.36mg/L的 5 4 .4 4 %增加到 6 .6 8mg/L的 75 .90 %。  相似文献   
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