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V. Simon 《Marine Biology》1986,92(3):431-442
Low primary-productivity levels in high-nutrient environments of the Southern Ocean are not yet well understood. An accurate knowledge of nutrient assimilation by phytoplankton, at the base of the pelagic food-web, therefore appears to be essential. A study of the mesoscale hydrological structure and chemical observations in the upper layers of the Indian sector of the Antarctic Ocean (Cruise MD-25 FIBEX of M.S. Marion Dufresne, January–February 1981) permitted us to develop a method for estimating nutrient consumption by phytoplankton. After strong vertical mixing in winter, the homogeneous Antarctic Surface Water (ASW) is, in summer, divided into two parts by a well-formed pycnocline. In the upper layer, corresponding approximately to the photic zone, we observed nutrient depletion resulting from photosynthetic activity, while the underlaying thermal minimum layer displayed unaltered winter characteristics, including nutrient concentrations typical of winter surface-water conditions. Taking into account the nutrient depletion in summer, we calculated the assimilation ratios for Antarctic phytoplankton as follows: ([NO 3 - lower]-[NO 3 - upper]):([PO 4 upper])=N:P=11.2±2.4 and N:Si=0.27±0.05. These ratios are lower than the classical Redfield ratios (N:P=16 and N:Si=1), but are in good agreement with the elementary composition of phytoplankton samples collected during the same cruise. Moreover, they agree with previously published data on stoechiometric determinations of particulate matter in surface-water samples. Besides, in the transition layer between the lower layer and Warm Deep Water (WDW), the calculated mineralization ratios were slightly higher than the assimilation ratios: N:P=14.6 and N:Si=0.37. From these ratios, it would appear that, in these surface layers of the Southern Ocean (down to 250 m), assimilation-regeneration mechanisms operate in such a way that phosphate and silicate contents decrease much more than nitrate content during the northward drift of the surface waters. The determination of assimilation ratios taking into account the nutrient depletion of the upper layer allowed us to evaluate the carbon net-production which integrates time-space variations in the photic layer over the whole early summer period. We estimated a production rate (0.4 g C m-2 d-1) of the same order of magnitude as the mean value obtained by the 14C method (0.2 g C m-2 d-1). The theoretic silicium consumption by phytoplankton along a meridian transect, calculated using an estimated assimilation ratio of C:Si=1,85, indicates that the marked south-north decrease in silicate concentration in the Antarctic Surface Water would mainly result from biological activity. The silicate concentrations thus calculated were in good agreement with concentrations measured along a previous transect across the Southern Ocean.
Le système assimilation-régénération des sels nutritifs dans les eaux superficielles de l'océan Austral

Benzo[b]fluoranthene (B[b]F) was used in relative abundance ratios (RARs), a parameter obtained by dividing the concentration of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) found in a given sample by the concentration of B[b]F in the same sample. The B[b]F RARs were derived for PAH concentrations measured at stacks and sampling stations in the vicinity of two Söderberg aluminum horizontal stud smelters (HSSs). The samples collected were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography using UV and fluorescence detection. A total of 15 PAHs were analyzed, but, due to the inefficiency of the sampling method used in collecting gaseous PAHs, only particulate PAHs were considered. Comparisons between the B[b]F RARs obtained simultaneously at the source (stack) and those obtained at sampling stations at the two smelters showed that B[b]F degrades more slowly than or at the same rate as most other particulate PAHs monitored. Twenty-three months of urban sampling in the vicinity of one of the aluminum HSSs are also presented, and the results indicate that B[b]F is more stable than all other particulate PAHs investigated. Sampling conducted during a smelter shutdown period confirmed that B[b]F was a much better marker of this source than was benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), the usual indicator. The remarkable stability of the benzo[k]fluoranthene (B[k]F)/B[b]F ratio is also discussed.  相似文献   
We report the findings of a comparative analysis examining patterns of accumulation and partitioning of the heavy metals copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in mangroves from available field-based studies to date, employing both species level analyses and a phylogenetic approach. Despite mangroves being a taxonomically diverse group, metal accumulation and partitioning for all metals examined were broadly similar across genera and families. Patterns of metal accumulation were also similar regardless of whether species were classified as salt secreting or non-secreting. Metals were accumulated in roots to concentrations similar to those of adjacent sediments with root bio-concentration factors (BCF; ratio of root metal to sediment metal concentration) of 1< or =. Root BCFs were constant across the exposure range for all metals. Metal concentrations in leaves were half that of roots or lower. Essential metals (Cu and Zn; translocation factors (TF; ratio of leaf metal to root metal concentration) of 0.52 and 0.53, and leaf BCFs of 0.47 and 0.51, respectively) showed greater mobility than non-essential metals (Pb; TF of 0.31 and leaf BCF of 0.11). Leaf BCFs for the essential metals Cu and Zn decreased as environmental concentrations increased. The non-essential metal Pb was excluded from leaf tissue regardless of environmental concentrations. Thus mangroves as a group tend to operate as excluder species for non-essential metals and regulators of essential metals. For phytoremediation initiatives, mangrove ecosystems are perhaps best employed as phytostabilisers, potentially aiding in the retention of toxic metals and thereby reducing transport to adjacent estuarine and marine systems.  相似文献   

The effects of pyrethroid pesticides (deltamethrin, permethrin and cypermethrin) and an organophosphate ester (methidation) on the activities of carp trypsin, α‐chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase A and lipase were studied. The enzymes were isolated from the gastrointestinal tract and the effects of the pesticides were investigated during incubation for 5 min. The activity of trypsin was influenced only slightly by the presence of deltamethrin and methidation, whereas permethrin and cypermethrin caused significant inhibition. The pyrethroid pesticides at lower concentrations resulted in a slight activation of α‐chymotrypsin. Methidation inhibited the α‐chymotrypsin activity by about 20%. These pesticides modified the lipase activity to a lesser extent; the highest inhibition was measured with cypermethrin. The carboxypeptidase A activity was inhibited by both pyrethroid pesticides and methidation. The results suggest that these pesticides might interact with the active conformation of the studied hydrolytic enzymes, resulting in changes in their activities.  相似文献   
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