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This paper presents relevant data for industry and governmental policy makers with the aim of increasing the recycling rate of end-of-life copper and zinc in Australia in a technically and economically feasible way. The methodology used to quantify and spatially distribute end-of-life flows of copper and zinc is based on existing and anticipated in-use stocks, their residence times, and their historical and anticipated future evolution. Australia currently (ca. 2000) generates about 72 Gg/year and 57 Gg/year of end-of-life copper and zinc, respectively. Some 70% of all discarded copper and 40% of all discarded zinc generated in Australia are currently being recycled. A detailed assessment shows that about 75% of all end-of-life material in Australia comes from the three states New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland. In Australia, about 70–75% of waste copper and waste zinc is generated in urban areas. Residential applications account for about 40% (copper) and 60% (zinc) of the generated discards; commercial and industrial applications account for the remainder. By 2030, the discard flows are predicted to increase by about 105% and 155%, to 150 Gg Cu/year and 145 Gg Zn/year, providing substantially increased opportunities for recovery and re-use. Priority targets for the improvement of copper and zinc recycling in Australia are buildings under renovation, urban infrastructure, the transportation sector, and also consumer and business durables. Urban centres are particularly attractive locations for recycling facilities, especially in Perth and Adelaide.  相似文献   
近年来,有机污染土壤堆式燃气热脱附技术因具有二次污染可控、污染物去除率高以及修复成本低等优势得到快速发展,然而目前国内外关于该技术的工程示范与效果评估仍有待研究. 针对我国北方某退役焦化厂污染土壤,开展了2 000 m3的堆式燃气热脱附工程试验,系统分析热脱附过程中土壤的温湿度变化规律、修复效果以及能源消耗等情况,并提出堆式燃气热脱附技术的应用条件和优化方法. 结果表明:当加热运行至35 d时,堆体测温点平均温度达175 ℃,抽检的12组土壤样品中污染物浓度均远低于GB 36600—2018《土壤环境质量 建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》中第一类用地筛选值,修复达标率为100%;运行至39 d时,收集水量共计310.4 m3,土壤体积含水率从25.8%降至10.3%左右;同时,该试验采用的烟气余热再利用技术将排烟温度降至300 ℃以下,使修复能耗降低约11.5%,即每修复1 m3污染土壤消耗约49.5 Nm3天然气和16 kW?h电量;此外,采用COMSOL软件模拟堆体的温度和湿度结果与试验结果的平均相对误差分别小于7.36%和7.49%,具有较好的吻合性. 研究显示,热脱附修复过程中堆体的底层平均温度处于较低水平,需提高底层加热管温度,或铺设岩棉板进行隔热保温措施,以提高堆体底层土壤的修复效率,研究结果可为有机污染土壤堆式燃气热脱附技术应用提供技术支撑.   相似文献   
堆式燃气热脱附技术因具有二次污染小、污染物去除率高和处理周期短等优势而得到快速发展. 土壤中的水分是影响堆体热修复过程中土壤升温的关键因素,然而其热湿迁移机理尚不明晰,工程设计主要依赖于实践经验. 该研究以山东省某污染场地的砂质壤土开展堆体热湿迁移试验,结合COMSOL仿真模拟,系统分析加热过程中土壤温度和湿度在竖直及水平方向上的变化规律. 结果表明:热源附近土壤水分呈逐渐升高并出现短暂峰值(高于初始值10.9%)后再下降的趋势,水分峰值随温度提高而升高;热源温度越高,土壤中水汽的对流和扩散作用愈加明显,当热源温度由50.0 ℃升至100 ℃时,监测点体积含水量下降率由4.50%升至27.2%,且水汽的浓度扩散机制在水分迁移过程中占主导作用;对于相同热源作用下,初始体积含水量较高的土壤具有相对较高的温度变化,温升过程中对流传热以及热传导的作用更显著,当初始体积含水量由0.0700 m3/m3升至0.160 m3/m3时,监测点的温度由37.1 ℃升至40.0 ℃,其中多孔基体间的热传导作用占主导. 研究显示,堆体热脱附过程中土壤水分迁移规律与土壤体积含水量、距热源的距离、热源温度有关,且多孔基体间的热传导是引起土壤升温的主要机制.   相似文献   
通过对膨润土的羟基铝改性实验大大提高了膨润土对染料废水的处理效率。实验结果表明:改性膨润土对变色酸有很好的去除效果,对H酸有较好的去除效果,对T酸处理效果一般,对吐氏酸几乎没有效果。  相似文献   
北京市垃圾问题的现状及对策   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
介绍了北京市近年垃圾的产量、成分、热值及其变化情况。并对北京市垃圾处理所遵循的方针以及为处理垃圾做的工作,垃圾处理项目建设的进展情况作了简要介绍。目前北京市垃圾处理率约40%,到2000年可达到60%以上,处理垃圾要逐步达到以焚烧和实现资源化为主,适当发展堆肥处理,尽量减少填埋处理的垃圾量。文中另就垃圾的资源化、产业化发表了意见。为了加快处理垃圾、减轻政府负担,应逐步建立处理垃圾的产业,并逐步实现社会化,为此建议政府应制定相应的优惠政策。   相似文献   
研究4种典型民用煤燃烧排放PM2.5中的碳组分以及水溶性离子含量特点,并通过PAM-OFR(潜在气溶胶质量-氧化流动反应器)模拟了大气老化过程(2d)对煤球与烟煤燃烧PM2.5中碳组分与水溶性离子含量的变化影响。结果表明,烟煤燃放PM2.5中碳组分含量最高,达到57.96%,其EC含量是其他煤种的4.3~9.6倍。民用煤燃烧产生PM2.5中水溶性离子以Na+与SO42-为主,其在总水溶性离子中占比合计约47%~76%。经历了大气老化试验后,煤球与烟煤燃烧排放PM2.5中NH4+和NO3-离子含量大幅增加,与之相比,TC占PM2.5比例分别下降了12.03%与19.99%。  相似文献   
研究了民用燃煤在不同燃烧阶段排放PM2.5的质量浓度分布特征.结果表明,散煤与正烧炉在旺火阶段排放颗粒物粒径主要集中在0.2μm以下(d50=0.15μm),加煤和封火阶段在0.2~0.5μm (d50=0.38mm),质量占比46.6%~68.97%.型煤与正烧炉在各阶段排放的颗粒物均以0.2μm以下颗粒物为主,质量占比44.64%~56.24%.扫描电镜(SEM)观察到燃煤排放PM2.5为大量超细颗粒物聚集形成的簇团状结构.用碳平衡法计算得到散煤加煤阶段的PM2.5排放因子为4.72g/kg,分别是旺火和封火阶段的12和11倍.将散煤更换为型煤,能够使得加煤阶段的PM2.5排放因子减少90.9%,从而显著降低PM2.5排放.  相似文献   
Land use change is a main driver of carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems. Based on land use data, research results related to carbon densities in vegetation and soil as well as government policies related to development in different regions of China, this paper optimized land use structure in 2020 for different regions with the goal of increasing terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage. We defined seven types of land use: (1) cultivated land, (2) garden land, (3) woodland, (4) pasture land, (5) other agricultural land, (6) urbanized land, and (7) a mixture of other land which we call mixed land which included open water, swamps, glaciers and other land as defined below. We found: (1) For most eastern regions, woodland has the highest carbon (C) densities while C densities of pasture land and cultivated land did not differ widely. Both have C densities higher than urbanized land while urbanized land has higher carbon densities than the areas placed in the mixed land type. (2) Under an optimized land use structure projected for 2020, the area of cultivated land will decrease compared with 2005 for most regions. The areas of garden land, pasture land and other agricultural land are much smaller compared with the mixed land use type, and the changes there are not obvious and their contributions to increased carbon storage are not significant. The area of woodland will increase the most obviously and it will contribute the most to increased carbon storage. The increasing urbanization of land and the decreasing trend of other land types make it difficult to change carbon storage patterns since the Chinese economy is expanding rapidly. (3) The optimized land use structure presented here will have effects on the entire country though with regional differences. Some inland regions will always have a larger potential to increase carbon storage than other areas because the potentialities in some coastal regions are limited by social and economic development.  相似文献   
为准确评估京津冀地区采暖期实施“煤改电”政策带来的健康效益,估算了京津冀地区各区县采暖期“煤改电”政策实施前后PM2.5污染导致的过早死亡人数,并采用支付意愿法计算了相应的健康损失价值.结果表明,京津冀地区“煤改电”政策实施后带来了1 745人(95%CI:1 443~1 907)健康效益和23.78亿元(95%CI:14.50~30.63)经济效益.北京、天津及河北地区的健康效益分别为495人(95%CI:436~554)、 296人(95%CI:238~354)及954人(95%CI:693~1 076).经济效益分别为3.50亿元(95%CI:3.08~3.92)、 3.32亿元(95%CI:2.67~3.96)及16.96亿元(95%CI:8.75~22.75),分别占各地区GDP的0.01%、 0.02%及0.04%. COPD、 LC、 ALRI、 IHD、 STROKE减少的死亡人数分别为187人(95%CI:165~224)、 318人(95%CI:178~458)、 193人(95%CI:115~204)、 506人(95%CI:232~780)...  相似文献   
本研究建立了基于人工神经网络的民用散煤燃用量估算模型,得到了京津冀地区“以电代煤”替代民用散煤大气污染物排放清单.结果表明:截止到2018年,京津冀地区“以电代煤”替代散煤用户约259万户,每年可减少散煤燃烧约706.6万t,减少PM2.5、NOx、SO2的排放量分别约为2.81,0.76,2.17万t.其中,北京市和天津市实施效果较为明显,占京津冀地区“以电代煤”散煤替代总量的62.01%和22.82%.基于调研数据得到京津冀各市燃煤量月分布系数,1月份分布系数最大,燃煤量占比为27%~40%.  相似文献   
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