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利用常规气象观测资料、颗粒物监测数据,并结合污染源溯源,采用天气学原理和轨迹分析等方法对2019年5月青海东部一次沙尘重污染天气的主要成因及沙尘传输特征进行了分析.结果表明,此次沙尘重污染天气主要由贝加尔湖低槽东移携带的强冷空气沿河西走廊东移下滑,沿湟水河谷自东向西倒灌入青海东部导致,污染物随着强劲的东风影响青海东部....  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to examine the spatial distribution pattern of Stipa purpurea steppe and to elucidate their possible correlation with environmental factors, by means of multivariate quantitative analysis. Two data sets were subjected to the Two-way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN), the community similarity analysis and the Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). The distribution pattern of Stipa purpurea steppe showed obvious geographical heterogeneity in different regions and some homogeneity in the same region. And the altitude, longitude and latitude were the three major environmental factors affecting Stipa purpurea steppe’s distribution.  相似文献   
为明确给出保护地综合生态承载力的实质内涵"人类活动强度阈值",利用不确定性多目标优化方法,建立了区域保护地生态承载力优化模型.应用该模型对黄河源区玛多县进行区域保护地生态承载力评价及规模结构优化.结果表明:草畜矛盾是制约玛多县社会经济发展的瓶颈;根据《三江源国家公园总体规划》目标,在保证野生动物种群数量发展的同时畜牧业...  相似文献   
In this paper, the continuous (1994–2001) and discrete air sample (1991–2001) measurements of atmospheric CH4 from the Waliguan Baseline Observatory located in western China (36°17′N, 100°54′E, 3816 m asl) are presented and characterized. The CH4 time series show large episodic events on the order of 100 ppb throughout the year. During spring, a diurnal cycle with average amplitude of 7 ppb and a morning maximum and late afternoon minimum is observed. In winter, a diurnal cycle with average amplitude of 14 ppb is observed with an afternoon maximum and morning minimum. Unlike most terrestrial observational sites, no obvious diurnal patterns are present during the summer or autumn. A background data selection procedure was developed based on local horizontal and vertical winds. A selected hourly data set representative of “baseline” conditions was derived with approximately 50% of the valid hourly data. The range of CH4 mixing ratios, annual means, annual increases and mean annual cycle at Waliguan during the 1992–2001 were derived from discrete and continuous data representative of “baseline” conditions and compared to air samples collected at other Northern Hemisphere sites. The range of CH4 monthly means of 1746–1822 ppb, average annual means of 1786.7±10.8 ppb and mean annual increase of 4.5±4.2 ppb yr−1 at Waliguan were inline with measurements from sites located between 30° and 60°N. There were variations observed in the CH4 annual increase patterns at Waliguan that were slightly different from the global pattern. The mean CH4 annual cycle at Waliguan shows an unusual pattern of two gentle peaks in summer and February along with two small valleys in early winter and spring and a mean peak-to-peak amplitude of 11 ppb, much smaller than amplitudes observed at most other mid- and high-northern latitude sites. The Waliguan CH4 data are strongly influenced by continental Asian CH4 emissions and provide key information for global atmospheric CH4 models.  相似文献   
青藏高原东部牧区春季雪灾天气的形成及其预报   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对青藏高原东部牧区1967~1996年30年中春季发生的成灾性降雪天气过程进行了较为详细的分析,发现有45%的成灾性降雪过程与该地区的低涡天气系统有关。在归纳总结高原春季降雪天气形成的3种环流模型的基础上,重点分析了通常情况下高原切变线对高原低涡发生发展所起的主要作用:(1)高原切变线西南段区域内为上升运动区且气流的气旋性涡旋处于发展阶段,切变线东北段区域内为下沉运动区且气流的反气旋性涡旋处于发展阶段,是低涡形成的前期条件;(2)高原切变线附近的流场有利于将周围水汽聚拢,使低涡系统得到持续不断的水汽供给,其中负的水汽通量散度扰动中心位于切变线中段南侧,形成水汽汇,正的水汽通量散度扰动最大值部分位于切变线西南段南侧,是低涡水汽的主要来源。文中还给出了高原部分测站降雪量、最低气温的预报方程,可供有关预报人员参考。  相似文献   
1IntroductionAsaveryhighandcoldregion,theQingzangPlateau(TibetQinghaiPlateau)isverypeculiarinecologicallandscapefeature.Alth...  相似文献   
利用1994年至2005年青海省瓦里关地区连续监测的大气CO2浓度、O3总量、近地面O3浓度,以及1991年至2004年和1990年至2004年气瓶采样的大气CH4浓度和CO浓度的资料,分析了大气中化学组分近十年来的变化特征.结果表明:瓦里关地区大气中CO2浓度明显呈逐年增加的趋势,年平均增长率约为1.87μmol·mol-1·a-1,且具有明显的季节变化;大气中O3总量表现为复杂的年际变化和稳定的下降趋势;地面O3浓度具有明显的季节变化且呈缓慢的上升趋势;大气中CH4浓度也呈逐年上升的趋势;大气中CO的浓度变化不明显.  相似文献   
嗜盐菌相溶物质合成与转运调节机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
嗜盐菌是极端环境微生物的重要类群之一,作为新型微生物资源,为微生物生理、遗传分类及生命科学和相关学科许多领域的研究提供新的课题.文章综述了嗜盐菌的嗜盐渗透压分子调节机理中,相溶物质胞外吸收转运与胞内生物合成途径涉及的结构基因、主要酶类的相关研究进展,并对后续研究进行讨论与展望.  相似文献   
根据西宁市13个环境空气监测站点2013—2017年大气污染物细颗粒物(PM2. 5)、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)、二氧化硫(SO_2)、二氧化氮(NO_2)、臭氧最大8 h平均(O_3-8h)和一氧化碳(CO)的监测数据,采用主分量分析法对西宁市环境空气质量进行了综合评估。结果表明,2013—2017年西宁市大部分环境空气监测站点周边环境空气质量逐渐提升,4个国控站综合得分(F)趋势变化幅度较大,其周边环境空气质量状况改善较为明显;城南新区、湟源县气象局和西钢监测站点周边环境空气质量呈逐年下降趋势,与其附近工业生产有关。  相似文献   
瓦里关山大气CO本底变化   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
利用1992 01~2002 12期间的实测资料,分析了瓦里关全球基准站(36°17′N,100°54′E,海拔3816m)大气CO本底特征,并探讨了与源汇过程的关系.结果表明,瓦里关山大气CO体积分数本底范围与北半球平均水平基本相符,但增长趋势及年增长率波动与北半球平均状况并不完全一致,多年平均季节变化与同纬度海洋边界层(MBL)参比值以及北半球平均值也有较大差异,是所在地区多种CO源汇和大气输送共同作用的结果.瓦里关山大气CO本底观测资料既能体现亚洲内陆地域特点又具有全球代表性,辅以其它相关资料,还可进一步揭示中国内陆高原大气CO本底特征的成因.  相似文献   
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