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阐述了便携式风力灭火机的使用方法、二冲程汽油机所用混合油的配制、换气阀的检查、启动和停止便携式风力灭火机的注意事项、新机磨合的方法,以及使用后和防火期结束后的保养方法等。  相似文献   
水系灭火剂的研究与发展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
综述了国内外水系灭火剂的研究现状,并讨论了水系灭火剂研究的发展方向  相似文献   
具有火灾的危险场所,配备一定数量的灭火器具,是以备万一发生火灾时,能够在第一时间内将火灾扑灭,将火灾损失降到最低的投资最少、但却是最有效的措施.介绍了易发火灾危险场所灭火器配置点和数量的设计原则、过程和方法,并举例进行了设计.  相似文献   
The need for sustainable energy sources, as well as the current energetic crisis involving the majority of markets, has promoted the use of cryogenic liquefaction for the transportation and storage of natural gas (i.e., LNG). To guarantee the development of a robust and safe infrastructure, a complete understanding of the main phenomena occurring at low temperatures is paramount. In this sense, the largest grey areas are the characterization of the combustion at low-initial temperature and the interactions between water and cryogenic liquid. For these reasons, this work presents an experimental campaign on the possible mitigation strategies for the mitigation of consequences related to the accidental release of LNG. Particular emphasis was posed on the direct and indirect effects of water on cryogenic pool fire. The former resulted in a significant increase in the dimensions of fire (∼+50%) and burning rate (∼300%) with respect to the case with no direct contact between water and LNG, whereas the latter generated an abrupt decrease in the measured temperatures (<100 °C). The use of an emergency flare to empty an LNG tank was tested, as well. The spatial distribution of temperature was monitored along with the time to guarantee the safe operability of this equipment in the case of LNG combustion. The explanations for the observed phenomena and trends were provided, allowing for the development of safe procedures for the emergency response related to cryogenic fuels.  相似文献   
为了探讨钻屑固化填埋池对周围土壤及水体环境的影响,以西南某页岩气田为例,分别选取了具有代表性的水基钻屑固化填埋池和油基灰渣固化填埋池,先对钻屑固化处置方式和效果进行了评价,再对钻屑固化填埋池土壤径流液及土壤进行了监测,分析了固化填埋池对周边土壤环境的影响。结果表明:钻屑固化体浸出液达到GB8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》一级排放标准,钻屑固化填埋池土壤径流液满足GB5084-2005《农田灌溉水质标准》旱作标准;水基钻屑固化填埋池和油基灰渣固化填埋池上覆土壤重金属综合污染指数分别是0.42、0.45,周边土壤重金属综合污染指数分别是0.45、0.54。钻屑固化填埋池各项监测指标均未超标,土壤重金属综合污染指数均小于0.7,钻屑固化填埋暂时未对周边土壤造成影响,属于清洁水平。短期内钻屑固化填埋效果较好,对周围土壤环境影响较小。  相似文献   
A number of studies at land-based parks have indicated that trip information from permit itineraries does not always coincide with actual user behavior. To assess the effectiveness of the fixed-itinerary system at a water-based park, this study examined discrepancies between the itineraries recorded on permits and those reported by overnight users following their visits to Everglades National Park; it also assessed day visitors' reported use of backcountry campsites. Motorboaters were more likely to comply with their permit itinerary than canoeists (76% and 66% compliance rate, respectively). More than one-fourth of day users reported stopping at a backcountry campsite. Respondents reported that sharing campsites with noncomplying campers affected their backcountry experience in either a positive (3%), negative (11%), or neutral (9%) manner.  相似文献   
本文提出扑灭瓦斯矿井火灾的惰气灭火装置,并介绍了该装置的工作原理,构造及其应用。研究了风油比与燃气成分的关系;阐述了风油比自控系统对保证燃气成分符合灭火要求的重要意义和作用。本文还对国内外同类灭火装置性能进行比较。通过试验表明,该装置既能扑灭矿井火灾又能抑制瓦斯爆炸,是处理瓦斯矿井火灾理想的灭火新装备。  相似文献   
灭火器具有轻便灵活,易于掌握操作的特点,是扑救初起火灾的重要消防器材,对应急状态下的消防灭火工作尤为重要。在建设项目安全预评价和验收评价中,往往受项目建设内容多,可行性研究报告或初步设计中对消防灭火器配置的设计详细程度有限等因素的影响,评价人员对建设项目作业场所灭火器配置情况是否符合相关规范、标准的要求,更多是通过检查该建设项目是否通过了当地公安消防部门的消防设计审核或消防验收来予以确认,往往很难具体确定作业场所灭火器材的配置包括规格、数量、设置位置是否满足该作业场所的要求。鉴于作业场所灭火器设置的重要性,就如何在建设项目安全评价中更好的对作业场所灭火器材的配备与设计进行评价,本文通过实例进行分析说明。旨在保证项目设计过程中对灭火器材配备的准确性,避免因灭火器配置规格、数量、位置的不当,造成火灾事故现场后果的严重化、扩大化,以减少火灾损失,保障人身和财产安全。  相似文献   
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