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Fault detection (FD) and diagnosis in industrial processes is essential to ensure process safety and maintain product quality. Partial least squares (PLS) has been used successfully in process monitoring because it can effectively deal with highly correlated process variables. However, the conventional PLS-based detection metrics, such as the Hotelling's T2 and the Q statistics are ill suited to detect small faults because they only use information from the most recent observations. Other univariate statistical monitoring methods, such as the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control scheme, has shown better abilities to detect small faults. However, EWMA can only be used to monitor single variables. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to combine the advantages of the univariate EWMA and PLS methods to enhance their performances and widen their applicability in practice. The performance of the proposed PLS-based EWMA FD method was compared with that of the conventional PLS FD method through two simulated examples, one using synthetic data and the other using simulated distillation column data. The simulation results clearly show the effectiveness of the proposed method over the conventional PLS, especially in the presence of faults with small magnitudes.  相似文献   
本系统基于气体浓度光学分析方法理论朗伯-比尔(Lambert-Beer)定律、光谱气体检测技术开发,实现了对煤矿火灾与瓦斯灾害超前预警、灾害产生的有毒有害气体实时监测和煤矿环境气体爆炸危险性辨识,对于煤矿灾害防治、救灾过程中杜绝次生灾害,保障煤矿工人及救护队员的生命安全,促进煤矿安全生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   
We have investigated the ability of high-resolution proton NMR spectroscopy to provide a biochemical constituent screening of human amniotic fluid (AF). Proton NMR spectra were obtained at 300 MHz on AF from patients undergoing amniocentesis in the mid-trimester. Only AF from normal pregnancies (normal fetal karyotype, normal a-fetoprotein levels, normal birth outcome) was used in this study. The AF supernatant was lyophilized and resuspended in deuterated water containing 0.1 mm phosphate buffer and 6.02 mm disodium maleate. Identification of low molecular weight compounds was confirmed by two-dimensional NMR spectra (primarily correlated spectroscopy, or COSY) and standard addition techniques. A broad profile of compounds were ‘NMR visible’ in a single proton spectrum, including creatinine, glucose, organic acids (acetate, citrate, and lactate) and several amino acids (alanine, histidine, leucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine and valine). The proton spectrum was unaffected by prior freezing/thawing of AF samples. We were able to quantify compounds by comparison with an added concentration standard (maleate) at concentrations as low as 30 μm. Good agreement with literature values based on other analytical techniques was obtained.  相似文献   
供水管线震害量化参数--渗漏面积的估算方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了分析管线破坏状态对震后供水管网功能的影响,首先需要对管线的震害状态进行量化。建议用管线渗漏面积标定管线的破坏状态。在管线震害分析和理论计算的基础上,提出了震后管线渗漏面积的计算方法,为进一步进行供水管网抗震分析和设计提供了研究基础。  相似文献   
头盔式面罩和头带式面罩性能的比较:头盔式面罩具有佩戴容易、气密性好。工艺简单,但舒适性差,视野不如头带式面罩好等特点;头带式面罩具有舒适性好,视野宽阔,但工艺较复杂,佩戴不易气密等特点。  相似文献   
土壤CO2的释放能够显著增加大气牛CO2的浓度,增强温室效应,从而对全球气候和环境变化产生重要影响.但是,不同的土壤层对CO2通量的贡献量有很大的差异.文章通过挖坑法结合红外气体分析法研究了内蒙古草原典犁针茅(Stipa krylovii)群落和羊草(Leymus chinensis)群落不同剖面深度土壤CO2通量格局以及影响CO2通量的驱动因素.结果表明,表层土壤移走后,土壤CO2通量的变化可分为瞬时、短期、长期三种格局.新剖面上最初的0~21 min内释放的CO2通量最均大于初始土壤表层CO2通量,而且两者比值随土壤深度增加而增大,也随土壤CO2生产能力增强而增大.2~4 d后,新剖面CO2通量持续下降至低于初始土壤表层CO2通量的水平.形成短期稳定状态.更长时间后,新剖面则逐渐表现出与初始土壤剖面表层相近的CO2通量特征.我们认为,(1)在新剖面形成时的CO2通量瞬时和短期格局主要受土壤中存留的原始CO2的浓度及其扩散过程控制,(2)长期格局则由资源水平和环境条件共同决定的土壤CO2生产能力主导.文章进一步揭示了建立包含垂直分层的SOC分解和CO2扩散过程的生态系统模型的必要性.  相似文献   
Windblown dust is known to impede visibility, deteriorate air quality and modify the radiation budget. Arid and semiarid areas with unpaved and unvegetated land cover are particularly prone to windblown dust, which is often attributed to high particulate matter (PM) pollution in such areas. Yet, windblown dust is poorly represented in existing regulatory air quality models. In a study by the authors on modeling episodic high PM events along the US/Mexico border using the state-of-the-art CMAQ/MM5/SMOKE air quality modeling system [Choi, Y.-J., Hyde, P., Fernando, H.J.S., 2006. Modeling of episodic particulate matter events using a 3D air quality model with fine grid: applications to a pair of cities in the US/Mexico border. Atmospheric Environment 40, 5181–5201], some of the observed PM10 NAAQS exceedances were inferred as due to windblown dust, but the modeling system was incapable of dealing with time-dependent episodic dust entrainment during high wind periods. In this paper, a time-dependent entrainment parameterization for windblown dust is implemented in the CMAQ/MM5/SMOKE modeling system with the hope of improving PM predictions. An approach for realizing windblown dust emission flux for each grid cell over the study domain on an hourly basis, which accounts for the influence of factors such as soil moisture content, atmospheric stability and wind speed, is presented in detail. Comparison of model predictions with observational data taken at a pair of US/Mexico border towns shows a clear improvement of model performance upon implementation of the dust emission flux parameterization.  相似文献   
土壤中硫的形态分析及其测定方法研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对土壤中硫的形态分析与测定方法,从无机硫,有机硫,总硫,以及硫的系统分析方法,硫的检测几个方面进行了综述,对各种方法进行了客观的评价,指出了尚待于解决的问题,并对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
小流域大气氮干湿沉降特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
王焕晓  庞树江  王晓燕  樊彦波 《环境科学》2018,39(12):5365-5374
大气氮沉降是陆源污染物和营养物质向水生生态系统传输的重要途径之一.在人类活动影响较大的流域,大量氮素通过大气沉降的形式输入到水体中,能够对地表水体的营养结构、水生生物的生存环境等造成严重的负面生态效应.本文以密云水库石匣小流域为例,采集并分析了研究区大气氮沉降(颗粒态干沉降与湿沉降)样品,探讨了该流域大气氮沉降通量的变化特征及其主要影响因子,进而明确了大气氮沉降对流域氮输入的贡献程度.结果表明:(1)石匣流域大气氮总沉降(颗粒态干沉降与湿沉降之和)呈现出明显的季节变化特征;对湿沉降而言,总氮、氨氮在夏季沉降通量最大,溶解性有机氮沉降通量在春季最大,而硝态氮季节变化并不明显;对颗粒态干沉降而言,总氮和氨氮的沉降通量在冬季最高;硝态氮在不同季节变化不明显,但其沉降趋势与总氮基本一致;溶解性有机氮在秋季出现最高值.(2)该流域氮沉降通量为43. 14 kg·hm-2,其中湿沉降通量占39. 85%,颗粒态干沉降通量占60. 15%.(3)降雨和风速条件是影响大气氮沉降的重要影响因子,其中雨量和雨强与氮湿沉降浓度均呈明显的负相关关系;对颗粒态干沉降而言,监测期内平均风速是影响颗粒态氨氮干沉降通量的重要因子.(4)大气氮沉降占该流域总的氮素输入量的15. 09%,是仅次于畜禽养殖和农村生活的重要污染源.本研究结果可为密云水库上游流域氮素综合管理提供科学参考.  相似文献   
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