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今年,北京市安监局开展了安全生产大型公开课活动,这是北京市安全生产宣传教育工作向企业、向职工、向生产一线延伸的一次有益探索,这是安全生产宣传教育工作走出小课堂,开拓新形式的新举措.  相似文献   
2007年6月27日,由中国职业安全健康协会主办、阿斯利康公司协办的“中国化工过程安全控制研讨会”在北京新侨诺富特饭店隆重举行。  相似文献   
9月19日,北京一家团购网站推出了这样一个团购项目:您买车,我出牌,每天仅需1元,即可享用京牌1年使用权。很快,该网站上便挂出了每天1元车牌售罄的通知,随即租赁车牌涨到了每天2元。并且附带声明:十天后起每天3元,先到先得!低价不等人,越等价越高!  相似文献   
一直以业北京昌平区白浮村京密引水渠边的一片小树林里异常热闹。据悉,这是北京最大的宠物墓园,现有1000多只小动物,包括猫、狗、兔子、热带鱼、猴子长眠在这里。据了解,在这个墓园中安葬一只宠物,包括火化、墓室、认养树木,基本费用在500元至800元之间,如果加上丧葬用品,花费数千元也属平常。  相似文献   
张笠 《环境》2010,(11):12-14
DNA螺旋状的游泳跳水馆充分利用自然光、自行车馆的赛道误差小于北京奥运会比赛馆、全国首个板球场可容纳超过5000名观众、亚运媒体村首次开放的样板房宽敞明亮……美轮美奂的体育场馆是点亮城市的风景,节约、环保、人性化的运动场所是和谐人居的精华所在,第十六届广州亚运会将会是最好的证明,现在就来一探究竟吧!  相似文献   
兑现绿化美化承诺 2001年,北京奥申委曾向世界作出了7项绿化美化承诺:全市林木覆盖率接近50%;山区林木覆盖率达到70%;城市绿化覆盖率达40%以上;全市形成三道绿色生态屏障;"五河十路"两侧形成2.3万公顷的绿化带;市区建成1.2万公顷的绿化隔离带;全市自然保护区面积不低于全市国土面积的8%.7年来,为了实现这个庄严的承诺,我们一直在努力着.  相似文献   
多年来,北京市政府采取各种措施,积极推进节能减排工作,加强生态建设,保护生态环境,积极推进实施"新北京、新奥运"战略构想,努力建设宜居城市和环境友好型社会.  相似文献   
北京如何实现对奥运空气质量的承诺? 北京奥运会期间空气质量达标的问题,是社会各界都很关注的问题,也是我们中外新闻界朋友们最为关注的问题之一.2001年7月,北京申奥时,中国政府曾对北京奥运期间空气质量作出过庄严的承诺,主要是三方面的内容:一是每天北京市要对二氧化硫、一氧化碳、二氧化氮和可吸入颗粒物进行监测;二是要致力于北京环境质量的全面改善;三是在奥运会期间,这四项污染物的指标要达到国家标准和世界卫生组织的指导值,也就是保障北京奥运会期间空气质量优良.  相似文献   
This paper aims to identify the main driving force for changes of total primary energy consumption in Beijing during the period of 1981-2005. Sectoral energy use was investigated when regional economic structure changed significantly. The changes of total primary energy consumption in Beijing are decomposed into production effects, structural effects and intensity effects using the additive version of the logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) method. Aggregate decomposition analysis showed that the major contributor of total effect was made by the production effect followed by the intensity effect, and the structural effect was relatively insignificant. The total and production effects were all positive. In contrast, the structural effect and intensity effect were all negative. Sectoral decomposition investigation indicated that the most effective way to slow down the growth rate of total primary energy consumption (TPEC) was to reduce the production of the energy-intensive industrial sectors and improving industrial energy intensity. The results show that in this period, Beijing's economy has undergone a transformation from an industrial to a service economy. However, the structures of sectoral energy use have not been changed yet, and energy demand should be increasing until the energy-intensive industrial production to be reduced and energy intensity of the region reaches a peak. As sequence energy consumption data of sub-sectors are not available, only the fundamental three sectors are considered: agriculture, industry and service. However, further decomposition into secondary and tertiary sectors is definitely needed for detailed investigations.  相似文献   
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