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Naoko NAKAGAWA Masahiro OTAKI Shinji MIURA Hironobu HAMASUNA Katsuyoshi ISHIZAKI 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2006,18(6):1088-1093
Sustainable sanitation is an approach for more ecological and sustainable water resources management. In this paper, we proposed one of the new integrated waste treatment systems: an "sustainable sanitation system" that includes separation of the black water from water system by a non-flushing toilet (bio-toilet), and a gray water treatment based on a biological and ecological concept. Sustainable sanitation system also converts the domestic waste to soil conditioners and fertilizers, for farmland use. As one of the case studies, Environmentally Symbiotic Housing in which people actually live using the bio-toilet for the black water treatment and the household wastewater treatment facility for the gray water was introduced. The availability of this system was investigated by analyzing the sawdust used in the bio-toilet and the quality of the effluent in the household wastewater treatment facility. As the result, the water content of the sawdust did not exceed 60% in any of the sampling points and the BOD and COD of the effluent of the household wastewater treatment facility were below 10 and 20 mg/L respectively, due to the low loading. Compared to the pollution load on the water environment created by the conventional system, it was found that the effluent of the house has a lower load than the tertiary treatment and the volume of the water consumption is 75% of the conventional system. 相似文献
乡村环境卫生资源化综合治理的理论与实践 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
环境卫生文明是人类文明的重要标志。基于"水冲厕所+管道排放"的末端处理模式是人类开发的第一种实现环境卫生现代化的路径,技术成熟但局限性大。本文重点论述乡村分散污水处理的应用,并以常熟市为例介绍了县域污水统筹处理,进而提出乡村环境卫生资源化综合治理的方案。乡村环境卫生资源化综合治理的核心是将粪尿和餐厨废物转化为以肥料为主的资源并回用于农田施肥,关键技术原则是源头分离分类、生产生活协同、就近就地处理利用,符合可持续发展的要求。 相似文献
随着中国养殖业的迅速发展,禽畜粪便的排放数量逐年增加。据统计,禽畜粪尿排放量每头牛为55kg/d~65 kg/d,每头猪为3.5 kg/d~11.0 kg/d,每只鸡为0.10 kg/d~0.15 kg/d,每只羊为2.66 kg/d。大量的禽畜粪便不经处理而排入环境,将会对地表水、地下水、土壤和空气造成严重的污染,并危及禽畜本身及人体健康。因此,实现禽畜粪便的减量化、无害化及资源化,防止和消除养殖场粪便的污染及其利用问题的研究,对于生态环境的保护、实施可持续发展战略都具有十分重要的意义。本试验利用日本JST赠送的生态厕所反应装置为试验设备,分别以木屑和木屑与秸秆混合物为微生物载体,对牛粪便进行减量化处理技术研究。旨在为研究中国农业的玉米作物秸秆是否可以替代木屑作为反应过程中的调理剂,达到对禽畜养殖业粪便良好的减量化处理效果,减轻对环境的污染,同时也为中国大量的农作物秸秆寻找另一条资源化利用途径。 相似文献
养殖业作为我国经济和农业的重要组成部分,已经逐步向着规模化、产业化方向发展,大型的现代化畜牧场、养殖场不断出现,同时大量集中的禽畜粪便导致的环境污染越来越严重,且已成为制约养殖业发展的一个重要因素。本试验就是利用日本JST赠送的生态厕所为反应装置,从家畜粪便(牛粪)的减量化处理及资源化利用的角度出发,做三个平行处理试验,分别以木屑、玉米秸秆屑和木屑混合物、玉米秸秆屑三种物料为调理剂,与家畜养殖场的牛粪进行序批式好氧减量化处理。旨在为研究中国农业的玉米作物秸秆是否可以替代木屑作为反应过程中的调理剂,达到对禽畜养殖业粪便良好的减量化处理效果,减轻对环境的污染。 相似文献