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A composting toilet using sawdust as a matrix has the potential to trap pathogens that might occasionally be contained in human feces. Therefore, care should be taken when handling the sawdust. It should also be noted that pathogenic viruses tend to have stronger tolerance than pathogenic bacteria. The fates of several species of coliphages, T4, , Q and MS2, in sawdust were investigated as a viral model. The fates of coliphages were significantly different among them, and they changed in response to temperature and the water content of the sawdust. As the results, T4 coliphage had the strongest tolerance and Q had the weakest one in sawdust. It was estimated the days required to decrease virus to a safe level based on a risk assessment. According to the rates of Q and T4, 15 days and 167 days were required respectively for a safe level of infection risk based on actually operated composting toilet condition. Thus, it was significantly different depending on the species and sawdust conditions.  相似文献   
3月22日在比利时首都布鲁塞尔市中心的厕所,756人一起排队上厕所,创吉尼斯世界纪录新高。据悉,这次排长队的活动目的是在世界水日这一天提高人们节约利用清洁水的意识。活动由联合国儿童基金会组织发起,每一名参与者都会得到一个号码,并且还会被赠予一件T恤衫,以此来证明他们所作的贡献。联合国儿童基金会发言人贝努瓦说:“之前我们查过吉尼斯世界纪录大全,发现我们至少需要500人才能创造记录。”  相似文献   
为解决传统集中式处理系统存在的工程量大、维护成本高、资源浪费等问题,将水热碳化技术用于厕所黑水源分离处理,提出了1种基于水热碳化的厕所黑水处理系统。试验设置温度梯度为200,210,220,230,240℃,反应停留时长为20,30 min,分析对比了反应产物的真空抽滤时长和滤渣含水率。结果表明:在200℃20 min、200℃30 min和210℃20 min 3组反应条件下抽滤时长>3 min,其余反应条件下均<1 min,随着反应温度的升高,滤渣的含水率逐渐下降。以处理量为200人/d对系统成本和能耗进行估算,系统成本和人均处理费用分别为10.3万元和0.08元。水热碳化后固体产物可进行资源化利用,废液和废气可通过真空蒸发和催化燃烧法进行处理。  相似文献   
\"厕所革命\"是涉及厕所污染物的收集、贮存、运输、处理、处置、利用等过程的生态链工程,强调物质、能量系统、污染物处理、污水回用的闭路循环,已成为我国乡村振兴、旅游发展、智能化产业战略的重要组成部分;目前,全世界范围内厕所卫生状况不容乐观,特别是一些农村地区和欠发达地区。在充分研究国内外\"厕所革命\"现状的基础上,结合我国国情以及未来发展规划,深入分析目前我国卫生厕所所面临的各种问题和挑战,并提出相对应的对策。  相似文献   
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