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伍贤益 《安防科技》2004,(10):29-30
安全管理责任的加大并没有与安全管理权力的增强成正比,实际工作的责任与权力形成很大反差。一是安全管理机构头重脚轻,基础不稳。中央政府也设置了专门的安全管理机构,但省级政府的安全管理部门不是独立的职能部门或专门工作部门:省直属各部门的安全管理机构大都被精简合并。县级政府基本上没有独立的安全管理机构,原有的安全管理人员被精简了大多数。县级以下政府基本上没有专门的安全管理机构,乡(镇)政府虽明确了安全管理员,但绝大多数是兼职的。村级既无安全管理机构,也无安全员。这种安全管理机构不健全、队伍不齐的状况,导致安全管理部门及其工作人员不能独立自主开展工  相似文献   
近年来,人民法院审理的劳动保障行政案件数量逐年上升。在劳动保障案件中,数量最多、问题最为突出的是工伤保险案件,涉及工伤的认定、工伤保险待遇的发放等诸多方面。本文是江苏省高级人民法院行政审判庭与江苏省劳动保障厅一起在进行了大量调研的基础上形成了《劳动和社会保障行政案件审理的调研报告》,这里只选登了有关工伤保险部分的内容。该部分系统性地总结了工伤认定的原则及工伤案件审理中应当注意的问题;本文对法学理论的分析应用也有着独特的视角,对社会法理论与司法实践相结合作了较好的探索。  相似文献   
Estuaries have been described as one of the most difficult environments on Earth. It is difficult to know how to treat the combined wastewater in tidal rivers at the estuary, where the situation is very different from ordinary fresh water rivers. Waste oyster shell was used as the active filler in this study in a bio-contact oxidation tank to treat the combined wastewater at the Fengtang Tidal River. With a middle-experimental scale of 360 ma/day, the average removal efficiency of COD, BOD, NH3-N, TP and TSS was 80.05%, 85.02%, 86.59%, 50.58% and 85.32%, respectively, in this bio-contact oxidation process. The living microbes in the biofilms on the waste oyster shell in this bio-contact oxidation tank, which were mainly composed of zoogloea, protozoa and micro-metazoa species, revealed that waste oyster shell as the filler was suitable material for combined wastewater degradation. This treatment method using waste oyster shell as active filler was then applied in a mangrove demonstration area for water quality improvement near the experiment area, with a treatment volume of 5 × 10^3 m^3/day. Another project was also successfully applied in a constructed wetland, with a wastewater treatment volume of 1 ×10^3 m^3/day. This technology is therefore feasible and can easily be applied on a larger scale,  相似文献   
Toxicities were assessed for a pyrethroid (cypermethrin) and an organophosphate insecticide (chlorpyrifos) individually and in combination. A series of tests were conducted on di erent responses (acute, chronic, behavioral) of earthworms of species Eisenia fetida andrei in the ecological risk assessment of these pesticides. The results showed that the toxicity of the mixture of cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos was significantly higher than either of these pesticides individually, especially on the earthworm’s chronic responses. At a concentration of 5 mg/kg, the mixture caused significant reductions on the growth and reproduction rates of earthworms, but did not cause any significant e ect when the individual was tested. The increase in toxicity of the pesticide mixture means that the use of toxicity data obtained exclusively from single-pesticide experiments may underestimate the ecological risk of pesticides that actually present in the field.  相似文献   
近年来,随着国家加大教育投资力度,高校扩招,校舍扩建,多院校合并,扩大招生,我国的高校建设进入一个发展的高速期.但是,随之而来的负面影响也越来越凸显.高校管理的日渐社会化,使其处于一个完全开放的状态,周边环境越来越复杂,人员的流动性增大,而学校的安全管理制度又不健全,这使得校园内各类安全事故频发.为了确保校园的安全,全国各地相继出台了相关的校园安防的政策和规范,从而大大提升了学校的技防水平,也逐步使得安防产品在校园内得到了普及.  相似文献   
关于非劳动争议案件 理论上说,劳动法调整的是劳动关系以及与劳动关系密切相联的其他社会关系,但在实践中,并非一切的劳动都由劳动法调整,并非一切的劳动争议都是可以仲裁和诉讼的。劳动仲裁和诉讼手段调整的是依附有劳动合同或者事实上存在的劳动关系,只有劳动合同履行过程中所产生的争议,法院才予以受理。  相似文献   
本文提出了一个多条回归曲线同时进行合并的简单方法,此法易于理解、计算方便,实用性强。  相似文献   
劳动仲裁案件审理中经常会出现被申请人不到庭的情况,根据《劳动争议调解仲裁法》第三十六条规定,被申请人收到书面通知,无正当理由拒不到庭或者未经仲裁庭同意中途退庭的,可以缺席审理,并作出缺席裁决。那么,如何处理好劳动争议的缺席审理呢,笔者认为主要把握好四个关键环节。 ■规范缺席审理程序劳动争议案件能否缺席审理,前提是程序的规范。  相似文献   
近年来,随着经济社会和教育事业、特别是高等教育事业的快速发展,我国的高等教育机构也发生了深刻变化。合并办学实现了资源共享,学生跨校区上课、学生流动成为常事,生活空间也逐步扩展,交流领域不断拓宽;高校持续扩招,在校生人数大幅度增加,学生结构也更为复杂;校园规模扩大,也更加开放。校  相似文献   
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