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威海市属于我国北方典型沿海城市,近年来的持续观测发现夏季易出现臭氧(O3)污染。以2023年夏季观测数据为约束,利用零维盒子模式分析威海市夏季O3及大气氧化性特征,给出O3污染防治的建议。2023年5月30日—6月30日,威海市污染天的首要污染物是O3,烷烃是挥发性有机物(VOCs)中浓度占比最高的组分,烯烃则是活性占比最高的组分。从清洁日到污染日烯烃活性增强最显著,O3的化学生成和大气氧化性在污染日均有增加,促进了二次污染过程的发生。威海夏季大气氧化性水平较强,O3对前体物的敏感区处于氮氧化物(NO x )和VOCs的过渡区,O3污染防控需结合NO x 和VOCs进行协同防控。O3对前体物烯烃减排的变化最敏感,因此其污染防控过程需结合VOCs反应活性开展。基于威海市夏季观测数据分析O3及大气氧化性特征,从O3敏感性区域变化及VOCs反应活性角度为O3污染防治策略提供了思路。  相似文献   
于2020年秋季对台州不同功能区大气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)进行在线监测,分析了VOCs浓度水平和组成特征;利用O3生成潜势(OFP)评估了VOCs对O3污染的影响;运用正定矩阵因子分解模型(PMF)解析VOCs的主要来源。结果表明,台州5个监测站点总挥发性有机物(TVOC)体积分数日均值在30.0×10-9~52.9×10-9,均以烷烃和含氧挥发性有机物(OVOCs)为主;VOCs来源主要包括机动车尾气源、工业排放源、燃烧源、油品挥发源、溶剂使用源和植物源,其对VOCs的贡献率分别为27.42%、19.37%、17.36%、17.25%、11.18%、7.41%,其中城区和郊区机动车尾气源的贡献最大,而工业园区则是工业排放源贡献最大;对OFP贡献最大的源类是溶剂使用源(贡献率31.12%),其次是工业排放源、机动车尾气源、油品挥发源、燃烧源,贡献率分别为20.69%、16.37%、15.70%、10.99%,植物源对OFP贡献率最低,仅为5.13%。台州城区和郊区需重点关注溶剂使用源管控,工业园...  相似文献   
为研究我国中部地区臭氧(O3)污染成因和挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染特征及来源,于2022年对河南省南阳市的VOCs进行了为期一年的在线观测,并探究了其对O3生成的影响.南阳市占地面积大、人口多,是我国中部地区典型代表城市,本研究将2022年南阳市环境空气中O3月均浓度较高的月份(5-9月)定义为O3污染频发月,其余月份定义为非O3污染频发月,研究了南阳市O3污染成因及VOCs污染特征和来源.结果表明:(1)南阳市非O3污染频发月TVOCs (总挥发性有机物)体积分数为32.1×10-9±13.2×10-9,比O3污染频发月(19.4×10-9±5.9×10-9)高65.5%.但O3污染频发月的OVOCs (含氧挥发性有机物)的体积分数比非O3污染频发月增加了5.3%,表明二次生成可...  相似文献   
为估算重庆市夏秋季VOCs(挥发性有机物)对O3和SOA(二次有机气溶胶)的生成潜势,利用在线GC-MS/FID在2015年8月22日-9月23日对重庆市区点和郊区点VOCs开展了为期一个月的实时观测,获得市区点和郊区点$ \varphi $(TVOCs)(总挥发性有机物)分别为41.35×10-9和22.72×10-9,其中市区点以烷烃(35.2%)和烯炔烃(25.2%)为主,郊区点以含氧挥发性有机物(oxygenated volatile organic compounds,OVOCs)(30.6%)和烷烃(26.0%)为主.结合最大增量反应活性量化市区点和郊区点VOCs的OFPs(臭氧生成潜势)分别为149.11×10-9和71.09×10-9,市区点OFPs最大的是乙烯、丙烯、甲苯、C8和C9的芳香烃等,郊区点OFPs最大的VOCs是丙烯醛、异戊二烯和甲基乙烯基酮.结合气溶胶生成系数量化郊区点和市区点VOCs对SOA的生成贡献分别为0.36和1.26 μg/m3,相比国内其余城市VOCs的SOAP(二次有机气溶胶生成潜势)较小,主要以甲基环己烷、正壬烷、正葵烷和十一烷等高碳烷烃,以及甲苯、苯、二甲苯和乙苯等芳香烃的SOAP为主.研究显示,控制烯炔烃和芳香烃的浓度有助于控制重庆市O3的生成,控制高碳烷烃和芳香烃则有助于控制重庆市SOA的生成.   相似文献   
简要介绍了挥发性有机物(VOCs)的定义及危害,分析了炼化企业的VOCs排放现状,并简要介绍了VOCs有组织和无组织排放的种类。介绍了中国石化济南分公司延迟焦化装置和柴油加氢装置针对有组织排放和无组织排放开展的各种治理措施及LDAR检测开展情况。  相似文献   
杭州市典型企业废水中挥发性有机物排放特征及其评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈峰  徐建芬  唐访良  张明  阮东德 《环境科学》2013,34(12):4649-4653
以10家杭州市典型企业进出口废水为调查对象,用顶空气相色谱质谱法测定77种挥发性有机物(VOCs),分析其排放特征,并对监测结果进行评价.结果表明,进口废水共定量检出22种VOCs,检出质量浓度范围为7~3.39×106μg·L-1;出口废水共定量检出14种VOCs,检出质量浓度范围为16~6.82×104μg·L-1.就行业而言,香精香料制造企业进出口废水VOCs检出的质量浓度最高.以《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)三级排放标准为评价标准时,1号企业出口废水检出甲苯质量浓度为2.45×103μg·L-1,超过标准限值.以挥发性有机物的水介质排放环境目标值(DMEG WH)为标准时,3号企业出口废水检出的正丁醇、异丙醇、丙酮质量浓度均超过它们各自的水介质排放环境目标值.  相似文献   
Ligands present in dissolved organic matter (DOM) form complexes with inorganic divalent mercury (Hg^2+) affecting its bioavailability in pelagic food webs. This investigation addresses the influence of a natural gradient of DOM present in Patagonian lakes on the bioaccumulation of Hg^2+ (the prevailing mercury species in the water column of these lakes) by the algae Cryptomonas erosa and the zooplankters Brachionus calyciflorus and Boeckella antiqua. Hg^2+ accumulation was studied through laboratory experiments using natural water of four oligotrophic Patagonian lakes amended with^197Hg^2+. The bioavailability of Hg^2+ was affected by the concentration and character of DOM. The entrance of Hg^2+ into pelagic food webs occurs mostly through passive and active accumulation. The incorporation of Hg^2+ by Cryptomonas, up to 27% of the Hg^2+ amended, was found to be rapid and dominated by passive adsorption, and was greatest when low molecular weight compounds with protein-like or small phenolic signatures prevailed in the DOM. Conversely, high molecular weight compounds with a humic or fulvic signature kept Hg^2+ in the dissolved phase, resulting in the lowest Hg^2+ accumulation in this algae. In Brachionus and Boeckella the direct incorporation of Hg from the aqueous phase was up to 3% of the Hg^2+ amended. The dietary incorporation of Hg^2+ by Boeckella exceeded the direct absorption of this metal in natural water, and was remarkably similar to the Hg^2+ adsorbed in their prey. Overall, DOM concentration and character affected the adsorption of Hg^2+ by algae through competitive binding, while the incorporation of Hg^2+ into the zooplankton was dominated by trophic or dietary transfer.  相似文献   
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) represents one of the most mobile and reactive organic compounds in ecosystem and plays an important role in the fate and transport of soil organic pollutants, nutrient cycling and more importantly global climate change. Electrochemical methods were first employed to evaluate DOM redox properties, and spectroscopic approaches were utilized to obtain information concerning its composition and structure. DOM was extracted from a forest soil profile with five horizons. Differential pulse voltammetry indicated that there were more redox-active moieties in the DOM from upper horizons than in that from lower horizons. Cyclic voltammetry further showed that these moieties were reversible in electron transfer. Chronoamperometry was employed to quantify the electron transfer capacity of DOM, including electron acceptor capacity and electron donor capacity, both of which decreased sharply with increasing depth. FT-IR, UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra results suggested that DOM from the upper horizons was enriched with aromatic and humic structures while that from the lower horizons was rich in aliphatic carbon, which supported the findings obtained by electrochemical approaches. Electrochemical approaches combined with spectroscopic methods were applied to evaluate the characteristics of DOM extracted along a forest soil profile. The electrochemical properties of DOM, which can be rapidly and simply obtained, provide insight into the migration and transformation of DOM along a soil profile and will aid in better understanding of the biogeochemical role of DOM in natural environments.  相似文献   
采用腐植酸、苯胺、海藻酸钠、羟丙基甲基纤维4种有机物分别模拟天然有机物中的疏水酸性、疏水碱性、亲水带电性及亲水中性4种有机物,使用"聚硅酸+Fe3+"、"聚硅酸+聚硫酸铁(PFS)"、"聚硅酸+Fe2++H2O2"3种不同聚合方式的聚硅酸硫酸铁(PFSS)进行水处理,并将絮凝处理后的废水上清液通过微滤膜,考察不同聚合方式PFSS对有机物的去除及膜污染的影响。实验结果表明:4种有机物最难去除的是苯胺和海藻酸钠,羟丙基甲基纤维素其次,腐殖酸最易去除;以"聚硅酸+PFS""、聚硅酸+Fe2++H2O2"方式聚合的絮凝剂与"聚硅酸+Fe3+"方式聚合的絮凝剂相比,去除产生可逆污染的腐植酸的比例相差不大,但去除产生不可逆污染加大的苯胺、海藻酸钠、羟丙基甲基纤维素3种有机物的比例明显增大,膜污染率虽然相对稍大,但更加可逆。  相似文献   
采用GC/MS方法对某苯板厂火灾后产生的固体废弃物进行检测分析.结果表明,在苯板火灾后产生的固体废弃物中检测出61种化合物,其中被美国EPA列入优先污染物的苯系物、萘和蒽等占总有机物12.2%.  相似文献   
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