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国务院参事、科技部原副部长刘燕华在北京首届世界城市全球论坛上说,知识、智力资本是一个全球性城市的软实力,知识多层次的开发才是新时代的重要标志,针对计划经济,市场经济是只无形的手,知识资本也是无形的手,我们要给予高度关注。  相似文献   
为保证所发表论文的首创性和学术严谨性,《环境科学》、《中国环境科学》、《环境科学学报》编辑部和《Journal of Environmental Sciences》编辑部特发表如下联合声明.我们明确反对个别作者的一稿两投或变相一稿两投行为.自即日起,我们各刊在接受作者投稿时,要求  相似文献   
根据国控污染源监测特点与环境信息公开的实际需求,提出了国控污染源监测信息公开情况评价指标体系。按照目标层、准则层和指标层3个层次,从完整性、规范性、一致性、及时性、开放性等5个方面构建了评价指标体系,并采用层次分析法对指标进行赋权。根据国控污染源监测信息公开情况评价指标体系,对2014年山东省国控污染源监测信息公开情况进行评价。结果表明:2014年山东省国控污染源监测信息发布较为全面,但存在部分污染源监测信息发布不完整、不规范的情况,发布的信息可反映2014年全省国控污染源排污情况。  相似文献   
家用热泵空调器除霜主要使用逆向除霜和热气旁通除霜,但这两种方式需要停止室内机运行,对供热舒适性有很大影响.本文提出一种利用制热运行时部分排气漏热进行除霜的蓄热空调系统,充分利用系统余热来实现不间断制热,改善使用舒适性.通过对蓄热除霜原理及其应用过程中所存在的可靠性问题进行分析,为蓄热除霜技术在家用空调产品上的推广提供参...  相似文献   
主要讨论2个问题:(1)液化判别问题,包括液化的初步判别条件,不同条件下的液化判别方法和液化判别可靠性的评价方法。(2)液化势分析的概率方法,包括已知地震动下的液化概率分析方法,以地震危险性分析结果为基础,以地震烈度或地面峰值加速度为指标的液化危险性分析方法、液化危险性的模糊随机概率方法和综合概率判别方法。对不同的已知条件总可从中找到一个有效的方法。  相似文献   
燃煤电厂锅炉烟气中含有SOx和NOx,会氧化腐蚀滤料。试验研究了燃煤电厂布袋除尘器滤料断裂强力与运行时间的关系。结果表明,滤料在酸性环境中会被氧化同时断裂强力下降,但断裂强力下降后均会出现反弹,后处理工艺可提高滤料的抗氧化性能,但会降低滤料的断裂强力。  相似文献   
紫外辐射是模拟环境条件测试的重要组成部分,对紫外辐射强度、剂量等的定标对于老化耐久实验数据的准确性和可靠性具有重要意义。本文通过实验手段对目前常见的定标用紫外标准光源的技术指标进行分析,同时对该类光源的性能指标未来的改进方向进行探讨,并提出了改进设计方案。  相似文献   
Heart rot is a common soil-borne disease in the pineapple industry, but the situation can be alleviated by the application of bio-fertilizers with beneficial microbiomes. Clarifying the controlling mechanism of bio-organic fertilizer on the high incidence of heart rot is critical in monocultural pineapple cropping patterns. In our study, the soil of continuous cropping pineapple orchards was collected. Three types of carriers (rapeseed cake, peat soil, and coconut bran), biocontrol strains (Bacillus subtilis HL2 and Streptomyces strain HL3), and organic fertilizer (YJ) were composted into different bio-fertilizers (KC, KN, KY, LC, LN, and LY), which were used in pot experiments. The controlling effect of the bio-fertilizer was determined based on the response of pineapple heart rot and bacterial communities to different fertilizing methods. Our results revealed that the incidence of heart rot in bio-fertilizer KC was the lowest, which decreased by 20% and 13.3%, respectively, compared to HF (chemical fertilizer, 16-16-16) and YJ (organic fertilizer). The richness and diversity of soil bacterial communities in all biofertilized treatments (KC, KN, KY, LC, LN, and LY) were significantly higher than those in HF. However, the α-diversity indices of the bio-fertilizers (KC, KN, and KY) were higher than those of LC, LN, and LY, and the bacterial community composition was significantly different. The bacteria GP4, GP6, Bacillus, and Azohydromonas were enriched in KC, KN, and KY, while the relative abundance of Streptomyces increased significantly in LC, LN, and LY. Furthermore, Spearman correlation analysis showed that the relative abundance of these bacterial groups was significantly negatively correlated with the incidence of pineapple heart rot. In summary, the application of bio-organic fertilizers can decrease the incidence of pineapple heart rot by altering the soil bacterial community structure and stimulating beneficial soil microorganisms, which is important for reconstructing the ecological balance in continuous pineapple orchards. © 2022 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
我国是一个水资源短缺的国家,人均水资源量不大,仅为世界人均水资源占有量的1/4,是世界上缺水的13个国家之一。水资源已是关系到国家发展和安全的战略性资源。而钢铁工业是耗水大户,水资源的不足已将成为制约钢铁工业持续发展的瓶颈。本文从四方面阐述了钢铁工业应对水资源不足的措施和对策。  相似文献   
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