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铬渣的细菌解毒实验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用从铬渣堆埋场附近的污泥中分离到的高效还原Cr(Ⅵ)的Ch-1菌进行细菌浸出的摇瓶实验,分别考察了不同液固比,温度,初始pH值情况下浸出液的pH值变化,Cr(Ⅵ)浓度变化及浸出过程铬渣中六价铬的浸出率变化和最终渣浸出毒性.实验结果表明,在细菌的作用下,浸出液Cr(Ⅵ)浓度均能解毒为0ppm,同时,浸出液pH值降低到8~9之间, 细菌浸出渣毒性降低到0.05ppm以下,远低于GB5085.3-1996危险废物浸出毒性鉴别标准1.5ppm.同时,渣中的Cr(Ⅵ)也大部分被有效浸出后还原为Cr(Ⅲ) 沉淀.特别是在液固比10:1,温度28℃,初始pH=10.0的条件下,铬渣中六价铬浸出率达到了95.43%,同时浸出液pH值=8.20,Cr(Ⅵ)浓度为0ppm,浸出渣浸出毒性0.007 ppm,均达到国家排放标准,取得了较好的解毒效果. 相似文献
"猪、沼、果(蔬菜)"能源生态工程实例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
新安江万秋生态养殖场实施"猪、沼、果(蔬菜)"能源生态模式工程,其采用三级厌氧消化工艺,以沼气为纽带,连接种养业,不仅有效处理养殖污染物,保护农村生态环境,而且通过农业废弃物的资源化利用,增收节支,提高生态农业生产能力,实现农业增效,农民增收的目的.该工程不仅做到经济和环境保护双赢,而且为建设社会主义新农村起到了很好的示范作用. 相似文献
文章阐述了废物处理处置企业也要进行清洁生产,废物处理处置企业根据自身特点推行清洁生产,发挥提高废物处理的资源化利用水平和最终排放质量,对废物产生源施加影响和控制,为推行清洁生产提供信息反馈和决策支持的作用. 相似文献
胺 活性特点: 胺可以看作氨分子中的氢原子被烃基取代而生成的化合物.胺中氮原子的电子构型是1S22S22P3,氮在氨和胺分子中是不等性的SP3杂化状态,其中3个杂化轨道与氢原子或烃基的碳原子形成3个σ键,第4个杂化轨道中还有一对未共用的电子,即(RH2N:).由于氮原子上有一孤电子对能与质子结合,呈现出胺的碱性,而氨分子中的氢原子被烷基取代后,连接在氮原子上的烷基是供电子性基团,可使胺离子正电荷分散而稳定.铵正离子愈稳定说明胺的碱性愈强,所以脂肪胺的碱性比氨强,与酸接触会生成盐;而芳香胺的碱性比脂肪胺和氨都弱,这是由于芳胺中的氮原子上的孤电子对与苯环的π电子组成共轭体系,产生了电子的离域,使氮原子上的孤电子对向苯环离域,铵离子正电荷更加集中,这样氮原子上的电荷密度减少,接受质子的能力降低,因此碱性减弱.在芳香胺中,氮原子上连的苯环愈多,其孤电子对向苯环离域愈多,则碱性随之降低,只有在与强酸作用时生成盐,且生成的盐在水溶液中完全水解.三苯胺已接近中性,即使和强酸也不能生成盐. 相似文献
Effect of cerium on photosynthetic characteristics of soybean seedling exposed to supplementary ultraviolet-B radiation 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Effects of cerium (Ce^3+) on photosynthetic characteristics were investigated by hydroponics under laboratory conditions when soybean seedlings were exposed to two levels of supplementary UV-B radiation. UV-B radiation badly inhibited the photosynthesis in soybean seedling, leading to a reduction in net photosynthetic rate (Pn), Hill reaction activity, light saturated photosynthetic rate (Ps) and apparent quanta yield (AQY), as well as the CO2 and light saturated photosynthetic rate (Pro) and carboxulation efficiency (CE). On the contrary, Ce obviously promoted the photosynthesis of plants by increasing Hill reaction activity, accelerating electron transport and photophosphorylation, and enhancing carboxylation efficiency. For Ce+UV-B treatments, the values of photosynthetic parameters were still lower than those of the control, but obviously higher than those of UV-B treatment. The results indicated that Ce alleviated the inhibition of UV-B radiation on the photosynthesis in soybean seedling to a certain extent. In correlating of Pn with Hill activity, AQY and CE, we found that the changes of photosynthetic rate were mainly influenced by the regulating effect of Ce on Hill activity and AQY at low level (0.15 W/m^2) of UV-B radiation, but were dominated by the regulating effect of Ce on CE at high level (0.45 W/m^2). Thus, Ce could regulate many aspects in photosynthesis of soybean seedling under UV-B stress. The regulating mechanism was close related with the dosage of UV-B radiation. 相似文献