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人工湿地基质再生技术的研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
人工湿地中基质对污染物的吸附是一个有限的过程,对其进行再生可减缓净化效果的下降趋势,降低周期性更换基质的材料消耗和购置成本,回用营养物质于农业。基质可以通过物理、化学或生物的方法原位或异位再生。其中生物再生成本低廉,生态友好且具有可持续性,是基质脱氮再生的最有效途径,可以通过优化离子浓度和交换速率,碳源、溶解氧、微生物群落结构等提高再生效果和速率。基质除磷物理再生效果受基质类型、磷浓度负荷、落干休作开始时机和持续时间等的影响,其操作简便,可在人工湿地的日常运行管理中原位实施。化学再生效果受基质种类、再生试剂的成分和浓度、环境条件如温度、pH值、Eh值和DO值等的影响,可在基质吸附饱和后作为应急措施使用。 相似文献
西藏湿地的现状和保护 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本研究对西藏全区湿地的概况、类型、现状、重要湿地和现有湿地保护区进行系统描述,提出了湿地保护方面存在的问题与对策;并对西藏湿地标准、功能、特点、类型等,进行了科学的论证。 相似文献
Thomas C. Winter 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2000,36(2):305-311
ABSTRACT: The vulnerability of wetlands to changes in climate depends on their position within hydrologic landscapes. Hydrologic landscapes are defined by the flow characteristics of ground water and surface water and by the interaction of atmospheric water, surface water, and ground water for any given locality or region. Six general hydrologic landscapes are defined; mountainous, plateau and high plain, broad basins of interior drainage, riverine, flat coastal, and hummocky glacial and dune. Assessment of these landscapes indicate that the vulnerability of all wetlands to climate change fall between two extremes: those dependent primarily on precipitation for their water supply are highly vulnerable, and those dependent primarily on discharge from regional ground water flow systems are the least vulnerable, because of the great buffering capacity of large ground water flow systems to climate change. 相似文献
针对沈阳市地铁疏干水利用的现状,综合考虑沈阳市的实际情况,总结出地铁疏干水利用的几种方法,主要包括作为运河、湖泊的补换水源,用于修复、重建湿地,农业灌溉用水以及作为水源热泵的水源等。提出沈阳市地铁疏干水利用的指导思想和法律保障。 相似文献
Mark M. Wilsnack David E. Welter Angela M. Montoya Jorge I. Restrepo Jayantha Obeysekera 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2001,37(3):655-674
ABSTRACT: As part of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), various water supply projects have been proposed in a region located between the Miami metropolitan area and the extensive regional wetland systems that are part of the Everglades or remnant Everglades. A ground water flow model of the surficial aquifer within northern Miami‐Dade County was constructed using MODFLOW to evaluate the effects of these projects on water levels in the wetlands and the underlying surficial aquifer. The new Wetlands package was used to conjunctively simulate overland flow through these wetlands and the shallow ground water system. Comparisons of simulated to measured ground water levels and wetland stages were very satisfactory, where computed and measured water levels agreed within 0.5 ft over most of the period of record at nearly all of the monitoring sites. Temporal trends in water levels were also replicated. It was concluded that the assumptions and methodologies inherent to the Wetlands package were suitable for simulating regional wetland hydrology within the Everglades area. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: Selected studies from the literature were reviewed to determine the extent of knowledge about the relationship between hydrology and wetland ecosystem studies. Wetland studies of chemical input-output relationships have been the most dependent on hydrologic data of all wetland investigations; yet, very few of these studies have attempted to measure all components of a wetland's water balance. Usually, unmeasured components were calculated as the difference between measured inputs and outputs. Ground water frequently was overlooked. Chemical input-output investigations primarily were concerned with determining the amount of input retained in the wetlands. Few studies also included direct measurement of biogeochemical processes within wetlands of elements that were part of simultaneous input-output investigations. The importance of uncertainties in chemical budgets that are due to uncertainties in hydrologic budgets has been addressed in very few wetland investigations. Although many studies have emphasized the importance of hydrology to wetland ecosystem research, few studies have documented this, so that hydrology remains one of the least understood components of wetland ecosystems. 相似文献
Krystyna A. Stave 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2001,37(5):1369-1379
ABSTRACT: This paper examines the co‐evolution of the Las Vegas, Nevada metropolitan area, Las Vegas Wash ecosystem‐a downstream riparian wetland‐and Wash management as a case of urban‐environment dynamics. Since Las Vegas Wash provides the primary drainage for Las Vegas, changes in the urban system lead to changes in the Wash and its ecosystem. The population of the drainage area has grown from approximately 1,000 people in 1900 to more than 1.3 million in 2000. This phenomenal population growth led to increased Wash flow, from less than .03 m3/sec (1 ft3/sec) to over 7.4 m3/sec (260 ft3/sec), and consequent ecological changes from a nearly dry wash to a rich wetland, and now to an eroded system. As the Wash ecosystem changed, valuation of Wash characteristics by residents and resource managers also changed, shifting the focus of management and use, which ultimately led to further ecosystem changes. Reciprocal relationships among human activity, environmental change, and management in this urban area highlight the need for a comprehensive and dynamic systems perspective and adaptive approaches in urban environmental management and make this a particularly compelling case study. This paper describes a conceptual systems framework for adaptive urban‐environment management derived from this case. 相似文献
Alan C. Heyvaert John E. Reuter Charles R. Goldman 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2006,42(1):45-54
The Tahoe City Wetland Treatment System (TCWTS) was constructed in 1997 to treat stormwater runoff from 23 ha of commercial, highway, and residential land use in the Lake Tahoe Basin. This subalpine, constructed, surface flow wetland treatment system consists of two cells in series, with a design water surface area of about 0.6 ha. Water quality monitoring from October 2002 through September 2003 was conducted with autosamplers at the inflow and outflow sites during 24 sampling events, with a median duration of 53 hours, representing 42 percent of total inflow to this wetland during the year. Monitoring data indicate an improvement of 49 percent or greater in effluent concentrations of dissolved phosphorus, nitrate, orthophosphorus, and total suspended solids. On average, event mean concentrations of total phosphorus were reduced from a median 279 μg/l at the inflow to 94 μg/l at the outflow. Event mean concentrations of total nitrogen were reduced from a median 1,599 μg/l at the inflow to 810 μg/l at the outflow. Net nutrient retention for the sampling period was estimated at 3 g phosphorus (P)/m2/y and 13 g nitrogen (N)/m2/y. Almost 4,000 kg of suspended sediment was captured by this wetland system during the year. 相似文献
P. H. Anderson M. W. Lefor W. C. Kennard 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1980,16(2):248-255
ABSTRACT: The delineation of inland wetlands requires close field examination of the biological and physical gradients (transition zones) between wetlands and bordering uplands. As part of a study on the detection and delineation of inland wetlands in eastern Connecticut by remote sensing techniques, this effort was designed to investigate vegetation distribution and composition and selected physical and chemical properties of the soils of wetland to upland transition zones in deciduous wetland forests. Field research was conducted during the growing season of 1975 within a test area consisting of the 45 mi2 Town of Mansfield, Connecticut. Changes in vegetation composition and structure, soil pH, and soil water content were determined along line transects extended over wetland to upland transition zones. Differences in soil pH occurred along the transects but were of such magnitude that they probably have little impact on plant distribution. There were significant changes in soil water content along the wetland to upland gradients. Discriminant analysis applied to statistical “index of abundance” data describing vegetation distribution among the various zones (wetland, transition, upland) showed which plant species best distinguish wetlands from uplands. Of the criteria studied, vegetation composition and distribution, soil water content, and relief are the most useful criteria for delineating deciduous wetland forests. 相似文献