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Process hazards review (PHR) techniques have generally been applied by large, sophisticated companies in the nuclear, aerospace, and chemical process industries. There remains, however, a large population of smaller distributors and consumers of hazardous materials which could benefit equally from the application of PHR. These consumers unfortunately are generally less sophisticated and individually lack the necessary resources required to apply such state-of-the-art safety techniques.

Where common processes can be identified, it is possible to conduct a more generic PHR that will provide a sound technical basis for recognizing and preventing the development of hazards wherever these processes are used. Some facility-specific issues will always need to be considered, but the existence of the generic PHR should make the conduct of a PHR by each facility considerably easier and less costly.

Researchers from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) contracted with DNV Technica Inc. to lead a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) of agricultural handling of anhydrous ammonia, from the receipt of ammonia at the retail distribution centre to the application of the ammonia by farmers to the fields. The multidisciplinary HAZOP team consisted of representatives from NIOSH, an agricultural chemical trade association, an ammonia producer, state ammonia facility inspectors, a retail distributor, and an equipment manufacturer. Several participants were part-time farmers with ammonia application experience.

Some specific aspects of applying the HAZOP technique in the context of this study, the findings obtained, and the plans to disseminate the important safety information developed during the course of the PHR are discussed. Finally, it is suggested that this approach could prove to be a useful addition to the product stewardship activities of chemical producers.  相似文献   

This case study examines the coastal hazard adaptation strategies of a fishing community in a village in Kerala, India. It shows that formal adaptation strategies are highly techno‐centric, costly, and do not take into account the vulnerabilities of the fishing community. Instead, they have contributed to ecological, livelihood, and knowledge uncertainties. The adaptation strategies of the fishing community are a response to these uncertainties. However, they may not lead to the fishing community's recovery from its vulnerability contexts. This case study is primarily qualitative in nature. Data were collected through in‐depth interviews. Insights reveal that when actors with diverse values, interests, knowledge, and power evolve or design their respective adaptation strategies, the resulting interface often aggravates existing uncertainties associated with hazards. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that local discourses on coastal hazards are livelihood‐centric and socially constructed within the struggle of the fishing community to access resources and to acquire the right to development.  相似文献   
探讨了近3000年来长江中游西部洪水灾害发展的人文因素。古代(3000—700aBP)人口较少,多择地势高的岗地居住,只有少数沿江城市需要堤防保护;长江干流洪水可多处分道散流,所携带泥沙导致云梦泽解体消亡。自宋代开始,低地筑垸围湖,与水争地,但九穴十三口畅通,洪水灾害不严重。明代(700—450a B P)几乎完全堵塞了荆江北流的穴口,荆北大堤联成一体,但堤防薄弱,出现过30次决口成灾。清代以来,随着人口激增,与水争地矛盾加剧,堤防加高培厚,使荆江河道洪水位大幅度上升,溃堤和溃坝洪水灾害较明代成倍出现。同时,历代的“舍南保北”政策迫使长江干流大洪水中过半水量与泥沙向南泄入洞庭湖,曾使洞庭湖面积扩至6000km^2,以后洞庭湖迅速淤积萎缩。1949至1985年间,人口又一次迅速增长,进一步加强围湖垦殖,大量通江湖泊面积萎缩。除1954和1998年那样人所共知的严重洪水灾害外,内涝渍水灾害也非常严重,人类与洪水的矛盾达到了顶点。改革开放后,尤其是三峡大坝的修建,极大地改变了长江中游的水文情势,工业化与城市化的迅猛发展,农村人口压力减轻,而21世纪初期降水相对较少,因此当前相当一段时间长江中游洪水灾害大为缓和。应抓住时机,总结经验,在人地和谐的现代水科学技术理念指导下,制定21世纪前半期,特别是2020年前的长江水利和水资源发展规划,促使人与洪水和谐共处。  相似文献   
The packaging industry offers a wide range of pouching products to their clients in the food and beverage industries, healthcare industries and households as well. It is observed that pouching products are widely used and seemingly making them indispensable. Such practices are commonly found in Malaysia especially to parcel hot or cold food. The use of pouches raises two concerns namely solid waste disposal and food safety. The present study found more than 62% of the consumers purchase hot edible items in plastic bags daily or weekly because of its cost effectiveness and storage convenience. Consumers apparently are unperturbed by public campaigns against the use of plastic bags and neither do government regulations have any influence to reduce the use of plastic bags to parcel hot edible items. On the other hand, consumers are optimistic that the environmental and health hazards from the use of plastic bags to store hot edible items would only see a positive impact in the future.  相似文献   
基于危险化学品运输事故的现状,应用层次分析的方法,探讨了危险化学品运输事故的分类、成因和引发环境污染的主要危险化学品种类。结果表明道路运输事故占危险化学品运输事故的90%,三分之二的危险化学品运输事故引发环境污染事件;道路运输事故可分为行车途中交通事故和隐患性非交通事故两大类;《危险化学品名录》中第3类易燃液体和第8类腐蚀品分别占环境污染事件总量的53.53%和24.12%。从自救应急机制、道路运输选线和HSE管理体系等3个方面,提出抑制道路运输事故及其降低环境污染的战略对策。  相似文献   
通过对某热电厂氨法烟气脱硫装置生产过程中职业病危害因素调查,找出职业病危害的关键控制点,并提出防护要求。  相似文献   
MKJ型静电空气消毒洁净器的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
唐幸珠  吴吉祥 《上海环境科学》2000,19(4):171-173,175
应用工业电除尘的原理,采用正离子浸润来菌和镜象力荷电吸附除菌,只考虑细菌尘粒的粒径,不考虑其生物性的技术路线,设计了一种小型组合式静电场装置,配以高频高压恒流电源室内空气洁净器,面面积20m^2,高3m的室内使用可达到1万级洁净度(0.5μm粒子浓度〈350个/L)。医院手术室和重症监护病房的应用实例结果表明,具有在有人场合下连续消毒除菌和去除异味的优点。  相似文献   
移动脚手架升降作业的FMECA分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用FMECA(故障模式,影响及危险度分析)方法回顾了升降作业的典型事故,阐述了架体结构和升降作业流程,对移动脚手架升降作业进行了故障类型、影响及危险度分析,认为保障移动脚手架升降施工作业安全的重点是:保证防坠装置的有效可靠性、维护防护装置的功能完整性、确保提升机构和架体结构的整体稳定性。  相似文献   
针对我国化工园区的发展现状和存在的问题,结合本质安全等现代先进安全管理理念,系统地分析了强化化工园区安全生产长效机制关键要素的手段和措施,为提高化工园区和相关行业的安全管理现状提供了科学依据。指出当前强化园区总体规划和布局论证以及严格执行园区准入制度的重要性;阐明建设项目本质安全化是重要关键所在,应通过在项目构建的不同阶段,分步实施本质安全化设计策略;考虑到园区重大事故多米诺效应概率显著增加,理论研究确定了爆炸和火灾触发多米诺效应的概率和临界距离;特别强调重大危险源的控制和管理是核心问题,提出了园区重大危险源的三级安全管理模式和园区应急资源评估模式。  相似文献   
化学恐怖袭击事件的危害、征兆及紧急应对措施研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在介绍化学恐怖活动的特点、化学毒剂的种类和对人体的危害的基础上,从怎样察觉判断化学毒剂的存在、发生化学恐怖袭击事件后的紧急应对措施、在不同公共场合发生恐怖袭击事件后的自救逃生等几个方面进行了研讨,提出利用化学恐怖袭击的征兆通过感官法、生物法与化学侦检法判断是否发生化学恐怖袭击,分析总结化学恐怖袭击发生时的紧急应对程序,以及遇袭人员出现染毒病症后的"一戴二隔三救出"及"六早"现场医学应急救援措施,并给出地铁、机场、学校、商场、高层建筑、体育馆、大型会展场馆等公共场所发生化学恐怖袭击事件时的自救逃生指引。  相似文献   
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