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A comparison of current techniques for measuring elevations in the beach and near-shore zones is presented. Techniques considered include traditional methods such as ground survey along transects and airborne stereophotogrammetry, and also newer methods based on remote sensing such as airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR). The approach taken was to identify a representative group of users of beach elevation data, elicit their requirements regarding these data, then assess how well the different methods met these requirements on both technical and financial grounds. Potential users of beach height measurements include those concerned with coastal defence, coastal environmental management economic exploitation of the intertidal zone, and coastal flood forecasting. Three test areas in the UK were identified covering a range of such users and also different beach types. A total of 17 basic user requirements were elicited. For each requirement each method was scored according to the degree to which it could meet the requirement. Total scores were calculated and each method ranked. This was undertaken for all the requirements together, for a subset relating to survey of narrow beaches, and for a subset relating to survey of wide beaches. Approximate costs were also established for the top six methods. Airborne stereophotogrammetry proved to be the best method technically, but was also the most expensive. Ground survey provides very good technical performance on narrower beaches at moderate cost. Airborne LiDAR can achieve good technical performance on both narrow and wide beaches at lower cost than ground survey. The satellite-based waterline method was also inexpensive and gave good results on wide beaches. An overall conclusion is that, while the traditional methods of ground survey and airborne stereophotogrammetry remain the best for engineering-related surveys requiring high levels of accuracy, airborne LiDAR in particular looks set to have a significant impact on beach survey for applications for which a vertical accuracy of 20 cm is acceptable, provided that its technology evolves satisfactorily.  相似文献   
简要地介绍了安徽淮南某矿回采工作面发生的1起重大冒顶事故,从地质、技术、装备、管理以及认识等方面分析r事故发生的原因,并提出了防治顶板事故的6项措施。  相似文献   
运用调查和分析的方法,找出起重机械吊物(具)坠落砸人事故的原因,同时提出安全对策措施.  相似文献   
针对巷道蝶叶塑性区顶板破坏深度大、变形剧烈、冒顶事故频发等问题,综合现场调研、理论分析、数值模拟等方法,考虑巷道顶板不同服务阶段的变形破坏特点,研究分析了巷道顶板破坏失稳机理和不同层位顶板的控制要点,提出了以冒顶控制为主的顶板层次控制技术,阐明了辅助支护材料、普通长度锚杆、接长锚杆、长锚索对不同层位顶板的层次控制原理。据此,在保德矿81306工作面回采巷道蝶叶塑性区顶板进行了层次支护设计,并进行了顶板下沉量和接长锚杆支护力监测,结果表明:以冒顶控制为主的巷道顶板层次支护体系较好的维护了顶板整体稳定,保证了巷道安全与正常服务。  相似文献   
为研究北京市道路降尘在不同季节的污染特征及来源,选取北京市4条典型道路得到64个采样点的道路尘样品,采集的道路尘样品经过预处理得到75 μm以下的颗粒物,经过再悬浮及实验室分析得到PM2.5的粒径分布和化学成分谱.结果表明:不同采样高度及不同道路类型的颗粒物粒径大体分布规律一致,颗粒物质量频率存在三个峰值,分别为0.75 μm(微粒径)、2.50 μm(小粒径)、4.50 μm(大粒径);各季节的降尘颗粒物的化学组分中质量分数最大的是元素,主要元素(含量>1%)季节变化为冬季>春季>秋季>夏季,元素富集因子法得到污染元素为Cr、Cd、Sn、Cu、Zn、Pb、As,双重元素为Bi、Ti、Ni、W、Mg、Ca、TI、Mo、V、Fe、Zr、Ba,其余16种为非富集元素;颗粒物中离子质量分数在夏季最大为9.31%,春季、秋季、冬季的离子质量分数相差不大,其中Ca2+、NO3-、Cl-、SO42-占总离子质量的80%左右;碳素中w(OC)和w(EC)的季节变化均为夏季>秋季>春季>冬季,OC/EC[w(OC)/w(EC)]的季节变化规律为冬季>春季>秋季>夏季.不同季节w(OC)和w(EC)的相关性大小为夏季>秋季>春季>冬季.对PM2.5中化学组分来源分析表明,污染元素受机动车和建筑尘影响较大,与机动车尾气相比,机动车磨损造成的污染也不容小视;燃煤影响一直存在,但供暖期污染有所改善.机动车尾气、建筑尘及土壤尘对离子均有贡献,在夏季土壤尘、建筑尘、二次反应的综合影响较大,春季土壤尘影响更为突出.碳在夏秋季节受汽车尾气和建筑尘的影响较大,夏季二次反应影响不大;冬季除气象因素外,燃煤和生物质燃烧也不可忽视;春季土壤尘影响较为突出.   相似文献   
ABSTRACT: “Nuclear winter,” more properly called “nuclear fall,” could be caused by injection of large amounts of dust into the atmosphere. Besides causing a decrease in temperature, it could be accompanied by “nuclear drought,” a catastrophic decrease in precipitation. Dry land agriculture would then be impossible, and municipal, industrial, and irrigation water supplies would be diminished. It has been argued that nuclear winter/fall poses a much greater threat to human survival than do fall out or the direct impacts of a conflict. However, this does not appear to be true, at least for the U.S. Even under the unprecedented drought that could result from nuclear fall, water supplies would be available for many essential activities. For the most part, ground water supplies would be relatively invulnerable to nuclear drought, and adequate surface supplies would be available for potable uses. This assumes that conveyance facilities and power supplies survive a conflict largely intact or can be repaired.  相似文献   
In the southern-taiga low grass–green moss fir forest completely defoliated by the Siberian moth, the rate of soil respiration in the third year after the pest population outbreak was 1.5 times higher than in an undisturbed tree stand. This was explained by a significant increase in the abundance and activity of soil microorganisms in the pest-defoliated forest, which occurred due to the qualitative changes in the litter composition and the increased temperature and moisture in the upper soil layers. The rate of carbon emission from the soil in the defoliated forest was 41.7 kg/ha per day, compared to 28.3 kg/ha per day in the undisturbed fir forest.  相似文献   
闽江口秋茄红树林凋落物产量及分解动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2017年以闽江口粗芦岛秋茄(Kandelia obovata)红树林为研究对象,分别采用凋落物收集框和分解袋法,研究秋茄凋落物产量及其碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量月动态及凋落叶分解过程中C、N、P含量与水解酶活性.结果表明:①秋茄凋落物年产量为618.79 g·m~(-2)·a~(-1),其中,叶占61.2%,果、枝和花分别占23.7%、10.5%和4.6%.②凋落叶总氮(TN)含量8月显著高于其他月份(p0.05),而TP含量在1—3月显著高于其他月份;C/N在8月显著低于其他月份(p0.05),而C/P及N/P在9月显著升高(p0.05).③在凋落叶分解过程中,C、N、P含量及其化学计量比随时间存在明显差异(p0.01),并且地上组TC、TN、C/N和C/P明显不同于地下组(p0.05).④在分解过程中,4种水解酶随时间存在明显差异(p0.01).⑤凋落叶酸性磷酸酶活性与土壤温度、电导率和凋落叶TP含量存在显著相关关系(p0.01).这些结果说明,秋茄凋落物产量及元素含量随季节变化存在明显差异;沉积作用对凋落叶分解过程中元素含量有显著影响,水解酶活性主要受凋落叶元素含量和土壤环境因子的控制.  相似文献   
在TSG T7001-2009《电梯监督检验和定期检验规则——曳引与强制驱动电梯》2号修改单执行后,电梯旁路装置作为电梯的重要装置,极大地方便了维保人员维护保养电梯,以及排除相关的故障.本文通过旁路装置的相关要求,结合实例,描述了旁路装置的形式、常见故障,以及检验时的注意事项.  相似文献   
曹梦凡 《安全》2019,40(2):39-42
为减少弱势人群居家安全伤害事故,采用分析法对某街道社区的医疗伤害监测系统数据进行分析,结合对儿童的问卷调查。结果显示,这个街道老年人、残疾人发生伤害事故比例最高的是跌倒,分析发生伤害的原因,除其身体因素外,缺乏居家安全防护设施及相适应的辅助工具是主要原因;儿童伤害主要是由于缺乏安全知识和好奇心导致。通过有针对性的对老人、儿童、残疾人的安全知识宣传和居家安全设施的改善可以降低伤害事故率。  相似文献   
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