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梁柱节点作为钢结构的重要组成部分,在火灾下极易遭到破坏。全焊节点具有较好的塑性变形能力,且抗震性能较好,在高烈度地震地区广泛应用。采用有限元法对梁柱全焊节点抗火性能进行数值模拟,研究不同受火方式下全焊节点的力学行为,揭示不同受火方式时梁柱各节点处温度变化规律,并对比分析有无防火层对全焊节点温度的影响规律。研究结果表明:不同受火方式对全焊节点温度影响较大。节点全部受火时节点各处温度变化曲线基本接近,结构各部位温差较小,整体处于高温状态;梁柱两面受火时受火面温度马上升高,远离受火位置的节点温度升高缓慢,节点各处温差较大。将节点全部受火与不受火进行对比发现,节点全部受火时节点各处应力明显大于不受火情况,温度升高使节点承载能力下降。在柱内壁和梁下侧施加防火层,升温最快的是防火层区域,且有防火层区域节点温度整体低于无防火层节点,对节点施加防火层可以有效降低整体结构升温。  相似文献   
火灾中聚合物材料的燃烧过程产生的热解产物,从而增加化学分析谱图的复杂性,对助燃剂鉴定造成干扰。针对常见的聚合物材料开展了一系列燃烧实验,对其在燃烧过程中的热解机理进行了分析,并通过汽油存在条件下的聚合物材料燃烧实验分析了热解对汽油辨识产生的干扰。  相似文献   
Low-concentration gas transported in pipelines may lead to explosion accidents because gas with a concentration of less than 30% is prone to explode. To reduce the incidence of gas explosions, water sealing of fire barriers is implemented, and explosion venting devices are installed along the pipeline. To investigate their suppression effect on low-concentration gas explosion, experiments using methane–air premixed gas under different conditions were implemented on a DN500 pipeline test system. The effects of three types of explosion venting forms (rupture disc, asbestos board, and plastic film) on explosion overpressure and flame were compared and analysed. Results show that the rupture disc, asbestos board, and plastic film can achieve adequate explosion venting, causing the peak decay rates of explosion overpressure to reach 82.37%, 81.72%, and 90.79%, respectively. The foregoing indicates that the greater the static activation pressure of the explosion venting form, the higher the peak explosion overpressure at each measurement point. Moreover, the shorter the explosion flame duration, the greater the flame propagation velocity. The research results provide an essential theoretical foundation for the effective suppression of gas explosion accidents in the process of low-concentration gas transportation.  相似文献   
利用样本周期图法定量分析了城市火灾序列的周期性,并实例分析得出了北京市火灾时间序列具有12个月和48个月的周期性。然后采用季节调整法,将火灾时间序列中的季节因子和不规则因子提取出来,得出了经季节调整后的时间序列,从而得到了北京市火灾发生受季节因素影响的大小和城市火灾时间序列的基本发展趋势,大大提高了火灾数据之间的可比性。同时结论可为消防管理部门有针对性地采取消防监督管理措施和科学地安排消防执勤战备提供有力指导。  相似文献   
石凯  姚斌  江梦梦  舒雅 《火灾科学》2012,21(2):98-103
光纤光栅感温火灾报警系统在石油化工行业储罐区等易燃易爆场所得到应用,但目前尚没有相关的国家级设计规范,且安徽省和湖北省地方设计规范关于感温探测器敷设间距的要求存在较大差异,有必要开展深入研究。以外浮顶原油罐为例进行研究,获得了差温和定温两种探测方式在两种敷设高度下,其敷设间距与罐径之间的关系表达式,二者呈正相关。研究结果表明,初起阶段火源功率与罐径呈线性关系且火源功率较小,按照地方规范设置敷设间距时,难以对其进行及时探测,应加大敷设密度;差温探测比定温探测方式具有更为快速探测报警优势且可以设置较大的敷设间距。  相似文献   
沈阳商业城火灾及灾后修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴波  林立岩 《灾害学》1996,11(4):48-53
介绍了发生在沈阳商业城的火灾及灾后调查、检测和加固情况,从中得到一些有意义的看法。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种温控器性能和寿命测试方案,本方案采用感应加热和导热介质冷却的控制方式,有效的解决了传统寿命测试方式热惯量大,机械振动和温度不确定度大等影响测试结果的问题,保证了温控器在测试过程中的动作温度、温度梯度和环境应力可控,同时在用作温控器性能测试时,温度的波动度小于0.2K,该装置能够完全满足GB14536.10-2008标准规定的II型温控器的性能和寿命测试要求。  相似文献   
介绍了OLED显示模块的技术特点,总结和分析了OLED显示模块的标准试验环境和环境耐久性试验的要求,为生产企业或检测机构进行OLED显示模块在使用和储存过程的耐久性试验提供依据。  相似文献   
李炳华  朱霁平  彭晨  刘力 《火灾科学》2008,17(4):233-237
随着我国城市地铁建设的发展,复杂多层地铁站台形式的出现导致地铁车站火灾发生时底层站台人员疏散所需时间常超出现有规范.提出调度列车疏散站台人员的方式,论证了地铁列车辅助站台人员安全疏散措施的可行性,给出了列车发车间隔、列车运行速度、站间距离等因素对疏散所需时间的影响,结果表明发车间隔是决定列车疏散所需时间的主要因素.研究工作可以为同类地铁站台人员安全疏散设计和应急预案制定提供参考.  相似文献   
Visibility impairment from regional haze is a significant problem throughout the continental United States. A substantial portion of regional haze is produced by smoke from prescribed and wildland fires. Here we describe the integration of four simulation models, an array of GIS raster layers, and a set of algorithms for fire-danger calculations into a modeling framework for simulating regional-scale smoke dispersion. We focus on a representative fire season (2003) in the northwestern USA, on a 12 km domain, and track the simulated dispersion and concentration of PM2.5 over the course of the season. Simulated visibility reductions over national parks and wilderness areas are within the ranges of measured values at selected monitoring sites, although the magnitudes of peak events are underestimated because these include inputs other than fire. By linking the spatial and temporal patterns of haze-producing emissions to climatic variability, particularly synoptic weather patterns, and the stochastic nature of fire occurrence across the region, we can provide a robust method for estimating the quantity and distribution of fire-caused regional haze under climate-warming scenarios.  相似文献   
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