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Abstract: Increases in timber demand and urban development in the Atlantic Coastal Plain over the past decade have motivated studies on the hydrology, water quality, and sustainable management of coastal plain watersheds. However, studies on baseline water budgets are limited for the low‐lying, forested watersheds of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. The purpose of this study was to document the hydrology and a method to quantify the water budget of a first‐order forested watershed, WS80, located within the USDA Forest Service Santee Experimental Forest northeast of Charleston, South Carolina. Annual Rainfall for the 2003 and 2004 periods were 1,671 mm (300 mm above normal) and 962 mm (over 400 mm below normal), respectively. Runoff coefficients (outflow as a fraction of total rainfall) for the 2003 and 2004 periods were 0.47 and 0.08, respectively, indicating a wide variability of outflows as affected by antecedent conditions. A spreadsheet‐based Thornthwaite monthly water balance model was tested on WS80 using three different potential evapotranspiration estimators [Hamon, Thornthwaite, and Penman‐Monteith (P‐M)]. The Hamon and P‐M‐based methods performed reasonably well with average absolute monthly deviations of 12.6 and 13.9 mm, respectively, between the measured and predicted outflows. Estimated closure errors were all within 9% for the 2003, 2004, and seasonal water budgets. These results may have implications on forest management practices and provide necessary baseline or reference information for Atlantic Coastal Plain watersheds.  相似文献   
呼吸性煤尘与尘肺的剂量-反应关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析6个煤矿3082名煤尘接尘工人,其中包括51名尘肺患者接尘资料,首先通过比例换算法,按总煤尘EIC/TWA为1.5、总煤尘TWA/呼吸性煤尘TWA为3.82,将总煤尘EIC转换为呼吸性煤尘TWA;再用寿命表法分析累计接尘量与尘肺发病的剂量-反应关系,得到回归方程logit=5.714lgd-18.902(r=0.939),采用区间估计法,得接尘30年尘肺累计发病率为1%时,呼吸性煤尘TWA为6.52mg/m3,对估算结果取1.2的安全系数,呼吸性煤尘接触浓度管理限值为5mg/m3。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A paired watershed approach was utilized to study the effects of three water management regimes on storm event hydrology in three experimental watersheds in a drained loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation in eastern North Carolina. The regimes were: (1) conventional drainage, (2) controlled drainage (CD) to reduce outflows during spring fish recruitment, and (3) controlled drainage to reduce outflows and conserve water during the growing season. Data from two pit‐treatment years and three years of CD treatment with raised weirs at the watershed outlet are presented. CD treatment resulted in rises in water table elevations during the summer. But the rises were small and short‐lived due to increased evapotranspiration (ET) rates as compared to the spring treatment with lower ET demands. CD treatment had no effect on water tables deeper than 1.3 m. CD treatments, however, significantly (α= 0.05) reduced the stoning outflows for all events, and peak outflow rates for most of the events depending upon the outlet weir level. In some events, flows did not occur at all in watersheds with CD. When event outflows occurred, duration of the event was sharply reduced because of reduced effective ditch depth. Water table depth at the start of an event influenced the effect of CD treatment on storm event hydrology.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Two types of rapid water table responses to rain were observed in a northern Michigan peatland. The first, called the Lisse effect, occurred during rains of high intensity when the infiltrating water acted as a tightly closing lid that forced the water table to rise to the level required to compensate for the pressure increase. The second, called the Wieringermeer effect, was a rapid rise of the water table to the surface due to the conversion of capillary to phreatic water and was always followed by an equally rapid decline after cessation of the rainfall. We simulated these phenomena in the laboratory and estimated the critical parameters that determine their occurrence. The recognition of the importance of the capillary fringe is essential in evaluating the role of wetlands in flood control and in wastewater treatment.  相似文献   
谢小茜  李雁  徐军  夏北成  苏钰 《环境科学学报》2009,29(11):2331-2338
利用时域反射仪(TDR)与微型张力计(T5)联用装置,测定气-水两相砂介质中因水位波动产生的连续干燥与湿润循环过程中饱和度-毛细压力(S-p)关系曲线.同时,研究了多重水位波动对S-p关系曲线、孔隙流体运移的滞后性及空气剩余饱和度的作用.结果表明,TDR、T5和数据自动采集器联用装置可较准确测量出气-水两相条件下S-p关系的动态变化.同一介质中不同干燥过程的侵入压值比较接近,与干燥过程的初始水饱和度无关;而干燥或湿润过程的S-p关系曲线和滞后程度则与其初始水饱和度密切相关.在特定的干燥和湿润循环过程中,初始水饱和度大小对空气剩余饱和度的值影响不大,用于预测非湿润相流体剩余饱和度的Land的假设需要修正.本研究结果对进一步研究水位波动条件下地下有机污染物运移具有借鉴作用,可为修正NAPL Simulator 提供实验依据.  相似文献   
Population life tables of the army worm, Mythimna separata, were constructed and nutritional parameters of food for the larvae were examined at 5 temperatures from 16℃ to 32℃. The temperature suitable for growth and reproduction of the insect ranged from 20℃ to 28℃ with the optimum of 24℃. Their survivalship and fecundity were much poorer at 32℃ than at 16℃. Indices of population trend of the insect at these temperatures could well fitted with the parabolic curve which theoretically indicated that the population density would multiply by some 660 after one generation circle at the optimal temperature, 22.6℃, and it would decline at temperatures higher than 32.9℃ or lower than 12.3℃. Larval food intake and their AD tended to go up while their ECI and ECD to go down with a rise in temperature. These alterations in population size and feeding behavior caused by temperature would exert an important effect on their damage to crops.  相似文献   
目的 考核陀螺类产品在角振动环境下的适应性。方法 开发基于单线振动台的角振动试验系统,该系统以线角转换原理为依据,设计铰接机械结构,将线振动台的平动自由度转换为转动自由度。以角振动控制原理为依据,设计控制流程,实现闭环控制。结果 开展了角定频试验和角扫频试验,对系统的控制效果进行了验证。对比了线参数控制和角参数控制2种方法,结果表明,角参数控制法具有更高的控制精度。由于闭环控制的作用,角参数控制法可通过驱动电压的调整直接影响角参数值,从而抵消了部分由于系统连接、解耦或振动引入的误差。结论 该角振动试验系统解决了双台角振动旋转半径受限、线能力受限等问题,克服了摇摆台频带过窄的问题,为角振动试验提供一种新的实施方法。  相似文献   
风速4.6m/s柱状水银温度计相对湿度查算表的编制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
GJB 150.9A—2009要求,通过湿球传感器的风速不低于4.6 m/s,需要一个风速为4.6 m/s的相对湿度查算表。介绍了风速4.6 m/s,柱状水银温度表的相对湿度查算表编制方法和计算结果,为更好地理解、执行GJB 150A—2009提供了数据参考。  相似文献   
Continental waters are complex resources in terms of a measurable physical quantity, and measuring them requires a good knowledge of total water availability. In this research, an accounting physical input–output table (PIOT) was applied to evaluate total water resources and gross annual availabilities at each stage of the natural-artificial water cycle. These stages are considered subsystems of a continental water resource system describing water transfers for an average year within 13 administrative basins of Spain. Water transfers between various subsystems are characterized by internal flows decreasing the water resource availabilities. The PIOT analysis establishes these internal flows, and the origins and final uses of the total resources for each subsystem. The input-output balance registered an unsustainable negative net accumulation in eight water basins. The PIOT analysis also allowed the calculation of significant indicators such as water resource developments (RDI) and their sustainable use (SUI). RDI and SUI demonstrate that groundwater is a critical resource affecting the environment (e.g., wetlands in the upper Guadiana) and the water supply (e.g., irrigation in the Segura basin). The results of this model suggest that above-/below-ground hydrological links are important when decisions have to be made in order to provide a satisfactory supply of water in Spain. The model integrates the different water basins under territorial criteria, and therefore it may be useful for the Spanish National Hydrological Plan.  相似文献   
介绍了一种新的环境试验用相对湿度查算表及其编制目的、编制方法,该查算表用较小的篇幅实现更宽的温度和相对湿度的查算范围(与GB6999鄄86《环境试验用相对湿度查算表》比较)。该查算表中对风速与大气压的修正方法有与其他查算表不同的特点,它对提高相对湿度测量(查算)精度有一定的作用。  相似文献   
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