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Review of fluoride removal from drinking water   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Fluoride in drinking water has a profound effect on teeth and bones. Up to a small level (1–1.5 mg/L) this strengthens the enamel. Concentrations in the range of 1.5–4 mg/L result in dental fluorosis whereas with prolonged exposure at still higher fluoride concentrations (4–10 mg/L) dental fluorosis progresses to skeletal fluorosis. High fluoride concentrations in groundwater, up to more than 30 mg/L, occur widely, in many parts of the world. This review article is aimed at providing precise information on efforts made by various researchers in the field of fluoride removal for drinking water. The fluoride removal has been broadly divided in two sections dealing with membrane and adsorption techniques. Under the membrane techniques reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, dialysis and electro-dialysis have been discussed. Adsorption, which is a conventional technique, deals with adsorbents such as: alumina/aluminium based materials, clays and soils, calcium based minerals, synthetic compounds and carbon based materials. Studies on fluoride removal from aqueous solutions using various reversed zeolites, modified zeolites and ion exchange resins based on cross-linked polystyrene are reviewed. During the last few years, layered double oxides have been of interest as adsorbents for fluoride removal. Such recent developments have been briefly discussed.  相似文献   
通过对废酸中各主要成分的分析,对氟离子选择电极法测定氟化物的原理的剖析,最终选择先调节待测溶液的酸碱度去除干扰后,再进行氟化物含量的测定。使用国标所描述去干扰的方法进行验证,最终得出两种方法所测得的氟化物含量结果一致。通过回标回收实验,确定测定结果的准确度也达到国标要求。  相似文献   
三峡库区地方性氟中毒病区与非病区土壤氟地球化学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
巫山、奉节是三峡库区最典型的地方性氟中毒区(简称地氟病区)。利用多目标地球化学调查方法,通过野外实地调查,大面积系统采集土壤深层、表层土壤样品、分析测试、数理统计,探讨了三峡库区沿长江各区县土壤氟含量、典型地氟病区与非病区深层、表层土壤氟的含量特征与差异。发现三峡库区沿长江各区县深、表层土壤氟含量均表现为:巫山>奉节>涪陵>丰都、万州、开县、云阳、忠县、长寿。巫山、奉节表层土壤氟含量分别为全国土壤氟含量均值的2.598倍、1.883倍,丰都等6区县深、表层土壤F含量与全国均值基本相当。各地区表层土壤明显继承了深层土壤氟的地球化学特征。地氟病最严重的巫山县表层土壤氟富集程度最高,而最轻的长寿县表层土壤则表现出明显的氟淋失。地氟病区深层、表层土壤F含量均远高于非病区,土壤F含量与地氟病发病率间具极显著正相关,土壤F含量对发病率具有明显的影响。土壤F与土壤中造岩元素具显著正相关,主要来自于成土母质。  相似文献   
Batch experiments were conducted to evaluate fluoride removal by Al,Fe,and Ti-based coagulants and adsorbents,as well as the effects of coexisting ions and formation of aluminum–fluoride complexes on fluoride removal by co-precipitation with alum(Al_2(SO_4)_3·18H_2O).Aluminum sulfate was more efficient than the other coagulants for fluoride removal in the pH range between 6 and 8.Nano-crystalline TiO_2 was more effective for fluoride removal than Al and Fe hydroxides in a pH range of 3–5.Coexisting anions in water decreased the removal of fluoride in the order:phosphate(2.5 mg/L) arsenate(0.1 mg/L) bicarbonate(200 mg/L) sulfate(100 mg/L) = nitrate(100 mg/L) silicate(10 mg/L) at a pH of 6.0.The effect of silicate became more significant at pH 7.0.Calcium and magnesium improved the removal of fluoride.Zeta-potential measurements determined that the adsorption of fluoride shifted the PZC of Al(OH)_3 precipitates from 8.9 to 8.4,indicating the chemical adsorption of fluoride at the surface.The presence of fluoride in solution significantly increased the soluble aluminum concentration at pH 6.5.A Visual MINTEQ modeling study indicated that the increased aluminum solubility was caused by the formation of AlF~(2+),AlF~(+2),and AlF_3complexes.The AlF_x complexes decreased the removal of fluoride during co-precipitation with aluminum sulfate.  相似文献   
含高氟废水处理方法的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
介绍了利用络合原理复配的高效除氟剂—改性聚铁 ,结合传统的钙盐沉降法工艺处理高氟废水的测验。在实验条件下 ,氟与改性聚铁 ,氯化钙形成多元络合物复合盐 ,然后用聚丙烯酰胺絮凝。废水中氟浓度下降至 1 0 /mg· L- 1 以下 ,排放废水含氟量达到国家标准  相似文献   
水体环境中氟化物的测定方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用离子选择电极法和离子色谱法,比较测定了饮用水、景观水及地表水水体中氟化物的含量,发现对污染程度不同的水体两种方法表现出不同的优势,可以指导分析人员根据水体污染程度选择相应的检测方法。  相似文献   
This study focuses on the effects of p H and fluoride at different molar ratios of fluoride to Al(R F:Al) on the removal of cadmium(Cd~(2+)) and phosphate by Al coagulation. Fluoride at R F:Al≥ 3:1 inhibits the removal of Cd over wide Al dose ranges from 5 to 10 mg/L as Al. The removal of phosphate decreases significantly at high R F:Al of 10:1 whereas at lowered R F:Al(i.e., ≤ 6:1), an adverse effect is observed only at insufficient Al doses below 2 mg/L. Fluoride shows inhibitive effects towards the removal of Cd at p H 7 and 8 and that of phosphate at p H 6. Fluoride decreases the ζ-potential in both systems, and the decreasing extent is positively correlated to the elevated R F:Al. The Al fluoride interactions include the formation of Al–F complexes and the adsorption of fluoride onto Al(OH)_3 precipitates, i.e., the formation of Al(OH)n F m. Al–F complex formation inhibits Al hydrolysis and increases residual Al levels, and a more significant increase was observed at lower p H. Al–F complexes at high R F:Al complicate the coagulation behavior of Al towards both negative and positive ionic species. Moreover, fluoride at low R F:Al shows little effect on Al coagulation behavior towards Cd~(2+)and phosphate, and the spent defluoridation adsorbent,i.e., aluminum(Al) hydro(oxide) with adsorbed fluoride at R F:Al of below 0.1:1, may be reclaimed as a coagulant after being dissolved.  相似文献   
用离子选择电极法测定土壤中氟主要的影响因素为样品的制备、消解及测定3方面内容。作者通过试验得出,在样品的消解过程使用细粒的氢氧化钠可以使分析结果比粗粒氢氧化钠更准确,并减少分析误差。  相似文献   
Ground water quality of Hisar city was assessed for its suitability for drinking purposes. Samples collected from the Bore-wells (forms a part of municipal water supply) and handpumps (direct consumption) were analyzed for the various physico-chemical parameters including pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved salts, total hardness, total alkalinity, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride and sulfate. The concentrations of magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfate and especially of chloride were found moderately higher than the WHO standards for the drinking water. Further a comparison of fluoride (F) levels in groundwater of various cities and towns of Haryana state was performed. The relatively higher concentrations of F in groundwater of Haryana raise the risk of fluorosis and hence groundwater must be used with proper treatment. Promising defluoridation methods using locally available materials and technologies are discussed for the prevention and control of fluorosis. Data were assessed statistically to find the suitable markers of ground water quality as an aid to monitoring groundwater quality.  相似文献   
Yoshitomi B  Nagano I 《Chemosphere》2012,86(9):891-897
Yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) is the most important cultured marine fish in Japan. Dietary fish meal for yellowtail in aquaculture was replaced with 0.0%, 15.4% and 100.0% Antarctic krill meal (KM0, KM15, and KM100) and with 0.0%, 15.4%, and 100.0% low-fluoride krill meal (LFK0, LFK15 and LFK100). The fish was fed to duplicate fish groups for 92 d (KM trial) or 75 d (LFK trial), and fish growth was monitored.Dietary fluoride (F) concentrations (mg kg−1) were 110, 160, and 580 (KM0, KM15, and KM100, respectively) and 98, 120, and 190 (LFK0, LFK15, and LFK100, respectively). The growth during the experimental period, weight gain, feed intake, specific growth rate, and feed efficiency in fish fed the KM100 diet were markedly lower than the other experimental groups, which showed no marked differences in growth performance.After the experiment, dorsal muscle fluoride concentrations in each group were below the detectable limit (1 mg kg−1), but vertebral bone fluoride concentrations increased with increasing proportion of KM to 655 (KM0), 870 (KM15), and 2150 (KM100) mg kg−1. With increasing LFK in the feed, vertebral bone fluoride concentrations (mg kg−1) increased slightly from 500 (LFK0) to 655 (LFK15), and 695 (LFK100). No histopathological changes were detected in the liver tissue in any experimental group.It has been reported that the fluoride bioavailability was reduced with increasing water hardness, however, the dietary fluoride derived from KM exoskeleton accumulates in vertebral bones of marine fish with growth inhibition, as has already been shown for freshwater fish. Vertebral bone fluoride concentrations in two krill-eating Antarctic marine fish in the wild were 33 000 mg kg−1 (Champsocephalus gunnari) and 15 000 mg kg−1 (Notothenia rossii), but they did not show any adverse effect of growth. Therefore, fish bone fluoride accumulation apparently depends on fish species rather than the salinity of the habitat. Consequently, krill exoskeleton must be removed during the processing of Antarctic krill if indeed these krill are to be used as fish feed. However, LFK can completely replace dietary fish meal without apparent adverse effects.  相似文献   
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