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贺兰山高山草甸生物多样性和地上生物量的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对贺兰山高山草甸进行群落调查的基础上,研究高山草甸生物多样性和地上生物量与环境因子之间的关系,进而分析生物多样性和地上生物量的关系.结果表明:(1)地上生物量主要与土层深度成正相关关系.(2)海拔高度与生物多样性成负相关关系,而其它影响物种丰富度或Shannon指数的环境因子仅在个别群落类型中起作用.(3)生物多样性与地上生物量主要呈单峰曲线关系.  相似文献   
为了研究高温高压条件下煤孔隙结构变化对瓦斯吸附特性的影响,选取九里山矿无烟煤,在压力为7 MPa、温度为40~130℃的条件下进行等温吸附实验和压汞实验。研究结果表明:煤样对甲烷的等温吸附曲线在该压力、温度条件下符合Ⅰ型吸附曲线特性,吸附规律符合Langmuir吸附模型;在压力7 MPa和温度130℃条件下,煤样的孔隙结构发生一定的变化,煤的比表面积增大、累计孔体积降低,可见孔及裂隙的数量比例增高,加强了煤样孔隙之间的连通度,导致原本吸附在煤样表面的甲烷分子大量解吸;在压力不变的情况下,随着温度的不断增高,煤的极限吸附量逐渐减小,其主要原因是样品孔隙结构的破坏和分子间作用力的变化。  相似文献   
The flow curve of anaerobically digested wastes from different origins was determined through rheological measurements. Regardless of their origin, samples can be divided into two families: simple non-Newtonian liquids well modelled by basic power law below 10%DC and viscoelastic liquids with a yield stress, well modelled by a Herschel–Bulkley model above. In all the cases, the rheological behaviour is driven by both the organic content and the volatile fraction (organic content/solid content), indicating that anaerobic digestion tends to smooth the rheological characteristics of organic wastes, whichever their origins.  相似文献   
The concept of sustainable development has become very much in vogue in the past decade. We have also observed a shift in the interpretation of this concept from a global perspective to a meso perspective—that is, at a local, regional or sectoral level. This paper aims at highlighting the urban dimension of environmental issues. After a sketch of urban pollution problems and of tools for economic analysis, the notion of urban sustainability will be advocated as a meaningful analytical and policy concept. Next, the main focus of this paper will be on a typological approach to urban sustainability issues on the basis of three characteristic angles, viz. strong and weak sustainability, absolute and relative decoupling and the spatial ecological footprint. Various methodological issues will also be discussed, while the paper will conclude with some perspectives on policy issues. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
不同类型竹种光合特性的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
光合作用是植物生长和物质积累的基础,其光合特性是高光效竹种选育的重要生理指标。为了更好开发利用我国丰富的竹种资源,确定不同类型竹种的光合性能,掌握其合成有机同化物的能力是必须探索的一个重要问题。文章采用Li-6400光合测定仪,通过对不同地下茎类型的6个竹种光合参数和光响应的测定分析,进一步探讨不同类型竹种存在差异的生理基础,以期对不同类型竹种的选育和经营管理提供依据。试验结果表明:不同竹种净光合速率(Pn)差异显著,大木竹Bambusa wenchouensis(Wen)Q.H.Dai的净光合速率最高,Pn值平均达到8.379μmol·m-2·s-1,毛竹Phyllostachys heterocycla cv.pubescens和雷竹P.praecox cv.prevernalis次之,斑苦竹Arundinaria oleosa和苦竹Pleioblastus amarus最低,总体呈现丛生竹>散生竹>混生竹的趋势,1~2 a生竹净光合速率高于3~4 a生竹,但没有显著差异。气孔导度(Cond)、胞间C02浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)综合说明丛生竹的光合固碳能力最强,其中蒸腾速率与气孔导度与净光合速率关系最为紧密,是影响净光合速率的主导因子。光响应曲线表明当光强刚开始增强时,各竹种间差异较小,但随着光强的继续增加,不同竹种出现很大的差异,其中绿竹Dendrocalamus.oldhami(Munro)Keng的潜在光合能力最高,远高于其他竹种,同样表现为丛生竹>散生竹>混生竹,进一步说明丛生竹种较强的光合固碳能力,从而为今后不同类型竹种,尤其是优良丛生竹种的筛选和开发利用提供理论参考。  相似文献   
Micro-irrigation systems (MIS) have been at the forefront of policy-making and social research in exploring determinants that could potentially impact the adoption of MIS technologies in the field to fulfil the basic aim of enhanced agricultural productivity and enriched nutritional quality of the produce with optimal adoption of natural resources. Therefore, this study was undertaken to determine why MIS technologies have not been adopted to the extent anticipated, so that suitable policy schemes, promotional schemes and socio-technical frameworks could be formulated for their enhanced adoption to enhance the socio-economic status of the farming community in the Dahod district of Gujarat State, India. A study of 350 non-MIS (NMIS) and 350 MIS farmers was conducted to identify factors affecting the MIS adoption process. The logit model was fitted using XLSTAT software (XLSTAT 2014.1.04) to the explanatory variables (determinants) of the MIS adoption process. Type III analysis and ANOVA were conducted to test the relative significance of the explanatory variables adopted. It was found that total income had the highest weight (or beta coefficient, i.e. 0.625) followed by total land area (0.546), motor horsepower (0.499), dependency ratio (0.397), and education (0.295) and age of household head (0.207). Furthermore, to assess the efficacy of the logit model, the ROC curve was also developed and the AUC was found to be 0.881, and therefore the model was considered to discriminate well in identifying the factors affecting the MIS adoption process. The study found that higher total income and education level increase the likelihood of MIS adoption and agricultural water management, and therefore special training programmes on installation, as well as repair and maintenance, of MIS systems and agricultural water management can be planned at the institutional/organisation level. The total cultivable area is also one of the important determinants in MIS adoption, and therefore the adoption of MIS schemes should not be restricted to large farmers only, but rather should be extended to both small and marginal farmers.  相似文献   
The effect of applied compression on the nature of liquid flow and hence the movement of contaminants within municipal solid waste was examined by means of thirteen tracer tests conducted on five separate waste samples. The conservative nature of bromide, lithium and deuterium tracers was evaluated and linked to the presence of degradation in the sample. Lithium and deuterium tracers were non-conservative in the presence of degradation, whereas the bromide remained effectively conservative under all conditions. Solute diffusion times into and out of less mobile blocks of waste were compared for each test under the assumption of dominantly dual-porosity flow. Despite the fact that hydraulic conductivity changed strongly with applied stress, the block diffusion times were found to be much less sensitive to compression. A simple conceptual model, whereby flow is dominated by sub-parallel low permeability obstructions which define predominantly horizontally aligned less mobile zones, is able to explain this result. Compression tends to narrow the gap between the obstructions, but not significantly alter the horizontal length scale. Irrespective of knowledge of the true flow pattern, these results show that simple models of solute flushing from landfill which do not include depth dependent changes in solute transport parameters are justified.  相似文献   
干扰曲线扣除法测定废水中苯胺类和硝基苯类   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
使用比色法测定苯胺和硝基苯时,苯胺会严重影响硝基苯的测定。采用干扰曲线扣除法可以定量描述苯胺对硝基苯的影响,得到水样中硝基苯的真实含量。用这种方法测定苯胺,标准差为0.29μg,相对标准差为1.9%,回收率为97%;测定硝基苯,标准差为0.57μg,相对标准差为5.6%,回收率为95%。  相似文献   
在应用Dynaform、Autoform等板料数值模拟软件的过程中 ,通常需要对压边力施力曲线进行各种预先的设定 ,但如何选定施力模式一直是一个比较棘手的问题 ,在文中利用数值模拟及MATLAB中的神经网络工具箱得出了压边力的最优控制曲线  相似文献   
选用正十六烷模拟润滑油,通过振荡平衡实验,考察了两种含氮脂肪酸型生物降解促进剂(甲基二乙醇胺油酸酯(MDEAO)和油酸二乙醇酰胺(ODEA))对水土体系中正十六烷吸附行为的影响。实验结果表明:正十六烷在水土体系中的有机质标化分配系数与土壤种类无关,与生物降解促进剂种类有关;土壤对正十六烷的吸附过程更符合Freundlich等温吸附模型;MDEAO的临界胶束浓度为2.0 mg/L,对土壤吸附正十六烷有一定的促进作用,ODEA的临界胶束浓度为0.7 mg/L,形成的胶束对正十六烷的增溶效果明显,促进了正十六烷在土壤中的解吸。  相似文献   
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