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Aubee E  Hussein K 《Disasters》2002,26(4):368-379
This article examines the case of the Catholic Relief Service's (CRS) sesame support programme in The Gambia which has spanned more than 25 years. It outlines the transformation process from relief to development and the role that the production of an agricultural commodity, sesame, has played as a key building block. Following the drought of the 1980s, concerns to move away from dependence on food aid first led to agronomic trials of imported oilseed, then to the selection and dissemination of improved sesame varieties accompanied by an elaborate and costly support programme. This gradually developed into a long-term development-oriented intervention, paving the way for the development of a national women's farmers' organisation. The paper provides a case study of an intervention that has gone beyond the provision of seed to address agronomic research and extension, policy, marketing and institutional issues necessary for successful crop diversification.  相似文献   
深圳市罗湖断裂带活动性及建筑物安全监测系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了在深圳市复杂的城市环境里进行断裂活动及建筑物安全监测的思路和方法,以及监测技术系统的构成与布置,以北东向的罗湖断裂带和北西向断裂切割的典型地块及坐落在这些地块上的高层建筑物为重点监测目标,选择一些高层建筑物及水库大坝建立变形监测系统;沿断裂带展布方向布设一定密度的水准环线构成地面垂直变形监测网;布设GPS参考网和相对网,构成地面水平位移监测网。  相似文献   
韩新  翟永梅  曾杰 《灾害学》2002,17(3):82-87
依据已建立的建筑防火性能化评估方法总体框架。着重对建筑防火性能化评估目标的确定开展了研究,并从社会评估目标,功能评估目标和性能评估目标三个层次建立了建筑防火性能化评估目标的递阶层次结构。  相似文献   
This paper describes a training course on climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessment. The course, developed in partnership with the CC:TRAIN Programme of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), aims to enhance the capacity of developing countries to make their national communications to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The paper focuses on a simulation model called VANDACLIM, which was developed as a pedagogical tool to facilitate the training. Four sectors are modelled within VANDACLIM (agriculture, public health, water resources, and coastal zone) and are used as a basis for helping to conduct an integrated, multi-sectoral assessment for the imaginary, sub-tropical country of Vanda. The learning-by-doing approach, encapsulated in the application of VANDACLIM to complete a mini-assessment for Vanda, proved to be very successful when trialled at a training workshop in Zimbabwe. Both the training course and VANDACLIM have been adapted subsequently for application in small island states and plans are underway for extension to other environments and regions of the world.  相似文献   
陆本燕  刘伯权  吴涛  邢国华 《灾害学》2011,26(2):102-106
以"7.23"陕西省商洛市特大暴雨中山阳县校舍为研究对象,在查明山洪、泥石流、滑坡和崩塌等造成校舍受损、严重破坏和倒塌的基础上,分析了洪水灾害引起校舍受损的原因。结果表明,特大暴雨是该县滑坡发生的诱发因素,也是部分滑坡转化为泥石流主要因素;建筑场地选择不合理是造成校舍受损、严重破坏和倒塌的关键因素;合理的结构构造是减少灾害造成生命财产损失的有效措施。  相似文献   
以往的震害预测方法往往需要调查建筑物的详细力学特性参数,这对个别社区的范围是可行的,但对整个城市的震害预测,则需要耗费巨大的财力、物力,因此需要研究适用于城市群体建筑物的快速震害预测方法。文中提出的城市建筑物快速震害预测系统,是根据模糊数学中的加权距离来判别建筑物的相似性,而采用类比预测的方法来预测城市未知建筑物的震害结果。该方法能够在较少的投资和时间下,迅速给出城市的震害预测结果。最后将该系统应用于泉州市的建筑物震害预测,结果表明该系统具有良好的可操作性和结果可靠性。  相似文献   
云南大姚6.1级地震多层砖砌体和框架房屋震害研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了云南大姚6.1级地震多层砖砌体和钢筋砼框架结构房屋震害、不同烈度区的平均震害指数和震害预测计算,分析了震害原因, 并与实际震害作了对比,总结了这次地震防御和减轻震害的经验与教训,其结果对地震灾区的恢复重建将起到积极作用.  相似文献   
Sullivan TM  Sophia N  Maung C 《Disasters》2004,28(3):255-268
The Mae Tao Clinic, located on the Thailand-Burma border, has provided health services for illegal migrant workers in Thailand and internally displaced people from Burma since 1989. In 2001, the clinic launched a project with the primary aim of improving reproductive health services and the secondary aim of building clinic capacity in monitoring and evaluation (M&E). This paper first presents the project's methods and key results. The team used observation of antenatal care and family-planning sessions and client exit interviews at baseline and follow-up, approximately 13 months apart, to assess performance on six elements of quality of care. Findings indicated that improving programme readiness contributed to some improvement in the quality of services, though inconsistencies in findings across the methods require further research. The paper then identifies lessons learned from introducing M&E in a resource-constrained setting. One key lesson was that a participatory approach to M&E increased people's feelings of ownership of the project and motivated staff to collect and use data for programme decision-making to improve quality.  相似文献   
大型商业建筑中的性能化设计问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了大型商业建筑的建筑特点、火灾特点及火灾危害性,并基于性能化防火设计的理念,针对某大型商场的建筑特点和性能化问题,提出了通过设置防烟走廊阻止火灾高温烟气进入作为疏散临时安全区的中庭的设计方法。在合理估算建筑内火灾和人员荷载的基础上,选用合适的模型,通过对火灾情况下的烟气蔓延和人员疏散进行数值模拟和分析,验证了防烟走廊的设置可有效提高中庭的防火安全性能。  相似文献   
商住楼扰民噪声监测技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对贵阳市某商住楼内S超市的扰民噪声投诉处理,提出了在处理商住楼内商场、超市类项目扰民噪声投诉中经常面时的几个主要问题及处理建议,探讨了商住楼扰民噪声的监测技术.  相似文献   
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