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This study examines the degree to which construction sector employees perceive that safety is important in their organizations/sites and how job satisfaction affects these perceptions when age is introduced as a moderator variable. Two-way analysis of variance demonstrated that job satisfaction has a strong effect on perceived management commitment to work safety and that this relationship was moderated by respondents’ age. Job satisfaction was associated with perceived accident rate and safety inspection frequency, but the proposed role of age in this linkage was not confirmed. Consequently, the findings indicated that by increasing the level of job satisfaction, perceptions of these safety climate aspects proved to be more positive. The conclusion is that these relationships could further lead to a lower percentage of accidents and injuries in the workplace and better health among employees. A significant relationship between job satisfaction, age and perceived co-workers’ commitment to work safety was not found.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to conduct an ex-post evaluation of the OSH Enforcement Act. The focus of the study was to collate the views of occupational safety and health (OSH) inspectors on how the OSH Enforcement Act and the practices of the governmental OSH inspectorate operate from an effectiveness perspective. The questionnaire included open questions addressed to OSH inspectors. The results indicated that there is a tension between the quantitative performance targets, e.g., the number of inspections and the effectiveness of the practical enforcement work. Harmonizing the enforcement practices should be implemented at two levels: OSH local agencies and individual inspectors. OSH inspectors believe that developing the professional skills of OSH inspectors and the monitoring of OSH management systems are important ways of promoting the effectiveness of OSH enforcement.  相似文献   
The primary objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of work stress, consisting of role stressors and job insecurity, with safety compliance at work. A secondary objective was to test for the possible moderating effect of individual employees’ coping behaviour between experienced work stress and job insecurity, and their safety compliance. A cross-sectional survey design was used (n?=?771). An electronic survey, with a biographical questionnaire and scales on role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, job insecurity, coping and safety compliance at work, was administered. The results indicated that specific aspects of work stress, notably role conflict, role ambiguity and quantitative job insecurity, and of coping, namely an avoidance style and changing the situation, were important in understanding safety compliance. A moderating effect of avoidance coping was also found.  相似文献   
我国煤矿安全生产事故的致灾因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤矿安全不仅关系到广大煤矿工人的生命财产安全、煤炭的安全开采,还关系到煤炭企业的和谐稳定.煤矿安全工作是党和政府管理社会、为人民服务的基本任务,是全面落实科学发展观、建设和谐社会的重要组成部分.首先对我国煤矿安全形势进行了分析,随后介绍了事故致因理论的发展,结合我国煤矿事故的特点运用现代事故致因理论对一起煤矿事故进行了分析,最后得出提高煤矿安全监管的措施.  相似文献   
人因安全管理是煤矿安全管理中的重要内容,而其中的一项重要内容则是人员测评.参考已有研究经验,并结合煤矿生产的特点,基于测评方法和侧重点的异同、企业实施检测的条件与环境等因素,对煤矿安全人因测评指标进行重新归纳,提出了一套系统性好、针对性强、且具有较高可操作性的煤矿人因安全测评室的构建方案.总结出三类与煤矿安全生产紧密相关的人因指标模块:心理素质、生理机能和认知能力,并给出了每个模块的具体测评指标及检测方法.最后还给出了测评室建设实施及完善推广的相关建议.  相似文献   
在对我国安全生产信息化建设现状调研的基础上,结合国内外相关资料文献及笔者多年为企业提供安全生产信息化建设解决方案的工作经验,分析了目前我国安全生产信息系统的分类和应用方向,以及企业在安全生产信息化建设过程中存在的问题,如缺乏统一规范和总体规划、投入结构不合理等。针对企业安全生产信息化建设中存在的诸多问题,提出了建设应对措施及建议。对指导企业开展安全生产信息化建设,保证系统科学性、实用性等方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   
系统检索了2000至2012年年底风电行业事故情况,从事故总数、死亡人数及事故类型展开分析。结果表明,风电行业风险具有自身特征,事故一直呈现上升趋势,其中叶片损坏、火灾、结构毁损、抛冰、交通运输、环境破坏等事故比较突出,对从业人员和公众构成威胁。我国风电行业正处于快速扩张期,内在风险较高,需引起行业主管部门和企业的高度重视,开展全产业链系统安全研究和管理手段创建,开发本质安全型工艺和设备,强化施工及运营安全管理。分析结果对指导风电行业安全管理决策和提升企业安全管理水平具有现实意义。  相似文献   
随着化工园区重大危险源集中监管的深化,政府和企业在安全生产活动中扮演着比以往更重要的角色.如何降低园区内人群对危险源的敏感性,以便在有谣言时不会伴随更大的混乱;什么样的因素对园区内人群认知风险具有显著相关性,以便政府和企业在安全生产活动中更好地发挥职能.针对上述问题,通过对江西省某化工园区进行问卷调查,所得的数据采用累积logistic模型进行分析,得出对风险认知具有显著性差异的因素.有助于政府及企业管理人员对园区内人群认知风险的了解,建议化工园区以及政府需要进一步宣传安全知识,配套安全设备等,最终降低谣言对生产活动的影响、冲击,稳定社会秩序.  相似文献   
安全科技是经济社会安全发展的重要基石,是企业安全生产和人民生命财产安全的重要保障,是安全监管监察工作的重要支撑,是提高企业本质安全生产水平的根本途径。当前,我国安全科技工作即面临挑战,又面临重大机遇。加快安全科技转化为提升安全保障能力,要以科学发展、安全发展理念为指导,坚持企业为主体、市场为导向的原则,主要从实施安全科技“四个一批”、强化安全科技顶层设计、推广先进适用技术装备等方面进行努力探索。  相似文献   
建设工程项目安全管理概念技能探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在建设工程项目中,为提高安全水平,需要营造良好的安全氛围。安全氛围是抽象化概念,这就要求项目管理团队首先对安全管理进行概念化。研究目的在于探索项目管理人员的概念技能构成维度,分析维度间关系以及对安全管理水平提升的作用机理。因此,运用问卷调查收集相关数据,然后对有效数据进行因子分析,得到概念技能对于建设工程项目安全至关重要的两个维度:项目愿景,项目范围与整合。基于两个重要维度,初步建立理论模型并采用SEM分析论证概念技能对建设工程安全管理的作用机理。研究结果表明,概念技能可以帮助项目管理人员实施安全管理工作,安全管理工作的顺利实施又会提升现场的安全氛围。  相似文献   
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