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复杂河流系统水污染的计算机图形模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
讨论在河流系统水污染规划中应用交互式计算机图形技术。通过对复杂河流系统水污染的图形模拟,提出建立图模型的一般理论和方法,并就浑太流域河流水污染案例给出实际模拟结果。  相似文献   
不同海拔对干热河谷土壤微生物量及活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
薛萐  李鹏  李占斌  刘国彬  郑郁 《中国环境科学》2011,31(11):1888-1895
以四川宁南县金沙江下游的河谷地带为研究区域,选择不同海拔下的土壤为研究对象,研究不同海拔下土壤微生物量及其活性的变异特征.结果表明,在干热河谷区,海拔对微生物量、基础呼吸强度、诱导呼吸强度(SIR)影响显著,且随着海拔高度的升高,上述指标呈显著线性增加.在海拔705~1005m处随着干热风影响的减少,微生物量及其活性逐渐增加,其后随着海拔的继续升高,干热风影响降低,微生物量及其活性总体趋于稳定.海拔1005~1400m可以作为是干热风影响的过渡区.微生物量、基础呼吸强度、SIR具有明显的干湿季变化且变化规律相似,其中干季微生物量及其活性显著低于湿季.干季代谢商(qCO2)随海拔先降低后升高并趋于稳定,湿季没有显著差异.干季和湿季土壤微生物量与理化属性具有较强的相关性,可以作为评价土壤肥力的指标.上述研究结果表明,在金沙江干热河谷区,干热风是影响土壤微生物量及其活性的主要因子之一,从生态恢复角度出发,应该尽可能的减少干热风和水分对土壤和植被的胁迫作用,促进该区域生态的可持续性发展.  相似文献   
采用化学除油降黏—污泥调理—离心脱水工艺处理某炼油厂废水处理系统的混合污泥,并对工艺条件进行优化。实验结果表明,最佳的工艺条件为:化学除油降黏阶段处理体系的pH=4,反应温度35 ℃,H2O2加入量 2 g/L,m(H2O2)∶ m(Fe2+)=4,反应时间 60 min;污泥调理反应阶段的CaO加入量7.0 g/L;离心脱水阶段在分离因数为1 558时脱水5 min。在此条件下,得到的泥饼的含水率为70.0%~75.0%(w),含油率小于2%(w),污泥比阻约为3.0×107 s2/g。  相似文献   
Typologically identical (dwarf birch-herb-dwarf shrub-moss) open and closed larch forests growing on the same altitudinal transect have proved to differ in the structural-functional organization of lower vegetation layers. Coverage, general species composition, and species richness of the herb-dwarf shrub layer are higher in the open forest than in the closed forest. Correlations between individual species of vascular plants weaken upon transition from the open to the closed forest. Conversely, the coverage of the lichen-moss layer increases in the closed forest, which contributes to its role as a factor of selection of vascular plant species against the background of the prevailing influence of the tree layer.  相似文献   
论我国国际河流可持续开发利用的问题与法律对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是世界上国际河流最多的国家之一,在国际河流的开发利用方面采取了一定的措施并取得了一定的成绩,但是在国际河流的可持续开发利用中仍存在不少问题,需要完善相关的国际与国内法律制度并采取其他有效的措施予以解决。从中国国际河流的概况出发,阐述对其进行可持续的开发利用在促进中国经济发展、加强民族团结以及保障国防安全等方面的重大意义,进而分析中国国际河流在可持续开发利用中存在的问题,包括立法缺失、保障措施缺位、管理机构缺乏等,最后从完善可持续开发利用的前提要素、确立可持续开发利用的基本原则、完善可持续开发利用的立法以及积极参与可持续开发利用的国际合作等方面提出解决上述问题的对策思考,以促进和保障我国国际河流可持续开发利用的实现.  相似文献   
近年来,我国"城市环境趋向好转,农村环境不断恶化"这种城乡环境二元趋势的凸现,提出了城乡环保一体化的客观要求."城市中心主义"环境法制以及我国农民实质自由的严重匮乏是我国产生城乡环境二元趋势的根本原因.一些地方所采取的仅仅局限于环保领域的城乡环保一体化措施,并不能从根本上扭转城乡环境二元趋势.城乡环保一体化实践需要以更为全面的制度建构为基础.城乡环保一体化的制度建构应树立理性、人本、自由等基本理念,应坚持整体推进、科学建构、多元参与等基本原则.城乡环保一体化的制度建构路径,首先是消除对农民的各种制度性歧视,实现城乡居民的权利平等;其次,在推动地方民主与法治建设,推进司法体制改革、建立司法审查制度的基础上,健全与完善农民权利实现的保障机制,保证农民的各项权利最终成为"可实际行使"的权利.最后,还要建立适应农村环境保护要求的环境法制.  相似文献   
The present study applied sequential extraction techniques to investigate the binding and mobility of plutonium (Pu) in sediments from the rivers and estuaries of the Ob and Yenisey. As a study site, the Ob and Yenisey are particularly interesting as both rivers have weapons-grade Pu sources in their catchment areas, including the Russian Pu production and reprocessing plants at Mayak, Tomsk-7 and Krashnoyarsk, and the Semipalantinsk nuclear weapons testing site in Kazakhstan. Plutonium activity and 240Pu/239Pu ratios were determined using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Sequential extractions showed that between 47 and 80% of the Pu in Yenisey River sediments and 35–53% of the Pu in soils around the Techa River are mobilized with weak oxidising agents, which can indicate that Pu is bound to organic material. In contrast, Pu in Ob and Yenisey Estuarine sediments was more strongly bound, with 60–100% being found in the HNO3-extractable fraction. This change in speciation could reflect either that Pu bound to organic material in the Techa and Yenisey River sediments becomes more fixed to the sediments with time, or that organic-bound Pu is mobilized and released to the water when the sediments encounter the more saline water of the Ob and Yenisey estuaries. In general, 240Pu/239Pu ratios were relatively consistent between different extraction fractions, although, in whole sediments, an increase in ratio was observed with distance from the source. This reflects the increased influence of weapon fallout from catchment runoff within the river systems, as compared to the weapons-grade sources close to the production and reprocessing plants. Knowledge of Pu speciation in the Ob and Yenisey Rivers, and the processes controlling its behaviour in estuarine systems, can improve predictions of its transfer and subsequent environmental impact to Arctic Seas.  相似文献   
New data are reported on the concentrations, isotopic composition and speciation of americium, plutonium and uranium in surface and ground waters in the Sarzhal region of the Semipalatinsk Test Site, and an adjacent area including the settlement of Sarzhal. The data relate to filtered water and suspended particulate from (a) streams originating in the Degelen Mountains, (b) the Tel′kem 1 and Tel′kem 2 atomic craters, and (c) wells on farms located within the study area and at Sarzhal. The measurements show that 241Am, 239,240Pu and 238U concentrations in well waters within the study area are in the range 0.04–87 mBq dm−3, 0.7–99 mBq dm−3, and 74–213 mBq dm−3, respectively, and for 241Am and 239,240Pu are elevated above the levels expected solely on the basis of global fallout. Concentrations in streams sourced in the Degelen Mountains are similar, while concentrations in the two water-filled atomic craters are somewhat higher. Suspended particulate concentrations in well waters vary considerably, though median values are very low, at 0.01 mBq dm−3, 0.08 mBq dm−3 and 0.32 mBq dm−3 for 241Am, 239,240Pu and 238U, respectively. The 235U/238U isotopic ratio in almost all well and stream waters is slightly elevated above the ‘best estimate’ value for natural uranium worldwide, suggesting that some of the uranium in these waters is of test-site provenance. Redox analysis shows that on average most of the plutonium present in the microfiltered fraction of these waters is in a chemically reduced form (mean 69%; 95% confidence interval 53–85%). In the case of the atomic craters, the proportion is even higher. As expected, all of the americium present appears to be in a reduced form. Calculations suggest that annual committed effective doses to individual adults arising from the daily ingestion of these well waters are in the range 11–42 μSv (mean 21 μSv). Presently, the ground water feeding these wells would not appear to be contaminated with radioactivity from past underground testing in the Degelen Mountains or from the Tel′kem explosions.  相似文献   
运用对国家民委的863科技项目推广点之一的湖北恩施自治州利川市的调研数据,采用多变量回归和Logistic回归模型对信息化与农村经济发展、特别是与农民收入之间的关系进行实证分析,结果表明:信息化与农民收入有着正相关的关系;农民的收入结构与信息化、农民的文化程度也有着密切的关系。  相似文献   
贵州喀斯特土石山区水土保持生态经济型植被恢复模式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以贵州省喀斯特土石山区为例,通过总结前人的研究成果和中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所喀斯特生态实验站的部分试验数据,从全局性、紧迫性、高效性、层次性、可持续性、创新性与多样性的角度提出了在贵州喀斯特土石山区的急坡地、陡坡地、缓陡坡地其水土保持生态经济型植被恢复模式分别采用3种典型模式,即:灌草模式,乔灌草模式与林果模式,以期促进该区域的生态、经济与社会的全面协调与可持续发展。  相似文献   
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