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Three alternative condensing mode power and combined heat and power (CHP) waste-to-energy concepts were compared in terms of their impacts on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from a heat and power generation system. The concepts included (i) grate, (ii) bubbling fluidised bed (BFB) and (iii) circulating fluidised bed (CFB) combustion of waste. The BFB and CFB take advantage of advanced combustion technology which enabled them to reach electric efficiency up to 35% and 41% in condensing mode, respectively, whereas 28% (based on the lower heating value) was applied for the grate fired unit. A simple energy system model was applied in calculating the GHG emissions in different scenarios where coal or natural gas was substituted in power generation and mix of fuel oil and natural gas in heat generation by waste combustion. Landfilling and waste transportation were not considered in the model. GHG emissions were reduced significantly in all of the considered scenarios where the waste combustion concepts substituted coal based power generation. With the exception of condensing mode grate incinerator the different waste combustion scenarios resulted approximately in 1 Mton of fossil CO2-eq. emission reduction per 1 Mton of municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerated. When natural gas based power generation was substituted by electricity from the waste combustion significant GHG emission reductions were not achieved.  相似文献   
微生物电化学技术能同时实现污染物去除和能量回收,但存在污染物去除种类有限及产能效率低的局限,近几年将可再生的太阳能引入微生物电化学技术的微生物-光-电化学耦合技术应运而生。本文简要介绍了微生物-光-电化学耦合技术的发展背景和研究现状,对该技术现有的耦合形式进行分类,并对各种形式的耦合机理进行详细的阐释,最后对其未来的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   
使用模拟的地下油料储存库装置,对地下油料储存库火灾初期模式进行了实验研究.结合油料地下储存库火灾防治和安全性要求对实验结果进行了分析.结果表明,模拟油料地下储存库起火后,火灾初期模式与实验初始条件、边界条件和装置结构直接相关.在一定条件下,模拟油料地下储存库内出现爆燃向爆轰的转变;不同的环境条件下,火灾的模式不同;油料地下储存库内火灾的发展,油料的持续燃烧及发生燃烧的部位受通气条件和洞内复杂的烟气流向等条件控制.  相似文献   
对液体化工罐区静电产生的原因及可能产生的严重危害性做了详细的分析,并提出了防范措施.  相似文献   
反硝化脱硫微生物燃料电池的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cell,MFC)可在去除废水中污染物的同时回收电能.以S2-和NO-3-N分别作为阳极电子供体和阴极电子受体,研究了反硝化脱硫MFC的同步阳极除硫与阴极脱氮,分析了阳极进水S2-浓度对MFC产电性能及污染物去除情况的影响,探究了MFC阳极石墨纤维丝上的硫沉积情况及其对内阻的影响.结果表明,反硝化脱硫MFC在32 d内实现稳定的阳极除硫与阴极脱氮.外阻为100Ω时,电压稳定在(176.0±6.9)m V,相应的S2-和NO-3-N去除负荷分别为(0.94±0.04)kg·m-3NC·d-1和(11.1±0.6)g·m-3NC·d-1.MFC的产电能力随着阳极进水S2-浓度的增加逐渐增强,SO_2-4的生成率和NO-3-N去除负荷受S2-浓度影响较小.在试验S2-浓度下S2-的去除较彻底,SO_2-4的生成率均超过65%.NO-3-N去除负荷维持在12 g·m-3NC·d-1左右,出水NO-2-N浓度均低于0.01 mg·L-1.反硝化过程较完全.在运行过程中,MFC阳极的石墨纤维丝上会沉积颗粒硫,降低电极的有效面积,使MFC的内阻升高.  相似文献   
燃料电池汽车氢源生命周期分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
运用生命周期评价方法对使用不同氢源的燃料电池汽车进行了分析.经过目的与范围的确定、清单分析、影响评价和结果解释,表明电解制氢方案的污染排放明显高于甲醇重整和汽油重整方案,而甲醇重整和汽油重整方案又高于天然气制氢和煤制氢方案,对于相同的制氢方案,液氢方案的排放略高于气氢方案.   相似文献   
Energy recovery from refuse derived fuels (RDF) and packaging derived fuels (PDF) is one option in integrated waste management. Nine RDF and PDF co-combustion tests with peat and coal in a circulating fluidized bed boiler were carried out in this work. Heavy metal emissions in flue gas and fly ash were measured. Multivariate data analyses were used to find out the most important parameters affecting metal emissions in the flue gas.

The results showed that total heavy metal emissions were low. Although RDF and PDF had more heavy metals than peat and coal, the multivariate data analysis showed that an increase of the RDF or PDF share in the fuel mixture up to 20% did not correlate directly with the metal emissions in the flue gas. Distribution of Cd, Cu, Zn and Sn between flue gas and fly ash correlated with each other. Injection of limestone to bind sulphur and chlorine did not have a significant effect on heavy metal emissions in the flue gas. Heavy metals concentrated on the fly ash, but all fly ashes passed the EPA-TCLP tests.  相似文献   

简要介绍了水煤浆的特点及其在广东南海发电一厂的应用,分析了水煤浆洁净燃烧技术的应用在减少SO2排放量及环境保护方面的意义。  相似文献   
The paper is focused on studying how to convert rice husk and sawdust into liquid fuel. Rice husk, sawdust and their mixture were pyrolyzed at the temperature between 420℃ and 540℃, and the main product of liquid fuel was obtained. The experimental result showed that the yield of liquid fuel heavily depended on the kind of feedstock and pyrolysis temperature. In the experiments, the maximum liquid yields for rice husk, sawdust and their mixture were 56% at 465 ℃, 61% at 490℃ and 60% at 475℃ respectively. Analysis with GC-MS and other apparatus indicated that the liquid fuel is a complicated organic compound with low caloric value and can be directly used as fuel oil without any up-grading. As a crude oil, the liquid fuel can be refined to be vehicle oil.  相似文献   
为制备一种导电性高、生物相容性良好且耐腐蚀的阳极材料,提高微生物燃料电池(MFC)的产电性能,以不锈钢纤维毡(SSFF)为基底,采用水热反应法制备了还原氧化石墨烯/不锈钢纤维毡(RGO/SSFF),并进一步采用粉体烧结法将纳米二氧化钛(TiO2)负载至RGO/SSFF,制备了二氧化钛/还原氧化石墨烯/不锈钢纤维毡(TiO2/RGO/SSFF),将SSFF(对照)、RGO/SSFF和TiO2/RGO/SSFF分别作为MFC的阳极(对应的MFC分别命名为MFC-CK、MFC-RG和MFC-TRG)以探究改性材料对MFC去除水体中耗氧有机物和产电性能的影响。结果表明:与SSFF相比,RGO/SSFF和TiO2/RGO/SSFF具有更大的电容(Q为413.9 mF和446.9 mF),更小的界面转移电阻(Rct为19.65 Ω和18.16 Ω),更高的交换电流密度(i0为1.56×10−5 mA和2.07×10−4 mA);MFC-TRG对水体COD去除速率最高可达929.62 mg·(L·d)−1;MFC-RG和MFC-TRG稳定输出电压分别为245 mV和280 mV,比MFC-CK提高了88.5%和115.4%;MFC-RG和MFC-TRG的功率密度输出分别为 337.50 mW·m−2和472.03 mW·m−2,比MFC-CK提高了163.9%和233.9%。由此可知,改性后的RGO/SSFF和TiO2/RGO/SSFF阳极成功提高了MFC的产电性能。该研究结果可为后续MFC阳极改性研究提供参考。  相似文献   
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