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A simple Lagrangian water quality model was designed to investigate the hypothesis of sporadic silica limitations of diatom growth in the lower Elbe River in Germany. For each fluid parcel a limited reservoir of silica was specified to be consumed by diatoms. The model's simplicity notwithstanding, a set of six selected model parameters could not be fully identified from existing observations at one station. After the introduction of prior knowledge of the ranges of meaningful parameter values, calibration of the over-parameterised model manifested itself primarily in the generation of posterior parameter covariances. Estimations of the covariance matrix based on (a) second order partial derivatives of a quadratic cost function at its optimum and (b) Monte Carlo simulations exploring the whole space of parameter values gave consistent results. Diagonalisation of the covariance matrix yielded two linear parameter combinations that were most effectively controlled by data from periods with and without lack of silica, respectively. The two parameter combinations were identified as the essential inputs that govern the successful simulation of intermittently decreasing chlorophyll a concentrations in summer. A satisfactory simulation of the pronounced chlorophyll a minimum in spring, by contrast, was found to be beyond the means of the simple model.  相似文献   
在“白色污染”对地球所造成积重难返的危害的情况下,“限塑令”应运而生,并得以大力推广和奉行。“限塑令”督促着人们环保意识的提高与加强,而规划和倡导“公共环保”尚需多方面的共同努力。  相似文献   
Despite the fact that coccolithophorids such as Emiliania huxleyi are suspected to play an important role in carbon-cycling, there are few data from which to deduce how these organisms may respond to CO2-induced global warming. the nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient physiology of these organisms, together with its interaction with photosynthesis, needs to be studied especially in connection with the selection for coccolith forming individuals and the quantity and quality of the CaCO3 deposited in the coccoliths. Without such data, it will not be possible to model the contributions that these microalgae may play in arresting the increase in levels of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   
土壤微生物的C、N、P养分需求和代谢限制与环境养分的有效性有着密切关系.然而,有机无机肥配施如何影响苹果园土壤微生物C、N、P代谢限制亟待进一步研究.因此,基于2008年建立的苹果园长期定位试验,应用土壤酶化学计量学理论与方法,系统研究有机无机肥配施对土壤C、N和P周转相关的酶活性(β-1,4-葡萄糖苷酶,BG;β-1,4-N-乙酰基氨基葡萄糖苷酶,NAG;L-亮氨酸氨基肽酶,LAP;碱性磷酸酶,PHOS)及其化学计量特征的影响,并分析其与环境因子和微生物碳利用率之间的关系.试验共设4个处理,分别为不施肥(CK)、单施氮磷钾化肥(NPK)、单施有机肥(M)和化肥配施有机肥(MNPK).结果表明:①在果树各生育期,施用有机肥处理(MNPK和M)的微生物量碳(microC)含量显著高于不施有机肥处理(CK和NPK);微生物量氮(microN)含量,在萌芽期NPK、MNPK和M处理比CK处理分别增加了89%、269%和213%(P<0.05).②CK处理在萌芽期有较高的叶片ω(N)和ω(P)(29.8 g ·kg-1和2.17 g ·kg-1),并且仅果树萌芽期的叶片P含量与土壤有效磷(AP)含量呈显著负相关.③土壤酶化学计量分析的所有数据点均在1 :1线以上,表现为微生物群落存在较强的P限制;果树生长期,矢量长度和角度的变化范围分别为0.56~0.79和59.3°~67.7°,且研究中矢量角度均>45°,也体现了微生物存在较强的磷限制.④RDA和随机森林模型分析结果表明,有机碳和速效氮(AN)是影响矢量长度的主要理化因子,AP、AN和土壤含水量是影响矢量角度的主要理化因子;SEM分析表明,AN和可溶性有机碳(DOC)直接影响microC和microN,AP直接影响microP和microN,DOC和AP直接影响矢量长度,AP和microN直接影响矢量角度;微生物碳利用率与矢量长度呈显著正相关,与矢量角度呈显著负相关.综上所述,有机无机肥配施通过影响果树不同生育期土壤碳和磷含量,调控微生物碳、磷代谢进而影响微生物碳利用率,为有机无机肥配施提升土壤质量、维持土壤健康提供科学依据.  相似文献   
Microbial transformations of toxic monomethylmercury(MMHg) and dissolved gaseous mercury(DGM) at the lower levels of the marine food web are not well understood, especially in oligotrophic and phosphorus-limited seas. To examine the effects of probable phosphorus limitation(~PP-limitation) on relations between mercury(Hg) fractions and microorganisms, we determined the total mercury(THg), total methylated mercury(MeHg), DGM, and microbiological and chemical parameters in the Central Adriatic Sea. Using statistical analysis, we assessed the potential microbial effects on Hg transformations and bioaccumulation. Only in the absence of ~PP-limitation conditions(~(NO–P)P-limitation) is MeHg significantly related to most chemical and microbial parameters, indicating metabolism-dependent Hg transformations.The heterotrophic activity of low nucleic acid bacteria(abundant in oligotrophic regions)seems responsible for most of Hg methylation under ~(NO–P)P-limitation. Under these conditions,DGM is strongly related to microbial fractions and chlorophyll a, indicating biological DGM production, which is probably not metabolically induced, as most of these relations are also observed underPP-limitation. MMHg biomagnification was observed through an increased bioaccumulation factor from microseston to mesozooplankton. Our results indicate that Hgtransformations and uptake might be enhanced under ~(NO–P)P-limitation conditions, emphasizing their impact on the transfer of Hg to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   
为阐明中国湖泊细菌群落的生物地理分布格局及驱动机制,基于已发表文献,收集了228个湖泊的浮游或沉积物细菌门水平分类数据和环境因子数据进行分析.结果表明:中国湖泊浮游细菌群落的优势类群为变形菌门(Proteobacteria,35.92%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,25.03%)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,10.77%),沉积物中的优势类群为变形菌门(Proteobacteria,40.37%)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi,8.74%)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,8.55%).中国湖泊浮游细菌距离衰减程度显著低于沉积物细菌;湖泊细菌群落结构在北方、南方、青藏高原的空间差异显著,北方水体及沉积物中细菌的距离衰减模式均不显著,南方水体中显著但沉积物中不显著,青藏高原水体及沉积物中均显著.浮游细菌优势类群中除Proteobacteria外,Actinobacteria (南方>北方>青藏高原)和Bacteroidetes (青藏高原>北方>南方)的丰度在三个地区均具有显著差异;沉积物细菌优势类群Proteobacteria (北方>南方>青藏高原)、Chloroflexi (南方>北方>青藏高原)、Bacteroidetes (青藏高原>北方>南方)的丰度在三个地区均具有显著差异.影响北方湖泊浮游细菌群落分布的主要环境因子是溶解性有机碳,南方是溶解氧,青藏高原是硝酸盐氮;影响北方湖泊沉积物细菌群落分布的主要环境因子是总氮和pH值,南方是总磷,青藏高原是pH值.空间扩散限制与环境筛选作用共同塑造了中国湖泊细菌的生物地理分布格局.扩散限制对浮游细菌的影响小于沉积物细菌,对青藏高原湖泊浮游及沉积物细菌影响最大,对北方湖泊浮游及沉积物细菌影响最小;环境筛选作用对青藏高原湖泊浮游及沉积物细菌影响最大,对南方湖泊浮游细菌及北方湖泊沉积物细菌影响较小.  相似文献   
温度及氨氮负荷对曝气生物滤池硝化作用的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用火山岩为载体填料的曝气生物滤池(BAF)进行实验室小试,研究供氧受限条件下,BAF的硝化反硝化运行特性及温度(10℃~30℃)和氨氮负荷变化(0.069~1.32kg/(m3·d))时对硝化作用的影响。当氨氮负荷为1.10kg/(m3·d),供氧受限时,温度从20℃升高到30℃,反应器的硝化效率仅增加10%左右,表明BAF中硝化作用主要受溶质的传递、扩散速率控制而不是受与温度有关的动力学参数控制;然而,相同负荷下,当温度控制在15℃时,硝化效率明显降低,说明20℃是一临界点。此外,20℃时随氨氮负荷的增加(从0.825kg/(m3·d)提升到1.32kg/(m3·d)),氨氮去除率略有下降,但在第3个取样口处却发现有亚硝酸盐氮累积现象,这是因为在供氧受限时,随负荷的增加,溶解氧相对短缺发生了部分硝化作用。  相似文献   
生化需氧量BOD5测定的简化法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对稀释法公式的推导得出简化法的公式,并与稀释法进行比较,结果表明,简化后的方法与稀释法无显著性差异,精密度,准确度较好。  相似文献   
本文运用事故树分析方法对中毒窒息的原因进行了分析,通过计算事故树的最小割集、最小径集与基本事件的结构重要度,并给出了预防中毒窒息的措施.  相似文献   
国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)是非官方国际学术权威团体。目前世界各国制订自己的辐射防护标准都参考ICRP的建议。ICRP自1928年组建以来,关于辐射防护标准的总建议发布了四次。即第1、2号出版物(1958年,1959年),第6、9号出版物(1962年,1965年),第26号出版物(1977年),第60号出版物(1990年)。本文概述了ICRP历次制订辐射防护标准的原则和依据。ICRP的辐射防护指导思想变化代表了不同历史时期放射生物学、辐射剂量学及与辐射防护有关的其他学科的国际水平。ICRP研究辐射防护标准的历史经验可供其他行业劳动保护参考。  相似文献   
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