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道路交通安全和谐管理新模式   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
针对我国交通安全管理现状及存在问题,提出交通安全和谐管理理念,建立了交通安全和则、谐则体系及和谐互耦的基本管理架构,讨论了交通安全和谐的运作机制及相应的系统。在政策立法、控制手段、管理手段等方面,建立交通安全管理的和则、谐则体系及其耦合机制,通过双规则耦合互动,实现人、车、路与环境之间的和谐统一,以期提高交通安全管理的水平和运输系统的效能,达到使人、车、路三者和谐发展。  相似文献   
空中交通管制中人的可靠性模糊综合评价研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
人是空中交通管制系统中最灵活、最具适应性和最有价值的因素 ,而其行为也是最易受到不利影响的。由于空中交通管制中产生的人为失误 ,往往会导致航空器空中危险接近 ,严重的后果甚至会酿成空难。笔者从人 -机 -环境系统工程的观点出发 ,提出了空中交通管制中人的可靠性评价的指标体系结构模型。从人自身因素、软件、硬件、环境等方面指出了影响空中交通管制中人的可靠性的心理、空中环境等 17个子因素。运用模糊数学的方法 ,建立空中交通管制中人的可靠性定量评价模型 ,并用实例进行了验证。研究表明 ,该方法应用于空中交通管制中人的可靠性评价是一种新的尝试 ,其评价结果可为各级领导机构提供航空安全管理的决策依据。  相似文献   
我国道路交通安全发展情景分析   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
以日本和美国为例 ,分析了发达国家道路交通事故高发期的发展历程 ,得出了道路交通事故的上升与国家经济发展和机动化增长有着直接关系的结论。笔者通过分析和预测我国经济和道路交通的发展情景发现 ,今后我国道路交通发展特征和日本道路交通高发期的情况十分类似。如果现有交通管理体制和技术措施没有大的变化 ,我国道路交通事故死亡人数到 2 0 2 0年可能会超过 2 3万人。为此 ,国家应尽快改善道路交通管理方面所存在体制上、行政上和技术上的不足 ,防止出现笔者所预测的道路交通事故极其严重的局面。  相似文献   
基于速度的交通事故分析   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:10  
速度对交通事故的发生以及严重程度有着直接影响,是道路交通事故的重要诱因之一。为了准确地反映速度与事故之间的关系,减轻由于速度因素所造成的交通事故的损失,笔者对国内外速度与交通安全的情况进行分析;研究了平均速度与事故危险性、速度离散度与事故率以及速度与事故严重性的关系;提出了加强速度管理,控制交通流平均速度和减小相邻路段的速度差值的对策。基于速度的交通事故分析,建议采用85%位车速作为控制速度的上限值;提出限速措施,以达到减少交通事故及其损失的目的。  相似文献   
道路交通安全管理措施比较研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据近五年来我国道路交通安全状况的实际,针对目前我国道路交通安全管理的现状,本文就道路交通法规建设、道路交通安全宣传教育、道路交通执法、道路事故紧急救援措施等相关内容与日本、美国、欧洲交通发达国家进行了对比分析,以图找出我国现行的道路交通安全管理对策中的薄弱环节及完善的途径.  相似文献   
Life cycle energy impacts of automotive liftgate inner   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper compares the life cycle energy use of a cast-aluminum, rear liftgate inner and a conventional, stamped steel liftgate inner used in a minivan. Using the best available aggregate life cycle inventory data and a simple spreadsheet-level analysis, energy comparisons were made at both the single-vehicle and vehicle-fleet levels. Since the product manufacture and use are distributed over long periods of time that, in a fleet, are not simple linear combinations of single product life cycles. Thus, it is all the products in use over a period of time, rather than a single product, that are more appropriate for the life cycle analysis. Using a set of consistent data, analyses also examine sensitivity to the level of analysis and the assumptions to determine the most favorable materials with respect to life cycle energy benefits.As expected, life cycle energy impacts of aluminum are lower than steel at a single-vehicle level – energy savings are determined to be 1.8 GJ/vehicle. Most energy savings occur at the vehicle operation phase due to improved fuel economy from lightweighting. The energy benefits are realized only very close to the average vehicle life of 14 years. With the incremental growth of the vehicle fleet, it takes longer – about 21 years – for aluminum to achieve life cycle equivalence with steel. The number of years aluminum needs to achieve equivalence with steel was found to be quite sensitive to aluminum manufacturing energy and fuel economy. As the steel industry races to compete with other materials for automotive lightweighting, a systems approach, instead of part-to-part comparison, is more appropriate in the determination of viability of aluminum substitution from an energy perspective.  相似文献   
南京市机动车排气污染控制和管理对策   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
简述了南京市机动车排气污染控制和管理对策。对新机动车排气控制实施了新车上牌的环保注册登记目录制,鼓励生产厂家采用先进的排放控制技术,达到国家制定的排放控制目标和排放标准;对在用机动车排气控制实施检测/维护(I/M)制度,对尾气排放不达标车辆进行正常的维修和保养,保证其发动机处于正常技术状况;对高排放污染机动车辆,安装尾气净化装置,以改善机动车排放水平。定期检测中各类型车辆维护前后排气污染物削减结果表明,85%的高排放污染车辆能达标,且CO的削减率最高,达50%左右;定期检测中各类型车辆安装机内净化器前后排气污染物削减结果表明,二次补气机内净化器对CO的净化率为22.5%~30.0%,对HC的净化率为9.7%~30.0%;高能电子点火机内净化器对CO的净化率为5.4%~22.2%,对HC的净化率为17.2%~30.8%。不定期检测中,一些高排放污染车辆安装三元催化反应器后,其净化率可达80%~90%。  相似文献   
New Metal Emission Patterns in Road Traffic Environments   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The increased awareness of traffic as a major diffuse metal emission source emphasizes the need for more detailed information on the various traffic-related sources and how and where the metals are dispersed. In this study, metal emission patterns in the road traffic environment were examined from the perspective of different surrounding factors, e.g. the importance of intersections, deceleration, vehicle speed and traffic density. A total of 148 topsoil samples from 18 south Swedish roads were analysed (using GFAAS) for traffic-emitted metals, i.e. Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn. The roadside topsoil metal concentrations were used to examine correlations between metals and surrounding factors. The studied metals were divided into three groups corresponding to different emission sources: metals from decelerating activities (Cu, Sb and Zn), metals as historical residues from the combustion of petrol (Pb and Cd), and non-source-specific metals (Cr and Ni). It was found that Cu and Sb, despite their rather short history as traffic-emitted metals, have increased more than eightfold in roadside soils compared to background levels. The major source of road traffic related Cu and Sb is brake linings. The significant increase of Cu and Sb in roadside topsoil stresses the need for metal transport studies as well as effect studies of these metals. Metals emitted due to decelerating activities were not correlated to elevated concentrations near road junctions. Emission patterns of traffic-related metals alongside roads are crucial in order to be able to evaluate the optimal localization of storm water treatment ponds.  相似文献   
城市街道空气质量与道路绿化型式的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对街区中茂密行道树对空气污染物扩散的利弊进行理论分析的基础上,以CO为自然示踪气体,对西安市几个典型街道中的气态污染物浓度分布做了实测。实测结果指出,道路车流量的大小是行道树树冠的净化功能和对污染物扩散的阻碍作用所占权重的主要影响因素,行道树对污染物扩散的阻碍作用主要受控于树木郁闭度而非绿量,指出城市道路绿化不应盲目追求绿量的提高,并据此提出在街道绿化中应根据车流量的大小采取不同绿化方案的建议。  相似文献   
王晓俊 《生态环境》2011,20(3):589-594
分析了路段与景观两个尺度上的道路生态环境影响,结合当今景观生态学、道路生态学的研究成果,系统论述了与道路交通规划建设相关的生态策略:(1)在区域尺度上,依据生态敏感度规划路网密度、保持大型自然空间的生态完整性、提倡非生态敏感地段的交通集中、增加路网的区域水平渗透性;(2)在路段规模上,自然空间的生境避让、保持重要地段的自然连续性、打破交通生态瓶颈、减少道路交通的环境影响、补偿道路建设的生态影响等。这些策略旨在为可持续道路交通提供基于生态合理性的规划原则与方法。  相似文献   
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