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This analysis seeks to understand whether changes in oil regulation brought about by the shale revolution have restricted the pace of drilling and production. This hypothesis is tested using data on North Dakota and Montana both before and after North Dakota increased regulations that raise fixed costs. Results generally find that the new regulations had no statistical impact on the pace of drilling and production, however it is found that smaller operators reduced their production and exited. These results are instructive for policymakers who weigh the loss of economic welfare against improved environmental quality when deciding on new regulations.  相似文献   
连续曝气下河水水质及睡莲生理响应的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采取现场实验方法,在春、夏、秋三季测定了6个睡莲(Nymphaea tetragona L.)植物净化槽(曝气、非曝气)中睡莲的叶绿素(Chl)、可溶性蛋白(SP)含量与过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,氮磷积累、生物量、根长、茎高、叶长、分蘖数、根密度等生物学指标及对应的水质常规理化指标,探讨了连续曝气下睡莲的生理响应及河水水质的季节变化。结果表明,连续曝气明显影响了睡莲的生理特性,导致净化槽中水质发生相应变化,且影响程度与睡莲生长状况的季节变化相关。曝气槽中睡莲植物的根长、茎高、叶长较短,叶片Chl-a、Chl-b、SP含量下降,而根组织POD、CAT活性升高,氮磷积累、生物量下降,分蘖数、根密度下降;春、夏季曝气对睡莲的影响相对较小,曝气槽中TN、NH4+-N浓度低于非曝气槽,而TP、溶解性P浓度明显升高;秋季曝气对睡莲的影响较严重,曝气槽中TN、NH4+-N、TP、溶解性P浓度均高于非曝气槽。研究结论为在污染河道生态修复工程实践中,针对水生植物生长状况的季节变化而进行曝气方式调节提供理论依据。  相似文献   
黄婧  吴若菁  陈彪  王显 《环境工程学报》2011,5(8):1779-1784
从养殖污水中分离纯化得到1株高效氨氮降解菌,对其进行形态特征、生理生化、16S rDNA序列分析以及最佳生长条件研究,并将菌株投入养殖污水降解污水中的氨氮。结果表明:AN4菌株在NH4+-N初始质量浓度为50 mg/L的条件下,24 h内的氨氮降解率为92.5%;初步鉴定该菌株为苍白杆菌属(Ochrobactrum sp.),菌株的16S rDNA序列在Gen-Bank的登录号为GU345782;AN4菌株在装液量为60.64 mL,pH为7.06,葡萄糖为6.0 g/L的条件下培养,菌株的降解率可以达到94.28%;菌株对养殖污水中氨氮的降解率为12.3%。苍白杆菌菌属能够降畜禽养殖污水中的氨氮还未见报道,AN4菌株的筛选获得为生物降解养殖污水中的氨氮又提供了一种新型菌株。  相似文献   
水生植物的克藻效应受到多种环境因子的影响.利用响应曲面法,对影响沉水植物蓖齿眼子菜对铜绿微囊藻克藻效应的3个环境因子进行实验研究.通过对曲面模型分析,得出蓖齿眼子菜对铜绿微囊藻的藻细胞个数的相对抑制率在温度、光照强度、全盐莒3个环境因子分别为24℃、2 891 lx、4 407 mg/L时达到最大值.曲面模型经过方差分...  相似文献   
秀丽线虫适应响应的形成与调控机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
除了环境暴露评价,在环境毒理学研究中模式动物秀丽线虫也已经被应用于适应响应形成及其调控机理研究.在综述中,系统介绍了秀丽线虫中存在的几种形式毒物诱发的适应响应,即同一因素适应响应、交叉适应响应与特殊形式的适应响应;讨论了目前已经揭示出的6种影响适应响应形成因素;分析了适应响应形成可能机制,即抗氧化应激体系、热激蛋白、金...  相似文献   
为了解盐生杜氏藻(Dunaliella salina)烯醇酶(Enolase)在渗透耐受中的具体功能,利用基因组步行方法和巢式PCR,从D.salina中克隆了烯醇酶基因DsENO 5’上游约2 000 bp的调控序列,并对其进行序列分析.分析表明,它包含多个与转录调控有关的保守序列(如CAAT-box,TATA-box),富含光﹑干旱及其它胁迫应答元件.利用实时荧光定量PCR的方法,研究了高渗﹑高温以及低温外界胁迫条件下DsENO的转录情况,发现其受高渗强烈抑制,高温显著诱导而低温微弱诱导.  相似文献   
Stanfield, Les W. and Don A. Jackson, 2011. Understanding the Factors That Influence Headwater Stream Flows in Response to Storm Events. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1‐22. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2010.00518.x Abstract: Headwater drainage features (first‐ to second‐order streams) are the capillaries of the landscape that, among other things, moderate the timing and volumes of water available to the riparian and aquatic ecosystems. How these features respond to summer rainfall is poorly understood. We studied how geology and an index of land use/land cover influenced peak flows following rainfall events in 110 headwater stream sites that were studied over a four‐month period during a drought year. Highest peak flows were observed in the most urbanized catchments and in poorly drained soils, but specific responses were variable depending on both geology and land disturbance. Redundancy analysis indicated that both surficial geology and land disturbance were important factors influencing peak flows under drought conditions. We conclude that responses of these headwater streams to individual storms during drought conditions are unpredictable from data collected using our methods, but increased peak flows were associated with increased urban and agricultural development, but mitigated by surficial geology. These findings demonstrate the challenges to accurately predict flow conditions in headwater streams during periods of extreme weather that concurrently have the greatest potential effect on biota. The combination of these challenges and importance of such events indicates the need to develop new approaches to study and manage these resources.  相似文献   
从碳循环角度改进生态足迹模型,在建立向量自回归模型的基础上,运用广义脉冲响应函数法来描述民族自治区经济增长与高碳能源生态足迹之间的动态关联性.冲击响应分析表明,民族自治区经济增长与高碳能源生态足迹之间存在较强的交互响应作用,一方面经济增长是高碳能源生态足迹持续增加的重要原因,另一方面高碳能源生态足迹对经济增长具有一定的反作用.  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to analyse zoobenthic assemblages in the coastal sector of the Río de La Plata, Argentina, after a petroleum spill. Sampling stations were located in representative sites of various landscapes. Structure, composition, physico-chemical parameters and seasonal changes were recorded in order to assess taxocenosis evolution during the period 1999–2003. Recovery signs were estimated by means of biotic indices and the presence of sensitive species. Tolerant species were dominant in heavily polluted sites, with low diversity and water quality values, according to the biotic indices used. In certain zones, sediment quality remains impoverished, with a visible oil film on the surface. However, during the last sampling, some points showed an increase in biotic indices, pointing to a slight improvement in environmental conditions.  相似文献   
湖泊富营养化与有机污染物的交互作用是当前国内外研究热点,为了建立富营养化湖泊中多环芳烃(PAHs)生态效应与底栖藻类群落之间的相关关系。本研究以白洋淀为研究区,选取8个国控样点作为采样点,依据人为干扰程度不同将8个采样点划分为3种生境:生境1(S1和S2)主要遭受上游府河废水排放影响;生境2(S3、S6和S8)主要遭受水产养殖和生活污水的影响;生境3(S4、S5和S7)遭受人为干扰较小。分别在2009年4月、8月和11月收集了底栖藻类样品,并测定了白洋淀中15种PAHs。运用RQ_((NC))和RQ_((MPC))等改进风险熵值(RQ)方法计算PAHs生态风险。研究结果表明:(1)底栖藻类群落指标AD、Chl a、Chl b/a、CHL、CYA、APA、GLU、LEU、PSC和AFDW的值在11月最高,其次是8月和4月;就空间分布而言,这些指标值在生境1中最高,其次是生境2和生境3;而Chl c/a和BAC值在8月最高,其次是11月和4月,从空间分布特征而言,这些指标值在生境3最高;(2)相关分析结果表明,Chl a、Chl b/a、CHL、CYA、APA、GLU、LEU、PSC和AFDW的指标与PAHs污染物浓度呈显著正相关,而Chl c/a和BAC指标与污染物PAHs浓度呈显著负相关;(3)就空间分异特征而言,生境1中的ΣPAHs浓度最高,就季节变化而言,PAHs的浓度从4月到8月逐渐增加,而从8月到11月逐渐下降。各类PAHs表现出与ΣPAHs相同的时空变化特征;(4)IBR与RQ_(ΣPAHs(NCs))呈正相关关系(r=0.827,P0.01);除RQAcy(NCs)外,其他种类PAHs生态风险均与IBR呈相正相关关系(r=0.699~0.899),其中RQ_(BaP(NCs))与IBR显著正相关(r=0.899,P0.01)。此外,除沉积物TP外,IBR与TSI、水中TN、水中TP和沉积物TN也呈显著正相关(r=0.722~0.862)。因此,在富营养化湖泊中应考虑运用底栖藻类IBR生态监测PAHs污染水平。  相似文献   
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