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The influence of NTA on chromium genetic activity was studied in the D7 strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. At low dose (subgenotoxic) of sodium chromate (CrVI) (5mM), NTA increased the point mutation while at higher dose (25 mM) of chromate in the presence of NTA a decrease of point reverse mutation was observed. Probably NTA affected either the uptake of Cr(VI) favouring the intracellular reduction to Cr(III), or the recombinational repair of DNA breaks induced by chromate oxiding activity. An increase of point (reverse) mutation was obtained in the experiments with NTA and chromium chloride, suggesting the hypothesis that NTA might interact with Cr(III) forming NTA‐Cr(III) complexes able to permeate cellular membranes and bind to DNA. In addition NTA genetic inactivity was confirmed. 相似文献
分析了我国居住建筑室内PM_(2.5)污染水平,总结了现阶段PM_(2.5)的研究方法,主要包括理论分析法、数值模拟法和实验测试法。指出室外源是室内PM_(2.5)的主要污染来源,而室内烟草烟雾、烹饪及人员活动也会严重影响室内PM_(2.5)浓度。针对目前研究中存在的问题,提出了标定典型建筑在不同影响因素下的I/O比范围、研究家具和家电的颗粒物释放状况、加强农村室内外空气颗粒物污染调查等建议。 相似文献
朱高中 《中国安全生产科学技术》2012,8(4):127-131
设计了一种基于单片机来实现的甲烷浓度检测和报警功能的系统,该检测系统以AT89S52单片机为核心,包括有电源电路、传感器采集电路、信号放大电路、红外遥控电路、声光报警电路、显示电路等功能模块组成,通过传感器采集电路采集信号,输出与甲烷浓度对应电压信号,把电压信号进行A/D转换后送入单片机,经单片机处理后驱动器显示出被测气体甲烷浓度值,若被测甲烷浓度大于报警电路预设数值,报警电路发出报警,可以及时切断供电系统,防止瓦斯爆炸事故的发生.该系统采用高精度敏感元件,集成运算放大器INA128,ADc0809,以及远距离高可靠性通信芯片,且具有高速的处理能力,是一种电路设计新颖,参数测量准确,操作方便的甲烷浓度报警监控系统,实现了数字瓦斯气体的实时监控.为实现数字化井下测控和可视化综合管理提供了切实可行的方案. 相似文献
王孔森 《中国安全生产科学技术》2012,8(9):33-37
利用高斯模型对氯气泄漏浓度分布进行了较全面地探讨和研究,分析了高斯模型的实用性,探索了通过地面任意两点的浓度测量值快速计算泄漏源流强和泄漏点的高度以及地面浓度最大值及最大值位置的方法。提出了估算浓度等于和大于某一定值的区域的办法,并通过三个不同浓度的等值线的估算值和模拟值进行了比较,证明该方法的合理性。该方法完全可以推广到其它的模型和各种不同的条件,对于提高事故处置的侦检效率具有积极的意义。 相似文献
多泥沙河流水质模型研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对黄河泥沙含量大、泥沙对河流CODMn浓度影响大的突出特点,运用模拟实验方法,探讨了泥沙对CODMn浓度的影响,揭示了浑水、清水中CODMn浓度与含沙量间的关系.研究表明,黄河浑水中CODMn浓度随含沙量增大呈显著上升趋势,而去除泥沙后清水CODMn浓度测定值随其原含沙量增大呈微上升趋势.依据质量平衡原理,建立了充分考虑泥沙影响的CODMn衰减经验模型.清水中CODMn浓度的变化采用完全混合反应器概念来模拟,浑水中CODMn浓度通过清水中CODMn浓度与泥沙中CODMn浓度之和来量化.模型基本方程的求解采用稳态解析解.模型中的参数通过利用实际监测数据及室内实验结果与优化结合的方法确定.同时,利用实际监测数据对参数和模型进行检验.结果表明,模型结构合理,参数取值可靠,模型精度较好.模型既能揭示汇流区间人为污染对河段水质的影响,又可以反映作为面污染源的黄河泥沙对污染的影响,可作为水质预测的实用工具及规划管理的依据. 相似文献
运用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法,对具有超压防护功能的某化学事故应急救援手术方舱室内气体污染物运动扩散的规律以及对人员安全的影响进行了数值模拟,其研究结果表明:当大气环境中氢氰酸(HCN)浓度为5mg/L时,前10s从常规进风口进入舱室的HCN在滤毒通风装置开启后,随气流运动逐渐向整个舱室扩散,经净化空气的混合稀释作用,绝大部分通过舱体缝隙排出舱室,30min内舱室HCN浓度的总量下降了95.1%,说明超压防护很好地保证了舱室环境的安全性。 相似文献
Ping Luo Alejandro Ro Karen Tiede Katie Privett Jiachao Jiang John Pinkstone Guibin M Jonathan Veinot Alisatair Boxall 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2018,30(2):62-71
Novel applications of nanotechnology may lead to the release of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs), which result in concerns over their potential environmental hazardous impact. It is essential for the research workers to be able to quantitatively characterise ENPs in the environment and subsequently to assist the risk assessment of the ENPs. This study hence explored the application of nanoparticle tracking system (NTA) to quantitatively describe the behaviour of the ENPs in natural sediment-water systems. The NTA allows the measurement of both particle number concentration (PNC) and particle size distribution (PSD) of the ENPs. The developed NTA method was applied to a range of gold and magnetite ENPs with a selection of surface properties. The results showed that the positively-charged ENPs interacted more strongly with the sediment than neutral and negatively-charged ENPs. It was also found that the citrate coated Au ENPs had a higher distribution percentage (53%) than 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid coated Au ENPs (20%) and citrate coated magnetite ENPs (21%). The principles of the electrostatic interactions between hard (and soft) acids and bases (HSAB) are used to explain such behaviours; the hard base coating (i.e. citrate ions) will interact more strongly with hard acid (i.e. magnetite) than soft acid (i.e. gold). The results indicate that NTA is a complementary method to existing approaches to characterise the fate and behaviour of ENPs in natural sediment. 相似文献