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生态足迹影响因子的定量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口的膨胀和人类工业化进程的加剧,使得人类向自然界获取越来越多的资源,同时向环境源源不断的输入废弃物,已经严重超过了自然生态系统的供给能力和环境容量,生态环境日益恶化,水土流失、草场退化、植被消亡、生物多样性锐减、全球变暖等情况已经严重到难以遏制的地步,危及到人类自身的生存。在和平与发展成为世界两大主题的今天,人们越来越关注可持续发展的问题。在现有资料的基础上,利用主成分分析方法,定量地讨论了中国各省(区市)1999年生态足迹大小与其影响因子间的关系。结果表明,生态足迹的大小是各省(区市)的大中型企业个数、全社会固定生产投资等众多因子共同作用的结果,其中总人口和GDP是生态足迹大小的主要影响因子,其因子载荷量分别达到了0.940和0.913。值得一提的是非农业人口与生态足迹的相关系数超过了农业人口,这说明由于消费模式和生活水平等的差异,非农业人口对生态足迹的影响大于农业人口对生态足迹的影响。在此基础上建立了生态足迹影响因子的多元线性回归模型,以期为生态足迹在进行区域可持续发展评价的方法上提供新的思路。  相似文献   
Industrial processes are often operated at conditions deviating from atmospheric conditions. Safety relevant parameters normally used for hazard evaluation and classification of combustible dusts are only valid within a very narrow range of pressure, temperature and gas composition. The development of dust explosions and flame propagation under reduced pressure conditions is poorly investigated. Standard laboratory equipment like the 20 l Siwek chamber does not allow investigations at very low pressures. Therefore an experimental device was developed for the investigations on flame propagation and ignition under reduced pressure conditions. Flame propagation was analysed by a video analysis system the actual flame speed was measured by optical sensors. Experiments were carried out with lycopodium at dust concentrations of 100 g/m3, 200 g/m3 and 300 g/m3. It was found that both flame shapes and flame speeds were quite different from those obtained at atmospheric pressure. Effects like buoyancy of hot gases during ignition and flame propagation are less strong than at atmospheric conditions. For the investigated dust concentrations the flame reaches speeds that are nearly an order of a magnitude higher than at ambient conditions.  相似文献   
采用呼吸计量法考察蛋白泡沫灭火剂组分对其降解性的影响,明确几种国内典型蛋白泡沫灭火剂的生物降解性能。20 d快速生物降解试验结果表明:水解蛋白浓缩液易于生物降解,防腐剂苯酚的添加不会抑制蛋白泡沫灭火剂的生物降解,泡沫稳定剂硫酸亚铁则会对蛋白泡沫灭火剂的生物降解有所影响;6种市售典型蛋白泡沫灭火剂的20 d生物降解率均超过60%,抗溶型蛋白泡沫灭火剂的生物降解性普遍较高;国内蛋白泡沫灭火剂产品的20 d生物降解率远高于国外同类产品,在生物降解性能方面比国外同类产品更具有优势。  相似文献   
It is urgent to explore effective suppression methods for gas fires and explosions to ensure the safe utilizations of combustible gases in industrial processes. In this work, experiments are performed to study the effect of spherical ceramic pellets on premixed methane-air flame propagation in a closed duct. High-speed schlieren photography and pressure transducers are used to record the flame propagation and pressure transient, respectively. Behaviors of the flame propagating through a section of the duct filled with ceramic pellets in mixtures at different equivalence ratios are scrutinized. Three different diameters of pellets are considered in the experiments. The result shows that the flame can be quenched in the case with a smaller pellet diameter (3 mm) for a wide range of equivalence ratios from fuel-lean to fuel-rich mixture. For larger pellet diameter (5 or 10 mm), flame extinction occurs in fuel-rich mixtures (e.g. Φ = 1.1, 1.2). For the cases of flame surviving through the pellets bed, the pellets show a significant influence on the flame structure and behavior. The flame propagation depends on the porosity and the mean void diameter of the porous media in the pellets bed. Small void diameter is beneficial to flame quenching, while large porosity can accelerate the flame propagation. The pressure dynamics evolution is closely related to the interaction of flame with the pellets, and it depends on whether the flame quenches in the pellets bed. Overall, d = 3 mm ceramic pellets display the best suppression effect on flame propagation and pressure buildup in this study. The results of this study are of great significance to guide the safety design of spherical suppression materials in engineering applications for process safety researchers and engineers.  相似文献   
降低湿法脱硫系统GGH差压的方法与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对台州发电厂脱硫系统在投运初期出现GGH差压高现象,首先简要介绍了湿法脱硫系统的GGH工作原理,结合脱硫系统的运行经验和相关试验进行原因分析和探索归纳得出降低GGH差压的几种方法和对策,并论证了对策实施后的效果,使脱硫系统运行达到最佳的经济性和稳定性。这些控制方法和参数对脱硫系统的正常运行,保证SO2浓度的达标排放将起到积极的作用,可为火电厂湿法脱硫系统高效运行提供理论基础和实践依据。  相似文献   
Aerosol filter samples have been collected nearby the industrialised basin of Leipzig in Saxony (Germany) at the research station Melpitz of the Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V. (IfT). Time series (1992–1998) and a three year comparison (1995–1997) of two different aerosol filter sampling systems, the Sierra-Andersen-PM 10 high volume sampler (daily sample, PM 10 inlet) and the Rupprecht and Patashnik Co. Inc. Model Partisol 2000 (weekly sample, PM 10 and PM 2.5 inlet) are presented and discussed. The comparison of the different sampling systems and strategies yields small differences between the daily and weekly samples for mass and different ions, which may be influenced by sampling duration and flow rates. A general trend of change in aerosol composition was observed: Soot and Sulphate concentrations decreased whereas Nitrate and Ammonium concentrations increased. During summers the mass of coarse particles is higher than in other seasons. One reason could be found in the occurence of longer periods of dry ground surfaces enabling reemission of crustal and biological material. The time series have been integrated in a longer historical aerosol mass trend for Saxony and do show a good agreement. Since 1990 a significant downward trend in gravimetric mass concentration was found.  相似文献   
2021年在天津市不同功能区共设置4个点位同步采集细颗粒物(PM2.5)样品,测定了其中8种碳质亚组分的含量.结果表明,采样期间各点位ρ[有机碳(OC)]为3.7~4.4 μg·m-3,ρ[元素碳(EC)]为1.6~1.7 μg·m-3,OC浓度在中心城区最高,EC浓度差别较小.采用最小比值法对二次有机碳(SOC)进行估算,结果表明环城区二次污染较为突出,SOC占OC的比例达48.8%.各功能区碳质亚组分间的相关性强弱呈现出外围区>中心城区>环城区的特征,均表现出EC1与OC2和EC1与OC4相关性最强.正定矩阵因子(PMF)来源解析结果显示,道路扬尘源(9.7%~23.5%)、燃煤源(10.2%~13.3%)、柴油车尾气(12.6%~20.2%)和汽油车尾气(18.9%~38.8%)是天津市PM2.5中碳组分的主要来源.不同功能区碳组分污染源存在差异,中心城区和外围区主要受汽油车尾气影响;环城区受二次污染和柴油车尾气的影响更为突出.  相似文献   
郑州市PM2.5组分季节性特征及来源研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究郑州市大气PM2.5组分的季节性特征及来源,于2017年12月至2018年11月对郑州市5个点位进行采样,共采集有效环境受体样本1 166个。通过研究受体样本PM2.5中的碳组分、水溶性离子和无机元素信息,获取各组分的季节特征,并结合正定矩阵因子分解(PMF)模型进行来源解析。结果表明,采样期间,郑州市PM2.5平均浓度为69.6μg/m3,占比较高的化学组分为NO3-、有机碳(OC)、SO42-和NH4+,占比之和为86.7%。其中,NO3-、OC和NH4+呈现冬季高、夏季低的季节性浓度分布规律,SO42-则是秋冬季稍高于春夏季。此外,Al、Si、Fe和Ca的浓度在春秋季略高于冬夏季。PMF模型解析结果显示,二次源为郑州市PM  相似文献   
2014年7月-2015年5月典型季节期间在重庆城区选择典型站点开展PM2.5样品采集,并测量质量浓度,分析样品中水溶性离子、无机元素、OC和EC等组分,在此基础上对组分化学组成进行了质量重构。结果表明:观测期间PM2.5年均值为76.4 μg·m-3,浓度季节变化为冬季 > 秋季 > 春季 > 夏季;组分方面,以二次转化为主的SO42-、NH4+、NO3-和OC是PM2.5组分中最主要成分,OC/EC比值4个季度均大于2,表明城区二次有机碳生成显著;硫氧化率(SOR)分析,气态污染物SO2的二次转化效率较高,大气存在明显的二次转化过程。PM2.5质量重构后主要组成为有机气溶胶(OM)、二次无机离子(SNA)和矿物尘,重庆城区应协同控制一次排放的颗粒物和气态污染物SO2和NOx,从而控制二次组分浓度。  相似文献   
随着人类环境意识的觉醒与升华,引发了对自身生存环境的更深层次的思考。本文就环境承载力的内涵与外延以及它既会造成贫困又可解脱贫困的关键作用进行了研究和探讨。  相似文献   
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