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Most of the energy conversion in industrial devices and equipment is completed by the motor. The acquirement of motor parameters becomes very important for designing the motor drives. The aim of this paper is to design and implement a motor measurement system. Through the processing of an Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) microcontroller, the various parameters of motors such as input voltage, input current, input power, motor speed, and motor torque can be obtained. Consequently, the torque constant, load torque, viscous friction, and the inertia of the motor are calculated and achieved. The motor parameters can be commanded and displayed in the designed human interface of a PC via USB communication. The hardware system designed in this system includes an ARM microcontroller, an inverter, a voltage sensor, a current sensor, a torque sensor, and power supply. The software programming is developed under the Visual Studio 2012 environment development platform using the C language. Finally, the prototype of the motor measurement system is completed and verified. The experimental results for the motor parameters and torque/speed characteristic are demonstrated and show the feasibility of the complete designed system.  相似文献   
为了揭示喷播基质中土壤菌对植物的影响机制、筛选出优势土壤菌配置模式,以适应性极强的紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa)为试验材料,将筛选鉴定的3种土壤菌--细菌苏云金杆菌(nl11,专利号nl-11)、真菌卵形孢球托霉(nl15,专利号nl-15)和放线菌嗜热一氧化碳链霉菌(nl1,专利号nl-1),配制成无菌(CK)、单菌(nl11、nl15、nl1)、两种菌混合(nl11+nl15、nl11+nl1、nl15+nl1)和3种菌混合(nl11+nl15+nl1),共8种配置方式等比例混入基质中进行温室盆栽试验,分别观测其对紫穗槐幼苗的光合色素含量、光合特性以及叶绿素荧光参数的影响.结果表明:与无菌苗相比,其他7种处理的紫穗槐幼苗w(Chlb)显著高于对照,除nl15+nl1和nl15+nl1+nl11外,其他处理的幼苗w(Chla)和w(Chl)均显著高于对照;除nl15+nl1处理外,其他处理的幼苗w(Car)显著高于对照.相比对照,nl11+nl15处理的幼苗净光合速率(Pn)显著提高123.5%,nl11处理的幼苗净光合速率(Pn)、水分利用效率(WUE)和光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)最大光化学量子产量(Fv/Fm)显著提高148.72%、156.21%和5.74%,nl15处理的幼苗PSⅡ实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)显著提高,nl11+nl15+nl1处理的幼苗净光合速率、光化学淬灭系数(qP)与电子传递速率(ETR)显著提高173.59%、12.58%和5.13%,nl1处理的紫穗槐幼苗初始荧光(Fo)与最大荧光(Fm)显著低于无菌幼苗10.05%和19.86%.通过土壤菌施用,显著促进了紫穗槐幼苗的光合色素的合成,提高气孔导度、水分利用效率、蒸腾速率和净光合速率,降低气孔限制值,增强了植株对有效光的利用,并且防止过剩光能对光合机构的进一步伤害,提高抗逆性和适应性,并以nl11、nl11+nl15和nl11+nl15+nl1这3种配置模式效果最为显著.   相似文献   
为了研究海洋背景区域大气中多氯联苯(PCBs)的污染状况,于冬、春和夏季在福建省沿海岛屿东山岛连续采集大气颗粒物样品.结果显示,东山岛大气颗粒物中PCBs浓度范围为0.11-16.95 pg·m-3,平均值5.53±4.31 pg·m-3.通过对比其他区域发现,东山岛大气颗粒物中PCBs处于较低水平,其含量与海洋背景区域相当.PCBs浓度季节变化明显,表现为冬春季高而夏季低.冬季,PCBs以高氯取代化合物为主,而春、夏季以低氯取代化合物为主.气团来源的季节性变化、气象条件参数(如降雨量、温度、大气压、风速、相对湿度、水气压)是影响PCBs浓度变化的主要因素.东山岛大气颗粒物中PCBs的干沉降通量为1.34 ng·m-2·d-1,冬春季沉降通量明显高于夏季,按照东山岛海域覆盖面积(36200 km2)估算,每年PCBs以干沉降入海通量约为12.84 kg.  相似文献   
Lagoons are defined as wetlands separated from the sea coasts on which they are located and sit between continental and marine aquatic ecosystems. Çakalburnu Lagoon is a coastal wetland on the southern side of the Bay of ?zmir. Microorganisms, which are quite sensitive to changes occurring in environmental factors, are commonly used to determine the impact of environmental effects on the functioning of the ecosystem. In this study, variations in the abundance and biomass of picoplankton (Synechococcus spp. and bacteria) and the abundance of viruses, which identify the ecological productivity of the food chain, were seasonally examined by epifluorescence microscopy. Moreover, the microbial abundance and biomass relation over time between the physical and chemical parameters was evaluated. According to our results, the maximum abundance of Synechococcus spp. and viruses was 6.7?×?104 cell/ml and 9.9?×?108?cell/ml in the summer, respectively. Otherwise, the highest level of bacteria was measured at 3.6?×?107 cell/ml in the spring. Based on the principal component analysis and Pearson correlation analysis results, we concluded that total suspended solids, Chl-a, particulate organic carbon and particulate organic nitrogen were the major parameters influencing the observed variability of the lagoon system. Overall, to protect and improve the ecological and microbiological quality of aquatic systems such as lagoons, the necessary monitoring and measurement studies should be conducted in these sensitive areas.  相似文献   
合理的补偿标准是节水灌溉技术补偿政策的核心,也是促进农户技术采用的关键内容。论文以石羊河下游民勤县为例,通过选择实验调研和RPL(Random Parameters Logit)模型估计,量化了节水灌溉技术采用的外部效益,并结合特定技术与农户谈判能力讨论了兼顾公平与效率的补偿标准。结果表明:民勤县城乡居民均希望实施节水灌溉技术来改善生态环境,技术采用的外部效益约为1 052.25元/hm2;以膜下滴灌技术为例,合理的补偿标准应在789.15元/hm2左右。从现行政策看,过低的补贴标准难以保障农户切身利益,导致政策响应不足。据此建议,完善成本收益核算体系,将技术采用的外部效益纳入补偿标准的核算中,提升补偿政策的公平性,同时也要根据技术类型及其采用面积进行精准化补偿,保障资金有效利用。  相似文献   
There is overwhelming scientific consensus that environmental change is currently having ecological and socioeconomical impacts at the micro and macrolevel. Over the coming decades, the impact of development, climate change, and urbanization on the ecosystem is likely to become even more ruthless in the Sundarbans. Like many other ecologically sensitive areas, the Sundarbans of the Indian state of West Bengal and of Bangladesh are being stressed climatically to the extreme due to their geographical location. This study explores both the ways in which residents of communities in the West Bengal and Bangladesh Sundarbans perceive changes in the environment, as well as intergenerational changes in livelihoods to be driven in a large part by environmental changes. Persons from a total of 368 households were interviewed using a structured interview tool. As an example of differences in perception between residents of the two areas, survey respondents from communities of the Sundarbans of Bangladesh were more likely to perceive that rainfall amounts are changing than did the residents interviewed from the Sundarbans of West Bengal. From the sample data, it is shown that in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh, 59% of the respondents, as compared to 63% of the respondents in West Bengal, reported that they had chosen to enter their parents’ occupations. From the multivariate logistic regression analysis, it was observed that, especially in Bangladesh when compared to West Bengal, the state of the environment plays a vital role in whether respondents adopt occupations other than those of their parents.  相似文献   
冶金行业设备、设施安全装备状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对冶金行业当前生产实际 ,阐述了几种不同生产系统的设备、安全装备状况 ,并从总体上分析了该行业在此方面与国内外先进系统的差距及其原因 ,然后提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   
根据安全系统工程原理,探讨和提出了一种被当地试点所证明、可行的工业企业安全生产综合、简便的规范化管理方法。把国家有关安全生产法律法规有机地贯穿于基础规范管理工作过程之中;建立了动态性管理模式;为积极引导企业的安全管理工作,由事故管理向预防性管理,从行政管理向依法管理,由传统管理向技术性管理的方向转变,并为促进现代企业形成自主经营,相互制约,依法管理安全生产的运行机制提供了新思路  相似文献   
安全等级特征量及其计算方法   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
指出了目前用模糊评价法确定系统的安全等级所存在的问题和不足之处。分别运用模糊随机变量理论和模糊集理论而提出了安全等级模糊随机特征量和安全等级模糊特征量的概念及其计算方法。安全等级特征量及安全等级变量,均为安全等级取值论域上的模糊子集,而并非是一个确定的点。还给出了安全等级的绝对可能性和相对可能性的计算方法。实例表明,笔者所提出的安全等级特征量及可能性的计算方法是科学的、合理的  相似文献   
塔式起重机安全评判专家系统的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
塔式起重机作为建筑施工的主要设备,在建筑等行业发挥着极其重要的作用,因而其安全问题受到各国有关部门的高度重视,但塔式起重机的事故率近年来仍未见下降,其安全问题仍然是建筑施工中的忧患之一。为此,笔者在建造了塔式起重机安全的依赖关系图的基础上,采用基于现代设计方法学的专家系统构造技术,使用VISUALC+ + 开发了塔式起重机安全评判专家系统TQES。该系统经全部测试通过,可对一般的塔式起重机进行安全评判  相似文献   
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