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煤矿监控系统的发展概况及趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了煤矿安全监控系统在经历了第一代、第二代和第三代的发展,正向第四代系 统过渡。文章介绍了第四代综合监控信息系统的相关技术。  相似文献   
对石油化工码头重大危险源实施安全监控与预警的必要性,拟解决的技术关键问题以及国内外石油化工码头安全监控与预警技术现状进行了简要的介绍和探讨。  相似文献   
依据国家有关在用压力容器检验法规标准,结合金川公司压力容器的使用情况及多年来的检验实际,阐述了压力容器安全等级综合评定的方法。  相似文献   
载人航天空间环境模拟试验极其危险 ,为了确保参试航天员的生命安全 ,必须对模拟试验设备进行系统配套与完善 ,同时必须事先进行人员培训、制定详细的试验流程 ,进行严密的组织管理。为此 ,重点介绍了为确保参试航天员的安全 ,对试验设备所提出的技术要求 ,以及试验所涉及的训练、演习、试验组织管理等方面的安全措施。  相似文献   

Rapid urbanisation and serious environmental problems have led people worldwide to realise the significance of urban planning and management towards a sustainable environment. Beijing was used as a case study to develop a framework and strategies for sustainable development using ecological principles. At the regional level, Beijing-Tianjin agglomeration and Hebei Province are considered together. At the Beijing administrative level, some important measures are put forward for revision of the Beijing Urban Master Plan. At the Beijing plain level, the future spatial structure of Beijing city and the relationship between settlements, green space and transportation are considered, and three basic development patterns are proposed. At the inner district level, the ecological corridor system is suggested, based on ecosystem services. At the selected area level, a comprehensive strategy and key measures for conservation and renewal of old Beijing city core are provided. Once strategies for Beijing urban development are implemented step-by-step, a vision for future development can be achieved. This paper provides considerations for improvement of urban planning and management in China and other countries.  相似文献   
神经元网络在安全评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
神经元网络是适于处理模糊信息的数学工具,可以解决安全评价中的许多问题,本文就此进行了探索。  相似文献   
Problem: Prior research indicates that many warning symbols are poorly understood, particularly by the elderly. Method: The effectiveness of three different training conditions to improve comprehension and memory for warning symbols was assessed for younger (18–35 years of age) and older (50–67 years of age) participants. All three conditions paired the symbols with associated text during training; however they differed in the extent to which they further elaborated on the meanings of the symbols. Results: Training substantially improved accuracy and speed of responding on a comprehension test; however there was little difference among conditions. Additionally, while the magnitude of the training effect was similar for both age groups, older participants performed much more poorly than younger participants, both before (37% vs. 52% correct) and after training (68% vs. 88% correct on the immediate post-test), and found it more difficult to reject incorrect meanings (55% vs. 68% correct). Conclusion: Relatively simple training conditions can dramatically improve accuracy and speed of responding to warning symbols. Impact on industry: Training should be used to improve warning symbol comprehension since failures to adequately understand warning information may lead to injury or death. Furthermore, attempts should be made to address individual differences in warning processing such as those related to changes in cognitive processing across the lifespan.  相似文献   
安全阀型式试验数据采集系统结合安全阀开启高度与其他性能指标的关系,创新性地将开启高度、压力和流量三组数据整合到同一个曲线监控图中分别显示,根据开启高度的不同状态读取相应试验数据.从而得到安全阀各项性能指标。  相似文献   
Hydrazine and its derivatives have been used extensively in space programs as liquid propellants. Since they are carcinogen, dimethyl amino ethyl azide (DMAZ) has been introduced as a non-carcinogenic fuel with high performance as compared to the best available fuels. DMAZ contains energetic group –N3, which may be sensitive to some external stimuli. Thus, it is important to study various aspects of sensitivity of DMAZ in addition to its performance criteria. Various conventional tests as well as computer codes were used to investigate sensitivity of DMAZ to external stimuli such as impact, shock wave, Koenen, burning and electrostatic discharge. The results showed that DMAZ is not sensitive to impact, direct flame and shock wave. Meanwhile, it has moderate and high sensitivity to heat in confined volume and electrostatic discharge, respectively.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Universities and colleges serve to be institutions of education excellence; however, problems in the areas of occupational safety may undermine such goals. Occupational safety must be the concern of every employee in the organization, regardless of job position. Safety climate surveys have been suggested as important tools for measuring the effectiveness and improvement direction of safety programs. Thus, this study aims to investigate the influence of organizational and individual factors on safety climate in university and college laboratories. METHOD: Employees at 100 universities and colleges in Taiwan were mailed a self-administered questionnaire survey; the response rate was 78%. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that organizational category of ownership, the presence of a safety manager and safety committee, gender, age, title, accident experience, and safety training significantly affected the climate. Among them, accident experience and safety training affected the climate with practical significance. RECOMMENDATIONS: The authors recommend that managers should address important factors affecting safety issues and then create a positive climate by enforcing continuous improvements.  相似文献   
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