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Objective: The objective of this study was to quantify the population-based effects of a lower shoulder belt load limit on front row occupants in frontal car crashes.

Method: Crashes of modern vehicles from the GIDAS (German In-Depth Accident Study) are corrected for bias and projected to the national level. Injury risk functions are computed for the injury severity levels Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale (MAIS) 2+, MAIS 3+, and fatal, stratified by 2 age cohorts (16–44 years of age and 45 years or older). To assess the field effectivity of a “softer belt,” the projected crash frequency data are modified separately for the 2 age cohorts such that its risk structure represents the risk of a softer belt. Given those 2 samples, the field effectivity of a softer belt is derived for several shares of the younger age cohort according to the injury severity levels MAIS 2+, MAIS 3+, and fatal.

Results: The injury risk distribution of the projected crash frequency data, represented here by the injury risk functions obtained, fits well into the injury risk distribution of other data sets (Sweden, United States, and Japan) given in the literature. The relative effects of a lower belt force are stable over the different ratios of the younger and old age cohorts. At the MAIS 2+ level, a lower belt force can significantly reduce the number of injuries (about 10%). A lower belt force does not significantly affect the number of MAIS 3+ injuries. A lower belt force can, however, more than double the number of fatal injuries.

Conclusions: Because the number of fatal injuries rises dramatically due to lower belt force, the reduction in the number of MAIS 2+ injuries comes at a very high cost. Therefore, whether reducing the belt force limit is the right approach is questionable.  相似文献   

为研究干熄焦焦粉燃爆的可能性,在某焦化厂干熄焦输焦皮带机头和除尘站两个位置,取焦粉尘样进行工业分析和粒度分析,并测量地下皮带通廊代表段的焦粉尘浓度。分析显示,干熄焦地下皮带通廊焦粉水分较低,均低于3%;所选两个位置的粒度分布较为接近;实验测得所取焦粉尘的爆炸下限质量浓度在160~180 g/m~3之间。现场地下皮带通廊焦粉质量浓度值最高为8.95 g/m~3,远低于其爆炸下限,燃爆的可能性较低。  相似文献   
圆盘式脱水机是近年来新发展的一种石膏脱水设备,以国内某2×660 MW机组电厂为例,针对新式的圆盘式脱水机和传统的皮带式脱水机从经济性和技术性进行了对比分析,结果发现圆盘式脱水机在长期运行后有着较大的经济和技术优势。  相似文献   
A telephone survey was conducted in four countries in November 1998 to compare drivers in the United States with those in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom regarding their attitudes toward seat belts and belt use laws. More than 90 percent of the 2251 respondents said they thought seat belts are effective, but self-reported belt use was significantly lower in the United States than in the other countries. Respondents in Australia and the United Kingdom had similar views about what they thought were important reasons for using seat belts and had the highest self-reported use. Reasons given for using belts by Canadian and US respondents were quite similar to one another, yet US respondents had significantly lower self-reported use rates, a difference thought to be due to vigorous enforcement of the law in Canada. US drivers were less likely than Australian and UK drivers to say they used belts out of habit, to avoid a ticket, or because it is required by law and more likely to say they used belts for situational reasons. US drivers were least likely to be in favor of belt use laws. Canadian drivers reported the most experience being checked by police for belt use and were most likely to think that nonusers would be caught. US drivers in primary enforcement jurisdictions were more likely than those in secondary jurisdictions to think that drivers not using belts would be caught and more likely to say they always used belts. Results of this survey indicate that seat belt use in the United States could be increased by adoption of primary enforcement laws and highly visible enforcement programs of the type used in Canada, and that seat belt use could be increased in all countries by increasing the penalties for nonuse.  相似文献   
《长江流域资源与环境》创刊二十年来,刊物随着长江大开发的脉搏而跳动,科学地刻画了“长江战略”的实施历程,履行了为开发和保护长江鸣锣开道的“先声”使命。二十世纪九十年代初,“长江产业带建设的综合研究”课题组论证了长江沿江产业带的建设目标和途径。经过二十多年的建设,长江沿江已经建成为世界规模最大的内河产业带,国际重要的制造业基地,成为国家经济建设的发动机和改革开放的前沿阵地。同时,长江流域正面临着复杂、艰巨的资源环境问题,生态环境保护和建设任重道远。长江流域从可持续发展角度看,有无数需要研究和探索的重大课题,《长江流域资源与环境》作为综合性的学术刊物具有旺盛的生命力  相似文献   
为了研究输煤皮带转载点密闭罩内流场对吸尘效果的影响,采用Fluent软件对某转载点密闭罩内气固两相流动情况进行了数值模拟。通过气流分布和煤尘浓度分布的分析,发现溜槽转折处较大的气流偏转会增加煤尘起尘量和导致局部煤尘积聚,吸尘罩的开口角度对吸尘效果也有较大影响。为了疏导气流并加强吸尘效果,提出了溜槽转折处和吸尘罩的结构优化设计方案。研究表明,改进后气流分布更加均匀,吸尘效果有所提高,从而为转载点密闭罩的优化设计提供了参考。  相似文献   
皮带转载点是皮带通廊内粉尘的主要贡献源。为研究转运溜槽处除尘器吸风口和封闭罩联用的除尘效果,辅助优化除尘系统设计,通过计算流体力学(CFD)技术,借助ANSYS Fluent软件的有限体积数值模拟方法,对由皮带转运溜槽排放造成的皮带通廊内粉尘浓度分布进行数值模拟分析;考察了除尘负压值和溜槽封闭罩长度对通廊内粉尘质量浓度分布的影响,并评估了皮带通廊对外部环境的排放贡献。模拟结果表明:皮带通廊内粉尘排放对外部大气环境存在影响,如未对皮带转运点进行有效治理,粉尘排放量较大;安装皮带封闭罩可增加除尘效率,但增加幅度存在上限,最大不超过除尘风量与诱导气流量的比值,封闭罩不会改变除尘器进风量;皮带通廊内粉尘质量浓度分布显著,且与除尘负压及配套皮带封闭罩长度相关。综合上述结果,转运溜槽除尘系统除尘风量应大于皮带运转时的诱导气流流量,且封闭罩应自吸风口适当延伸。该研究结果可为皮带转接溜槽既有除尘系统优化改造设计提供有效指导,以较低成本提升除尘效率。  相似文献   
松嫩平原玉米带农田表层土壤有机碳储量和固碳潜力研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
农田土壤有机碳储量和固碳潜力是陆地碳循环和全球气候变化研究中的一个重要问题。论文基于第二次土壤普查数据和实地取样数据,利用土壤类型法估算松嫩平原玉米带农田表层土壤有机碳储量,分析4个县市(德惠市、九台市、农安县、公主岭市)农田表层土壤碳库的饱和水平和固碳潜力,比较旱田与水田土壤固碳潜力的差异。结果表明,1980-2005年间,松嫩平原玉米带农田土壤有机碳储量增加了7.20 TgC。各县市农田土壤碳库的饱和水平以德惠市最大,为4.11 kgC·m-2,九台市次之,公主岭市最低,为3.14 kgC·m-2。假设在1980年土地利用方式、耕作措施、施肥水平和气候条件不变的情况下,估算得到松嫩平原玉米带农田土壤的固碳潜力为8.17 TgC。从单位面积固碳潜力看,九台市最高,为0.77 kgC·m-2,农安县次之,德惠市和公主岭市均低于松嫩平原玉米带。松嫩平原玉米带旱田和水田土壤碳库的饱和水平基本持平。  相似文献   
陈芳  史慧敏 《中国环境管理》2020,12(4):104-111,88
基于要素资源配置效应、技术创新效应和竞争效应,本文梳理了市场分割对长江经济带能源环境效率的影响机制,基于省际面板数据实证检验,发现:长江经济带能源环境效率随着市场分割程度存在显著倒"U"形关系;在规模报酬递减作用下,市场分割对长江经济带能源环境效率的影响从提升转变为抑制。未来破除长江经济带能源环境效率提升瓶颈的关键在于研发投入、对外开放水平以及市场融合。另外,分样本回归表明市场分割导致长江经济带中游地区能源环境效率存在"中部塌陷"的风险。由此,加强研发资金的精准投入、提升对外开放度和中游地区支撑力,以及增强长江经济带生态协同是长江经济带提升能源环境效率的重要突破口。  相似文献   
孙涛  马明  王永敏  安思危  王定勇 《环境科学》2018,39(4):1880-1887
以西南地区典型拦蓄筑坝形成的森林水库重庆四面山大洪海为研究对象,在湖边位置将从未被水淹没区域的土壤(未淹水区土壤)和沉积物进行原位置换实验,并对水库水体以及土壤总汞(THg)和总甲基汞(TMeHg)的变化进行了为期一年的监测研究.结果表明,四面山大洪海水库未受汞污染的影响,其水体THg[(1.89±0.72)ng·L-1]和TMeHg[(0.13±0.04)ng·L-1]的质量浓度均值远低于我国环境质量标准中Ⅰ类水质标准和国内外其他一些水库或湖泊,未淹水区土壤和沉积物中THg和TMeHg的含量也相应低于其他一些水库或湖泊;水体和土壤中THg和TMeHg的含量具有一定的季节性变化(暖季>冷季),其中TMeHg的季节性变化更明显,主要影响因素为气候和降雨量的变化;沉积物中THg和TMeHg的含量相对未淹水区土壤均有明显的升高,表明沉积物是水库汞储存的重要场所,同时也使沉积物成为水库汞(尤其是甲基汞)污染的潜在源;原位置换后的土柱THg和TMeHg含量在经过较短的时间即能与周围土壤达到平衡状态,特别是表层土壤,说明水库消落带能够加快汞的地球化学循环过程.  相似文献   
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