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热带增宽及其对中国东部亚热带森林植被的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球气候变暖已是不争的事实,现今气候变暖的趋势已由每百年(1901--2000)增加0.6℃的记录升高为0.74℃(1906—2005)。其中高纬度地区增温特别显著,成为世界关注的热点。与之对比,热带地区的气候变化以及热带森林对它的反应报道甚少。事实上,自1970s中期以来,热带温度是每lO年升高0.26oC;同时气候模型预测到本世纪末热带地区温度将上升2.1-4.5℃。这些预测是有根据的,但究竟不是直接的证据。因此,本文综合了许多专家对热带地球物理学和大气层特性的多年观测、分析和研究的成果,其结论认为:至少自1979年以来许多热带大气层固有的特征发生变化并向地球极地推进和位移,这些根据是:(1)热带高空的哈德利环流增强并向极地扩展;(21位于热带边缘的亚热带射流向极地移动;(3)热带亚热带对流层顶高度和位置的变化;(4)热带高空平流层臭氧柱总量浓度的变化。据上述特征的变化证明数十年来热带向极地增宽纬度2°~5°(~8°),一般确认为2.5°。由于热带增宽的驱动,广东50年的气温记录表明气候持续变暖,按增暖趋势推算,预估到2020年,现在的雷州半岛南部可能变成中热带;广东东南沿海将由目前的南亚热带变为北热带(占全省面积约1/3);其余大部分地区为南亚热带;中亚热带基本上将退出广东(仅剩下东北角一偶)。此预测意味着南岭地区将成为南亚热带的边缘地。  相似文献   
In recent model years, Ford vehicles have been equipped with a supplementary seat belt reminder system that flashes and chimes intermittently for up to 5 min if the driver is unbelted. Sound- and light-based belt reminder systems of various types are beginning to appear in the market place, and it is important to learn about their acceptance and ability to increase belt use. The present study was designed to ascertain consumer reaction and reported belt use regarding the Ford system. Personal interviews were conducted with 405 drivers of vehicles with the reminder system. Among the drivers, 67% said they had activated the belt reminder one or more times, 73% said that the last time this happened they fastened their belts, 46% said their belt use had increased since driving this vehicle, 78% said they liked the reminder system, and 79% said they wanted a reminder system like this in their next vehicle. Five percent had disabled the system. Part-time users were responsive to the reminder, for example, of those who said they currently used belts usually but not on some occasions, 70% said they fastened their seat belts the last time the reminder was activated and 76% said their belt use had increased. Five percent spontaneously mentioned the belt reminder as an especially disliked feature of their new vehicles, and 2% said their belt use had decreased since having it. The 7% of respondents who reported they used belts never or very occasionally were least responsive to the system. Overall, the Ford belt reminder system is being favorably received.  相似文献   
选取2.5 km×2.5 km网格布点法,在皖江经济带A、B、C三地分别采集土壤样品35个、34个、106个,利用ICP-AES分析测定Cd含量特征,运用单项污染指数法、地累积指数法和潜在生态风险指数法对三地土壤Cd污染状况进行生态风险评价。结果表明:(1)A、B、C三地土壤的Cd含量的算术平均值分别为0.40 mg?kg -1、0.66 mg?kg -1、0.84 mg?kg -1,均高于江淮流域Cd含量土壤背景值;(2)三地土壤pH在5.06~7.58之间,整体上处于酸性和弱碱性之间,pH小于7.0的样品167个,占比95.43%;(3)研究区三个地块土壤Cd污染特征存在明显的空间分异,低污染区在空间上呈带状分布,高污染区在空间上呈岛状分布,污染区分布面积C地>B地>A地。(4)三地土壤环境均受重金属Cd污染的影响,存在生态安全风险,风险大小为C地>B地>A地,风险程度均为潜在生态风险高于地累积生态风险高于单项污染生态风险。本区域土壤农业安全利用需要加以重视并进行分类管控。  相似文献   
Fresh water microplastic pollution is of pressing concern globally, but its distribution and sources in reservoirs are poorly documented. Danjiangkou Reservoir is the second largest reservoir in China and is divided into the Han Reservoir and Dan Reservoir. In this work, microplastic abundances and morphological characteristics of the reservoir were investigated. The microplastic abundance of 15 main tributaries of the reservoir was also measured. The vertical distribution (in water column and sediment), horizontal distribution (in Han Reservoir and Dan Reservoir) and source of microplastics were analyzed. Microplastics accumulated in the middle layer of the reservoir, and the size and color of the microplastic particles changed from the surface to the bottom, which implies that surveys of surface water are not enough to determine the microplastic contamination for deep water reservoirs. In the surface water, the microplastic abundance in the Han Reservoir was lower than that in the Dan Reservoir (p < 0.05), but microplastic abundance did not differ significantly in the intermediate and bottom water. Tributaries were one of the main sources of microplastics for Han Reservoir but not for Dan Reservoir. Agricultural cultivation in the hydro-fluctuation belt might be an important source of microplastics in the Dan Reservoir, which should be given additional attention. The results of this study can provide valuable information for developing microplastic sampling strategies in deep water reservoirs. Further studies are recommended to investigate the process through which microplastics in the hydro-fluctuation belt enter the reservoir and the sinking behavior of microplastics in the reservoir.  相似文献   
新疆阿尔泰地槽内成矿元素 ,自北东向南西分为四个带 ,每个带内分布有元素区和矿床 :①阿尔泰山北缘元素带 (阿克萨拉等区 ) ;②阿尔泰山中脊元素带 (冲呼等五个区和可可托海 3号脉稀有金属矿等矿床 ) ;③阿尔泰山南缘元素带 (阿舍勒等四个区和阿舍勒铜矿等矿床 ) ;④额尔齐斯元素带 (喀拉通克等区和喀拉通克铜镍矿等矿床 )。成矿元素区带是寻找新矿床的有利地段  相似文献   
Butter (45) and ghee (55) samples were collected from rural and urban areas of cotton growing belt of Haryana and analysed for detecting the residues of organochlorine, synthetic pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides. The estimation was carried out by using multi residue analytical technique employing GC-ECD and GC-NPD systems equipped with capillary columns. Butter samples were comparatively more contaminated (97%) than ghee (94%), showing more contamination with organochlorine insecticides from urban samples. About 11% samples of butter showed endosulfan residues above MRL value and 2% samples had residues of synthetic pyrethroids and organophosphates each above their respective MRL values. In ghee, residues of HCH & DDT both and of endosulfan exceeded the MRL values in 5 and 20% samples, respectively. Among organophosphates, only chlorpyriphos was detected with 9% samples showing its residue above MRL value. Irrespective of contamination levels, residues above the MRL values were more in ghee. More extensive study covering other agricultural regions/zones of Haryana has been suggested to know the overall scenario of contamination of milk products.  相似文献   
选取北黄海经济带作为研究对象,从区域空间角度,基于点—轴理论,重点分析了北黄海经济带的空间结构。结果表明,北黄海经济带的空间发展模式为点—轴渐进逐级开发模式,并具有规模经济效应、集聚与扩散效应、交通协同效应;北黄海经济带依托大连经济发展一级枢纽轴心,沿庄河、东港二级枢纽轴心的两条产业轴延伸,形成一条点—轴式空间发展枢纽轴带,即北黄海经济带。  相似文献   
介绍了安全整体性要求级别、安全联锁系统评定的内容、安全联锁系统评定的程序以及确定安全仪表联锁系统等级的方法,并介绍了安全保护层分析在安全联锁系统评定中的应用.  相似文献   
建筑幕墙外保温系统火灾事故发生频率高,火灾危险性大,其防火安全性能已成为社会关注的焦点。采用大尺度实体火试验方法,选取具有代表性的金属幕墙保温系统和保温装饰板外保温系统作为试验对象,对防火隔离带和防火封堵位于墙体不同位置的4种工况,开展了一系列窗口火试验。通过采集试验表观现象、火焰蔓延特性、温度分布特性、系统损坏特征等耐火性能试验数据,综合比较分析了不同工况下不同燃烧性能等级的建筑幕墙外保温系统的耐火性能。结果表明,建筑幕墙上下贯通的空腔结构加剧了火蔓延的烟囱效应,存在较大的安全隐患。防火封堵可以阻断空腔中的热对流,防火隔离带可以阻隔材料之间的热传导,二者均可以有效抑制火焰在垂直和水平方向上的蔓延,大幅提高建筑幕墙外保温系统的防火性能。在建筑外墙窗口上方、水平线1及水平线2下方20 mm处分别设置宽度为100 mm的防火封堵和宽度为300 mm的防火隔离带时,系统具有较好的防火性能,综合考虑实际工程的应用性和经济性,可将其设为防火构造设计的基准参数。  相似文献   
八道金矿为延吉中生代火山岩型金矿中较为典型的矿床之一。其矿床成因,除与火山作用有关之外直接受构造的控制,而火山作用本身又与区域深大断裂有关。本文着重讨论了矿区火山岩与朝阳河断裂的关系及构造控矿模式。  相似文献   
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