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在我国西南地区典型碳酸盐岩母质区域存在现行农用地土壤镉(Cd)污染风险管控标准值偏严的现象,表现为土壤中Cd含量超标而农产品中Cd无安全风险.针对该现实问题,在基于该地区稻米-土壤协同调查数据的基础上,充分考虑了土壤理化性质,通过分析样品中Cd的富集系数(BCF)并利用物种敏感性(SSD)分布模型,对Cd毒性剂量-效应关系进行拟合,最终反推出在不同pH下适用于典型碳酸盐岩类成土母质农用地土壤Cd污染的风险筛选值和管控值.结果表明:当土壤pH在5.5 < pH ≤ 6.5范围时,基于保护90%及10%的水稻品种安全所得的土壤Cd毒性阈值分别为HC10=0.34 mg/kg和HC90=2.00 mg/kg;在pH ≤ 5.5、6.5 < pH ≤ 7.5、pH > 7.5这3个pH条件下,HC10分别为0.22、0.68和0.80 mg/kg,HC90分别为1.64、4.80和9.20 mg/kg,当土壤中Cd含量低于HC10时,表明稻米安全风险较低;当土壤中Cd含量介于HC10~HC90之间时,表明稻米安全具有一定风险,应对稻田土壤采取安全利用措施;当土壤中Cd含量超过HC90时,表明稻米安全具有极高风险,应对稻田土壤采取严格管控措施.研究显示,我国西南地区典型碳酸盐岩母质区域农产品超标点位主要集中于5.5 < pH ≤ 6.5范围内,表明土壤pH对稻米Cd的富集效应有较大影响,在酸性条件下其富集效应更为显著.   相似文献   
An experimental investigation on the flow structures and the strength of shock waves generated by high-pressure gas release through a tube into air was conducted. The results demonstrated that a leading shock wave was generated in front of the compressed gas jet and the shock wave speed increased firstly, then decreased and finally kept constant with an increase of the propagation distance in the tube. The experimentally measured Mach numbers of shock waves were close to those calculated from the theory of ideal shock tube flow. After spouting out of the tube, the normal shock quickly developed into a hemispherical shape. The Mach disk was observed in the under-expanded jet. For high-pressure combustible gas release, the concept of theoretical critical pressure of ignition was introduced and several theoretical critical pressures of common gaseous fuels were obtained.  相似文献   
A methodology for estimating the blast wave overpressure decay in air produced by a gas explosion in a closed-ended tunnel is proposed based on numerical simulations. The influence of the tunnel wall roughness is taken into account in studying a methane/air mixture explosion and the subsequent propagation of the resulting shock wave in air. The pressure time-history is obtained at different axial locations in the tunnel outside the methane/air mixture. If the shock overpressure at two, or more locations, is known, the value at other locations can be determined according to a simple power law. The study demonstrates the accuracy of the proposed methodology to estimate the overpressure change with distance for shock waves in air produced by methane/air mixture explosions. The methodology is applied to experimental data in order to validate the approach.  相似文献   
In the recent years, global environmental change research has seen increased attention to the concept of vulnerability. There have been a growing number of vulnerability assessments, but relatively little discussion on appropriate and common methods. Here we propose a method to guide vulnerability assessments of coupled human–environment systems toward a common objective: informing the decision-making of specific stakeholders about options for adapting to the effects of global change. We suggest five criteria vulnerability assessments must at least possess to achieve this objective. They should have a knowledge base from various disciplines and stakeholder participation, be place based, consider multiple interacting stresses, examine differential adaptive capacity, and be prospective as well as historical. On the basis of these criteria, we present a general methodological guideline of eight steps. To examine whether these eight steps, if attentively coordinated, do in fact achieve the criteria, and in turn satisfy the objective of the assessment, we discuss two case studies. We expect most readers to identify some of the steps as part of their well-established disciplinary practices. However, they should also identify one or more steps as uncommon to their research traditions. Thus taken together the eight steps constitute a novel methodological framework. We hypothesize that if researchers employ this framework, then the products of the research will (1) achieve the objective of preparing stakeholders for the effects of global change on a site-specific basis, and (2) further the “public good” of additional insights through cross-study comparisons of research projects designed according to common principles.  相似文献   
Solid components and acid buffering capacity of soils in South China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SolidcomponentsandacidbuferingcapacityofsoilsinSouthChinaQiuRongliang,WuQing,ZhangYunniDepartmentofEnvironmentalScience,Zho...  相似文献   
基于观测模型的成都市臭氧污染敏感性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
2019年4—8月,在成都市城区开展了O3、NOx、VOCs及气象参数的连续在线观测,基于观测数据OBM模拟的方式,对O3超标日的敏感性及收支进行了分析.研究发现,成都市城区O3超标日对应的绝大部分前体物的浓度均有所上升,基于VOCs的组分变化分析推断工业源排放在超标日可能存在较大幅度的增加.相对增量反应活性(RIR)值结果表明,成都市城区O3超标日对人为源VOCs(AVOCs)敏感性最强,其次为天然源(BVOCs)和CO,而对NOx为负敏感性,控制AVOCs对站点超标日的O3浓度下降最为有利;逐月变化来看,O3对AVOCs和NOx的敏感性逐月差异较小,对BVOCs的敏感性在6—7月最强,对CO的敏感性在4—5月最强.观测点位处于典型的VOCs控制区,以O3浓度为等值线的EKMA曲线显示4—5月脊线比例约为13,6—7月及8月的脊线比例约为8.建议在开展O3防控时,VOCs的减排比例应远大于NOx,且春季的减排比例应大于夏季.典型O3污染日的日最大O3小时生成速率为10×10-9~18×10-9· h-1,上午存在O3输入,下午O3本地生成占主导,其余时段O3输出影响较强.  相似文献   
影响亚硝化过程和硝化过程因素的动力学模型分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用数学模型模拟了1L初始氨氮浓度60 mg·L-1且无其它氮源的污水完全混合批式硝化过程,并分别计算了溶解氧、温度、微生物群落对硝化过程的影响.模拟结果表明,DO浓度降低时各物质转化速度也降低,DO=0.5 mg·L-1和氨氧化细菌占优势时NO2--N的转化率可高于50%,因而低浓度溶解氧有利于NO2--N积累;不同温度的氨氧化细菌和亚硝酸氧化细菌代谢速度不同,温度升高对氨氧化细菌的促进作用更大,亚硝酸盐氮浓度最大值随温度升高而增大,温度高于30℃有利于NO2--N的积累;此外硝化动力学方程对底物最大比氧化速率的灵敏度要高于亲和常数的灵敏度,但二者均低于微生物构成对模拟结果的影响,溶解氧和温度对硝化过程的影响也均不如微生物构成显著,因此要确保亚硝化过程的实现,必须保持系统中氨氧化细菌占优势.  相似文献   
Karntanut W  Pascoe D 《Chemosphere》2002,47(10):1059-1064
An acute toxicity study of three metals to Hydra species carried out using two different assessment methods, (i) determination of the LC50 and (ii) measurement of progressive morphological changes, demonstrated that relative toxicity decreased from copper to cadmium with zinc the least toxic for all species. The latter method revealed more details of the effect on Hydra in terms of physical damage to the polyp but both methods indicated that H. viridissima was more sensitive to copper and cadmium than H. vulgaris1 (Zurich strain, male clone), H. vulgaris2 (a dioecious strain reproducing sexually and asexually) and H. oligactis (dioecious, reproducing sexually and asexually). The responses to zinc were similar for all Hydra. The possible role of metabolic interactions between H. viridissima and its symbiotic green algae in contributing to the greater sensitivity of this polyp is discussed.  相似文献   
利用发光细菌急性毒性试验、藻类生长抑制试验、斑马鱼幼鱼致死试验和SOS/umu试验对以A2O-MBR为主要处理工艺的污水处理及回用中生态毒性的变化进行研究,同时利用建立的水质安全性评价体系对再生水回用中的生物安全性进行评价,保障再生水回用的安全性。结果表明,A2O二级生物处理可有效削减荧光抑制毒性、藻细胞生长抑制毒性和斑马鱼幼鱼急性毒性,削减了94%以上,不过遗传毒性只削减了50.92%;由于消毒过程的引入,MBR处理出水的4种生态毒性呈现不同程度的升高,尤其是对遗传毒性和斑马鱼幼鱼毒性;当再生水回用于人工湖之后,4种生态毒性都明显降低,尤其是遗传毒性,削减了89.21%;水质安全性评价结果显示,经A2O生物处理后污水水质等级由C级升高至A级,产生的再生水回用于景观用水之后水质等级由B级升高到A级。研究表明,A2O二级生物处理和人工湖近自然系统能有效降低污水及再生水的生物毒性,而消毒副产物会使MBR-消毒出水毒性增大,并且开放式的生态系统可进一步去除在污水处理过程中未被去除的毒性物质,尤其是遗传毒性物质,从而改善水质。  相似文献   
介绍了中石化系统VOCs排放核算公式和美国环保署推荐公式,并对2种方法的优缺点进行了对比分析.结合油罐排放核算实例,分析了导致中美两种方法计算结果不同的原因,最终确定了VOCs年排放量核算结果为43.43t.利用了回归分析的方法,对中美核算公式的主要参数进行了敏感性研究,各参数拟合方程的R2均接近于1,将t统计量P值显著性水平设置为0.05,结果表明,在计算浮顶罐VOCs排放时,中石化公式的敏感参数包括:粘附系数、风速、二次密封系数、密封系数和风速指数;EPA公式的敏感参数为内壁粘附系数、风速、静风边缘密封排放系数、有风情况下边缘密封排放系数和浮顶板密封长度系数,风速指数为非敏感参数.  相似文献   
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