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Seat belt use habit has been investigated according to the education level of drivers. Copies of a questionnaire were distributed to 1000 participants of four different education levels. Factors such as seat belt usage habit, restricting factors and crash data have been investigated. Data have been analyzed with SPSS 15.0 software. Increased level of education leads to increased seat belt usage, lower numbers of crashes and crash severities. The factors restricting seat belt use are lack of habit, discomfort and short distance driving. The use of precaution signal and increases in comfort can increase seat belt usage. The primary and high school education on traffic safety and seat belt usage has been serving the purpose.  相似文献   
沪杭高速公路嘉善段道路声屏障的设计及降噪效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在详细调查沪杭高速公路喜善张家浜中桥路段(试验路段)未建道路声屏障噪声情况的基础上,介绍了试验路段工程概况及道路声屏障的设计,并分析了声屏障的现场降噪效果,试验路段声屏障的声学指标达到预期目标,具有良好的环境效益。  相似文献   
Traffic congestion and ozone precursor emissions in Bilbao (Spain)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GOAL. SCOPE. BACKGROUND: In urban environments, the measured levels of ozone are the result of the interaction between emissions of precursors (mainly VOCs and NOx) and meteorological effects. In this work, time series of daily values of ozone, measured at three locations in Bilbao (Spain), have been built. Then, after removing meteorological effects from them, ozone and traffic data have been analyzed jointly. The goal was to identify traffic situations and link them to ozone levels in the area of Bilbao. METHODS: To remove meteorological effects from the selected ozone time series, the technique developed by Rao and Zurbenko was used. This is a widely used technique and, after its application, the fraction obtained from a given ozone time series represents an ozone forming capability attributable to emissions of precursors. This fraction is devoid of any meteorological influence and includes only the apportion of periodicities above 1.7 years. In the case of Bilbao, the ozone fractions obtained at three locations have been compared on that time scale with traffic data from the area. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: For the 1993-1996 period, a regression analysis of the ozone and traffic fractions due to periodicities above 1.7 years (long-term fractions), shows that traffic is the main explanatory factor for ozone with R2 ranging from 0.916 to 0.996 at the three locations studied. Analysis of these longterm fractions has made it possible to identify two traffic regimes for the whole area, associated to different profiles of ozone forming capability. The first one favors low ozone forming capability, and is associated with a situation of fluent traffic. The second one shows high ozone forming capability and represents congestion. Joint analysis of raw data of ozone and traffic do not show any clear pattern due to the strong masking effects that seasonal-meteorological effects (mainly radiation) have on the measured ozone signal. If only immission data of ozone are available, as in this case, a comparison between ozone and traffic can only be made on the long-term time scale, since that is the only fraction embedded in the ozone time series that can exclusively be attributed to emissions of precursors. This fact stresses the need to study the different fractions embedded in the time series of ozone measured levels separately. CONCLUSION: Though the coefficients obtained in the regression are only valid for the 1993-1996 period, these traffic regimes represent long-term targets (congestion or fluent traffic) that can inspire policies for a joint management of the traffic and pollution by ozone in the area of Bilbao beyond that period. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: The results of this work show the need of a joint management of ozone and traffic in Bilbao. Since an accurate knowledge of traffic was not available, the use of emission factors to relate traffic and actual ozone levels has not been possible. For this reason, this study has focused on the long-term fractions of traffic and ozone. In the future, if a more accurate knowledge of traffic is available, it will be possible to find relationships between traffic and ozone on all time scales.  相似文献   
为了研究我国煤矿重特大事故的一般规律,分析了2002-2014年我国煤矿发生的421起重特大事故,得到我国煤矿重特大事故的基本特征.利用统计分析法从地域、类型、所有制3个维度综合分析了421起煤矿重特大事故.结果表明:山西、贵州、河南、黑龙江和湖南5个省份的重特大事故起数和死亡人数分别占全国总数的56.1%和56.8%,是我国需重点监管和治理的省份,并对山西、河南和黑龙江3省重特大事故频发的原因进行了分析;瓦斯事故和水害事故的发生起数及死亡人数占比分别为83.3%和86.3%,是需要重点防治的事故类型;国有重点煤矿重特大事故平均每起死亡人数为29.87,且近两年重特大事故起数和死亡人数均大幅度上升,是需要重点防范的对象;乡镇煤矿重特大事故起数及死亡人数下降速度均较快,但事故起数和死亡人数仍较多,是国家重点监控、治理的对象.  相似文献   
从经济全球化引发的雇用形态的变化入手,分析日本工伤事故瞒报问题的原因;针对已有的事故瞒报手法及危害,介绍对其防范、发现和处治的主要措施;通过对比分析中日两国事故瞒报防范工作的特点,提出更有利于事故控制预防、更有效地解决我国工伤事故瞒报问题的重要思路,即:在加大对事故瞒报单位的惩治力度、提高其违法成本的同时,还应建立针对依法报告事故单位的不惩罚机制或制定降低依法报告事故后的被处罚成本方面的规定;在行政责任追究和领导绩效考核时,不仅仅以事故后果或事故多少而是以其在强化安全管理方面"作为"与否为更重要的根据来进行。  相似文献   
基于粗糙集理论的路段交通事故多发点成因分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
交通事故多为多种原因综合造成且具有不确定性。判别各因素对于引发交通事故的影响程度存在困难,因此,需要引入不确定性分析方法。基于粗糙集理论具有处理不精确、不确定与不完全数据的优势,是一种先进的并处于不断发展的不确定性分析和推理方法。笔者提出路段上交通事故成因分析的模型和方法。具体做法是,根据该路段事故多发点的统计数据建立基于粗糙集理论的决策表,再利用粗糙集模型的简约算法求出各个因素的重要性,从而判断各因素对交通事故的影响程度大小,为决策提供依据。以算例说明模型和方法的可用性。  相似文献   
我国煤矿安全生产事故的致灾因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤矿安全不仅关系到广大煤矿工人的生命财产安全、煤炭的安全开采,还关系到煤炭企业的和谐稳定.煤矿安全工作是党和政府管理社会、为人民服务的基本任务,是全面落实科学发展观、建设和谐社会的重要组成部分.首先对我国煤矿安全形势进行了分析,随后介绍了事故致因理论的发展,结合我国煤矿事故的特点运用现代事故致因理论对一起煤矿事故进行了分析,最后得出提高煤矿安全监管的措施.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Most seat belt use laws originally passed in the United States contained language restricting enforcement to drivers already stopped for some other reason. States that have since removed this secondary enforcement restriction have reported increased seat belt use. The purpose of the present study was to estimate the effect of these law changes on driver fatality rates. METHOD: Trends in passenger vehicle driver death rates per billion miles traveled were compared for 10 states that changed from secondary to primary seat belt enforcement and 14 states that remained with secondary enforcement. RESULTS: After accounting for possible economic effects and other general time trends, the change from secondary to primary enforcement was found to reduce annual passenger vehicle driver death rates by an estimated 7% (95% confidence limits 3.0-10.9). CONCLUSION: The majority of U.S. states still have secondary enforcement laws. If these remaining secondary laws were amended, an estimated 696 deaths per year could be prevented.  相似文献   
高处坠落是建筑工程事故统计中发生频率最高的一类事故,会造成极大的人员伤害和经济损失。通过分析123例典型高处坠落事故调查报告,采用关键词检索抽取出19种导致该类事故发生的致因要素;针对一般事故和较大事故分别对致因要素发生频率进行了统计,得出一般事故中人的因素更关键,较大事故中物的因素更关键。采用ISM模型进一步分析致因要素间的作用关系,构建了7个层级的高处坠落致因要素解释结构模型;对不同层级要素进行分析,发现其与频率度量有良好的一致性,最后得出行政监管和违法承发包两个致因要素是事故发生的深层原因。  相似文献   
Reliable measurements of pollutant levels in the vicinity of a toll plaza appear to be rare. In order to assess the exposure of toll booth operators to carbon monoxide, a continuous carbon monoxide monitor was installed at head height in the booth of a medium density traffic lane at the Mariannhill toll plaza, situated on a busy highway near Durban, South Africa. Measurements in excess of 500 ppmv were recorded and the high daily mean carbon monoxide concentrations may account for some of the symptoms such as headaches and general malaise that have been reported by workers in the booths. Generally, carbon monoxide levels recorded far exceed the recommended limit set by the South African authorities. These results have led to recommendations regarding the structure of new and existing toll booths to minimize the exposure of toll booth workers to adverse effects of vehicle-emitted pollutants.  相似文献   
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